
Showing posts from August, 2018

Emails - #1

As mentioned, I am going to start posting some of the emails I received from John in 2010-2011. I will only post what I think are the most relevant ones. This one below is an email from November 2010, shortly after we started talking. I believe these were my questions to him: 1. What did you feel the first time you were on a "flight"? 2. How do you find your destination? 3. Don't recall this question unfortunately. 4. I asked him about the car and what it does when it "travels" 5. I think here I asked him "why a car?" I do not have the original email so I am going by memory. Will post more as I locate them.

The machine? Please see drawings

I have been wanting to post these drawings for some time but couldn't find them easily. These drawings were sent to me by the John I knew (yes, not John Titor so we are clear) and they are supposed to be the 4 modular unit which the "machine" is made of. The quality is not the best but it'll do it. I have no idea what those words are and no idea of those  parts he mentions are even real or make sense but this is what I was given at that time. Maybe some people out there can figure it out......if you do, please get in touch.