
I want to break the silence to post this. At first I wasn´t really ready to talk about it, but I think it´s time now. I cannot keep silent anymore about what happened because this is the closest we will ever get to finding out what the US government is doing “behind the curtains” (and how this is affecting other people out there). I want to start this by saying that I have nothing against anyone (except John Rodriguez and, partly, the US government) and the only person who should be arrested here is John Rodriguez. The whole point of posting this is to shed a light on what I go through on a daily basis in my own life and to, hopefully, make you see what I see. I have never asked to be believed, but this time I want you to at least try. This is all I am asking. I know I am hated out there but forget this is me and just read what I have to say.

I don´t know if you know – some of you do know – but a Canadian film director is making a documentary about John Titor and I accepted to be interviewed. His name is Jay Cheel. I was involved in this whole documentary thing when the events I am about to present happened. He doesn´t believe me. Well, I think he doesn´t believe me. I have really no certainty about this, but this is what it looks like. I cannot tell you more about the documentary because it is not my own film. This is for him to decide. You know, what he wants to say before and if it comes out, etc. I just want to say that I did the interview, and these events are well known to Jay Cheel.

I was hacked. My old phone was hacked into it. As I write this, I am kind of shaking because it has been a terrible experience for me, that I don´t wish on anyone, even the people I hate. I was hacked by the Belarusian KGB. I know, what the fuck. I´m with you on this one, but this is how it is. It has been very difficult because it was like being stripped naked and put on a square for everyone to watch. I am still struggling about this and I am terrified of everything. I am honestly scared. Something like this is life changing and I still don´t know what I have done or what they wanted to find. I have no idea. All I can tell you is that I feel scared and alone. I feel really alone, like I have been abandoned to my own destiny, whatever that may be. My life has become a living hell and I have just been going further and further down this spiral with no end in sight.

Now, I will not write everything here. Instead, I wrote this report:


The very first person who got this is Jay – before “they” even got it. This version, though, is slightly different than the one I sent to Jay. Also, the one sent to Jay does not have John Rodriguez´s real name. This one did. The version here is the redacted version but, apart from removing names, everything is there. There is even more than what´s in the version originally sent to Jay (he is not allowed to share it). It is long, but it has a few images. I want you to read it all. Some of this is part of what I wrote here (https://stellacorona.blogspot.com/2024/03/being-spied-on-part-2.html), just with a lot more details. Everything else is new. You can read a summary of the conversations between me and the Belarusian spy Mikhail, and how I was asked to delete all messages related to “time travel”. I wrote this report for a very specific reason, which I don´t wanna say here for my own safety.

You must read that report if you want to understand the rest of this post. I simply cannot write it again, it´s just too hard. I don´t even know what they are gonna do, if they are gonna hack this site to remove the report. In this case, I will just copy and paste it here.

I really don´t know what I have done to them to be put through this. I have never criticised either Russia or Belarus. I have always said, always, that they can do whatever they want there. It is not up for me to decide. If the Presidents want to stay there for another 50 years, then so let them. No passport, no business. I am not an American; I don´t poke my nose into their business. Now, I do criticise the US because I have a very difficult relationship with them. My relationship with the United States is no one´s business. It´s between me and them. They know why I have been feeling this way and I know that they know. Do they understand me? I don´t know, but they do know why I feel the way I feel. So the question after this hacking attack is WHY? Let´s see:

  •   I have a very normal job. Regular 9-5 employee, nothing at all fancy
  •   I don´t have any security clearance
  •  Not married to someone with a security clearance. Hell, not at all married.
  •  I am not involved in politics whatsoever (I am not a politician of any kind and am not involved in any other politics stuff)

-         I am not a member of civil society (meaning, I am not a human rights lawyers, definitely not an activist or opponent to these government, not a journalist and so on)

I am nothing but a regular person. Right? I just live my life like regular people. The ONLY strange thing that I have in my life is this story. That´s it. I was hacked because (as I explained in the report) of my link to this story. To be more specific: because of a leak of TS/SCI information from the US government that likely links me to this “time travel” stuff. This is the only explanation I can make sense of, otherwise why would they hack me? Why me? Just think about this. These spyware are very expensive licenses and the skills they require are very high. It is quite an effort to do this, so why would they waste it on regular people? It would be pointless. Usually these software are used against people of “high interest”. This is stuff that´s written online. Go on and find it. I am not fucking lying. Search Pegasus (software) and you will see. This whole Pegasus thing blew out in 2021, there was a huge backlash on this back then. Even if it is not the Pegasus, it is something similar. There are different military-grade spyware used by government. Even so called “Democratic Governments” use them. Spain has it. They hacked the Catalans with Pegasus.

I stand by what happened. No, I have not clicked on any fucking link and this was a fake number it could not have been synced from anywhere. I am highly trained to recognise social engineering and phishing. I literally just found this weird fake number in my phone, without doing fuck all. It just appeared on my phone out of the blue. I hate apps, I have liked 20 apps on my phone or so. All from the App Store. I do not download apps from third-party websites, for this exact reason. So don´t you dare thinking I am the idiot of the day, like those old cunts getting conned by the Nigerians. I am not them. I know what the fuck I´m doing.

Now, if you know anything, even a little bit about cybersecurity, you will know what I mean. The people who really are in the field, will know immediately. Others…well, search online. I have done a great deal of reading on this. You can do too. It is that simple. If you are not at all interested in knowing any of this, then move on. Back to Netflix.

Why do I think this was a government? Because of the type of attack (again, YOU can read this online). To put into context: they entered my iPhone remotely from another country and added an invisible, encrypted payload masked as a contact (of a fake number) and I didn´t notice anything (except the phone being incredibly slow and freezing every now and then) for over a month. You know how hard this stuff is to pull off? They are called “zero-click attacks”. Look them up. They are hacking attacks that require no input from the victims. Even a password will not protect your phone against these people. They are able to enter through “back doors”, which are usually vulnerabilities within apps (like WhatsApp or iMessage for Pegasus, for example) or programs that can be exploited to do this kind of stuff. This is called “Zero-Day” – hence, the name of the report. Zero Day is when a vulnerability is exploited but not yet known (and patched). It is basically the equivalent of “Patient Zero” in medicine, when a new disease is found. The vulnerability in question, the one that got me hacked, was likely within the messaging app Telegram. Again, this is all in the report. These are HIGH LEVEL attacks – CIA stuff, basically. Only government hackers can pull this off because of the number of skills and amount of resources they require. These people are NOT your regular Nigerian hackers, no. These are highly skilled people that can enter any phone. Even the FBI wasn´t able to enter that terrorist´s phone in San Bernardino. You probably remember. I stand by all of this because I know what this was. Whether Jay Cheel wants to believe me or not. I know a thing or two about this stuff. And, again, no one has so far come out with another explanation as to why I was hacked. NO ONE. Because there is NONE. There is no other fucking explanation, this is why I am telling you all of this. I have nothing else is my life!! Nothing but this!! Please do read this report.

Cherry on top of the cake, they sent me a spy from Amnesty International to cover this up (NGOs have infiltrated spies, you can read this online). If you have already read the report, you saw it. He ignored all of my questions and kept saying “I had nothing to worry about”. My ass. I was hacked and put under state surveillance over this fucking story. I was likely hit with spyware before, probably many times, hence how they knew about my tour in Azerbaijan. I was also hit after this episode. I am frankly devastated and terrified. This guy from Amnesty was sent to me by them (usually Amnesty do not even respond if you are not civil society. They don´t help the general public. Just FYI) because the tool I used, which revealed the malicious payload on my phone, was their tool. You know, I wouldn´t even be surprised if this tool is compromised. Knowing these NGOs have spies, it is very likely this tool has been tempered with, so people are not able to correctly analyse their phones.  All other NGOs refused to help or even respond because I am not civil society. They intercepted my ticket with Amnesty with another spyware on my phone. I had, the day before, in fact received a weird email. With something like Pegasus, even receiving an email (without opening it) is enough to trigger the infection. You don´t need to open it and read it. NO I DIDN´T CLICK ON ANYTHING!!! It was an email from someone asking me if I had a free room to rent in Sweden, a place I had not lived in since 2022. Very, very strange and random email. By then they knew all of my apps. This was Gmail this time. Would not be surprised if this app had a vulnerability of some sort. This is now they hit me again. You know what? An iPhone, a single iPhone, now goes for OVER 1,000 DOLLARS. ONE iPHONE. Imagine how many the Apple dickheads sell every year and YET, Apple do fucking nothing to stop this shit. With the money they have, they can definitely afford an entire department with people looking for vulnerabilities all day, like the NSO group has. Or pay external people more money than the NSO for these vulnerabilities. But, no the Cali-Mali MURICAN liberals, Biden’s best buddies, are more worried about letting us know that their executives are HE/SHE/HIM/HER/THEY/ME/US/YOU. BECAUSE A DICK doesn´t make you a man. NO. My vagina is just figurative (oh, well…). Western Society at its finest here. This is what they are worried about. Pronouns. I swear as soon as I become rich, I WILL FUCKING SUE THEM. I will sue them for 250 MILLION DOLLARS. Because, unlike those activists, I am not a member of civil society, I am a FUCKING regular citizen going about my day, bothering no one. Those fucking liberals in CALIFORNIA will remember me for the rest of their lives. MARK MY FUCKING WORDS. Because of Apple I was followed (in Kuwait) and I was targeted by other spies here. Oh motherfucking American liberals will feel the full extent of my wrath. 

And…speaking of this attack, I intimated Larry Haber to have his phone checked too. He was the lawyer who was in direct contact with these people, wouldn´t be surprised if he was targeted as well at some point. Maybe we can launch this lawsuit together.

Sorry I am just angry and devastated. The Amnesty guy was clearly a spy because I confirmed my attack with someone who, I figured, works for the CIA. He works in cybersecurity for the US government. I met him online (never met the dude in person) because he has a travel account on Instagram and loves to travel, like me. He told me two years ago that he is cybersecurity, was in the military before this and works with the government. Didn´t say much more, just that when he goes into work, he has to remove his watch and leave both his phone and watch into a locker. His office has no windows. Since he lives in Virginia, I assumed he is CIA. Could be FBI as well, either one – but likely CIA. I told him everything, even about “time travel”. He confirmed this is likely something like Pegasus. Every time he told me he would speak with his mentor, I would never hear back. Twice this has happened. It is very clear that the CIA doesn´t want to tell me anything more. Even though this is my life. I was the one who got hacked.  They knew about my savings. They have all the stuff I had in my phone and I still don´t know why. I don´t understand it. I mean, I know why (this story), but I can´t deal with it. Because I did nothing to Belarus or Russia, or whatever. I don´t like the way the US government is treating this, since I am in this position because of the US. This is a story created by them with the scope of seeing how people would react to the existence of this program. If you need so much secrecy, to the point that I am NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO KNOW WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE, then why the fuck did you post online? Why the need for this little fucked up social experiment? Why the need to make this song “Trism”, with my fucking name in it? WHY then? So that I can be killed by the secret services of another country, and you don´t have to it yourselves? If there is the need for such secrecy, then don´t fucking do online social experiments. Simple. I would be curious to see what would happen if I told my country (Italy. Not the UK, I am only British on the paper, not real British) all of this and that the US government is putting my life in danger. I SO want to see this diplomatic row unfold.

Screenshots with his username deleted, obviously:

Just a side note here: I warned Jay Cheel that there were likely CIA people at the interview, masked as crew. I wasn´t wrong because there were people there completely new, never worked with him before. So, could very well be. This is something created by them, affects them directly, the interview was with someone who was hacked by another government (and they knew already), do you think they were going to wait for when (and IF) the documentary comes out to know what I said? This is why I was asking people specific questions and being smooth and smart. I guarantee you, they were there. This is why I also said certain things during the interview. He (Jay) thinks I am saying all of this because I am either crazy, schizophrenic, or just having a bad day, month and year. No. I am saying all of this because I fucking know. I stand by everything that I say.

Other things happened, unfortunately. This is why I am telling you this story ain´t no fucking joke and I would like you to start treating it seriously. About three days after my exchange with Amnesty I got targeted by a spy, in real life. I used to go to this secluded park quite a lot, it was my spot. Suddenly, after more than a month going there, this man showed up. He was dressing with a blue suit, very elegant and very attractive considering the age (very late forties). He looked Slavic, very Russian to be honest. Never saw him before. He just sat on the bench in front of me and stared at me on and off. I immediately knew. People don´t understand that sometimes it´s all about the “gut feeling”. Everything is not always rational. I got up and stared at him before I left, I made prolonged eye contact to show him I knew what was going on. I figured, if he was targeting me, he would be there the next day. When I went back, at a different time the next day, he was there waiting for me. I faced him because I had to, but I was terrified originally. When he offered me a beer, I watched him to make sure he wasn´t going to poison me with the Novichok or something. I will skip the details because I just can´t get into it, it´s too much, but, when I spoke to him he said something. I spoke to him about “time travel”, just very basic stuff, and he said “it is more dangerous than the atomic bomb”. Now, I MADE THAT CLAIM myself. I had never heard anyone comparing time travel to the atomic bomb before. NEVER. All the stuff you find online about TT (time travel) is the same shit over and over: cheap 1980´s sci-fi, grandfather paradox, theory of relativity, this shit. No one had ever said TT is a weapon. Not that I know of. More specifically, the atomic bomb. This is something very specific that is related to the technology specifically described by John Titor – the use of black holes to manipulate gravity. Black holes ARE, in fact, more dangerous than the atomic bomb. Black holes, like the atomic bomb, can be used as deterrence as well. No wonder this is happening, right? If you were Russia and had the biggest atomic arsenal in the world, and you found out, through a DRUGGIE DI MERDA called John Rodriguez, that the US has this technology and the ability to manipulate black holes, what would you do? Also knowing that there are people involved just roaming around freely with no protection?  You tell me. And by the fucking way, I say what I want in my blog!!!!!!!!!! It is my blog and I call people however the fuck I want to call them!!! FREEDOM OF SPEECH. TAKE THAT!!!!!!!!

And to be clear: I am the one who first made this comparison. Not Pammy Mammy and not TR. ME. STELLA. So the Muricans won´t just go on the usual whim and steal my own shit. You wanna treat me like an “alien” in your country, then come up with your own fucking shit. Your government has caused me enough grief, frankly.  

 Anyway, there are only three places where I made this comparison: 1) on this blog, in the post about Ronald Mallett (you can search it), but I just gave the concept there 2) my report, the one above never released before and 3) during the interview with Jay Cheel, which was done behind closed door. How did this man know this? Why did he say this specifically? A bit too random, isn´t it? Why did he say that of all things he could have said about TT? Well…he is a fucking spy.

Anyway, this man claimed to be Polish and maybe he is (he speaks fluent Russian), but I figured he is not an officer, but a KGB/FSB/SVR, whatever, agent recruited by someone here. I wouldn´t be surprised if the Russians had my report already because they can probably still access my phone. No one gives a shit about me. No one. I am not an American life, hance I cannot be protected, and the US government just wants me to die like this. A horrible and violent death. By the way, the day this happened I had a video call with Jay Cheel. I told him everything. I was in tears with him. Nah, he didn´t believe me. It´s just too hard for some people. Poverino lui. And, I will leave this here: the Russian government can do better than a bigot, god-obsessed asshole - frankly. A fanatic who didn´t want to respect my personal beliefs. I sent the Russian government an email to say this. I am a Pantheist, and I will be one until the day I die. This asshole thought that, just because I don´t have his “sky buddy” in my life, I am miserable. I am indeed miserable but not because of that and his “god” and “jesus”. I am miserable because of this shit. Who wouldn´t be? There are other things that were said by this man and other things that happened, but I will leave at this. I almost had him once, by the way. An “almost Bingo”, as I call it.

Another thing happened afterwards. One afternoon I was sitting on this spot, again a spot (different location) I go to at lunchbreak every day. I was sitting there on this wall when this lady comes and sist, very – VERY – close to me. Too close. Considering it´s a long, otherwise empty wall. She looked at me and I looked at her. I noticed that she looked like you know the Belarusian protests in 2020? There was a woman, she is the leader of the opposition who is now in exile, I forget her name, kind of famous, but this one looked like her. Very similar. So, Slavic. Again. She kept looking at me, she kind of smiled and I saw she was about to speak to me so I fucking freaked out and left. Again, gut feeling.

This stuff happened because they knew my locations and where I was going every day – through another spyware on my phone.

I am sorry, I don´t even know what I wrote. I just poured my heart out because this has been killing me. Not many people know. No. My relatives know nothing about this story and any of this. How can I possibly tell people any of this? How? I deactivated this blog for a month after everything that happened, which you now know, because I was freaked out. But this is my space, this is where I can be real and I can tell people what I really think. I could never tell real people in my life any of this. Well some people know, but very, very few.

In fact, one NGO told me to go to the police since they couldn´t help. Yean and then what? Assuming I could get a Spanish cop to understand this attack, he or she would then ask next: why? And how could I possibly tell a cop that I was hacked by a government because of a link I apparently have to a top-secret US government “time travel” program? How? Please do tell me.

I am really scared. What if the Russians will kill me? I don´t know. Sometimes I just think about ending it myself because I don´t wanna die a violent death in the hands of people I don´t know. Sometimes I just wanna slice my own throat. I tried, well I pointed the knife at me, but I couldn´t. Yeah send all those help clicks on Reddit, I don´t give a fuck. I don´t wanna be killed by others, but the US government is putting me in danger. And what if I don´t get killed, but instead I get thrown into a Russian gulag? You may laugh, but in light of what happened, I am at a very high risk of getting arrested. Just because I am not a US citizen, it doesn´t mean they cannot use me for a prisoner exchange. They know the US would put pressure on Italy or UK (the UK has a lot of dissent Russian spies, by the way. Some working for the MI6 and MI5) “behind the curtains”. You know, away from the press because otherwise everybody would wonder why the US is involved, right? I cancelled trips because of this. I went as far as that. Just to tell you how seriously I take this. This is my own safety.

I know that you all think I´m crazy, I know. You don´t think I lie, no, you just think this is all in my head. Then how do you explain all of this? I am sorry but you don´t live my life, you don´t walk in my shoes. You only know what I put here so you have no rights to judge my mental health or my mental abilities. I have no idea why, for some people, it is so critical to prove that this story is fake. That TT doesn´t exist. Why? Are you scared? Is that it? Are you scared of getting sucked into a black hole, so thinking this is all fake makes you sleep better at night? Cuz let me tell ya, I don´t sleep well at night knowing that I may wake up tomorrow and be killed. I know you may say: “you talk so much shit about Murica, why do you want our help now?” Simply because it is YOUR government who´s done this. I don´t wanna get killed or thrown into a Russian gulag because of this fucking story. Do you actually get this? I have done nothing. Nothing at all. Plus, like I said, what I have going on with the US government is none of your fucking business, simple as. AND I have all rights to feel how I feel, considering they are putting me in great danger here. I don´t wanna bloody end up like those people they just freed. No fucking way. Not over this bullshit.

I am sure you have heard about the Havana Syndrome case, right? In this specific case, the US government is gaslighting their own people. Their own people!! These are all government officials. I posted John William´s family address and they said nothing. Again, one of their own. It seems that they don´t give a fuck about anybody, do they? If they treat their own government officials like that, it is reasonable to assume they cannot wait for the Russians to kill me. I just wanna get rid of everything, smash that fucking phone against the wall and just leave. Leave. Just leave. You have no idea how scary this is. How scary it is to think that I was hacked by a government. That very high people have this great interest in me. Me!!!! I mean look at me. I am honestly scared because I don´t know what´s gonna happen next. And I have literally zero protection and I don´t wanna die like this. This is just fucking bullshit.

I live like one of their “activists” now: think that my phone could, at any minute, have some sort of spyware. That I am being watched. That´s it. Now I just live with it. I gave up because there is nothing I can do. I will just get used to it. But after I sue those motherfucking liberals in Silicon Valley, I will at least be FILTHY RICH. Then I will be drawing penises and pronouns all over their headquarter to pass my time, since I won´t have to work anymore. Fucking dicks. At least my doodles will always remind them of how they “identify”, right?

What the Americans are failing to understand is that this story is now completely out of control. People think this is just an online legend about a man retrieving a computer and visiting his family in the past, interacting with a lady from Ohio (a lady with a sky buddy), falling in love (she did. He didn´t) and bla bla bla bla. Bla. Yeah. What most of you are clearly, SO CLEARLY, failing to see here is that we have now moved from an “online legend” to espionage. The story itself, the narrative, was made up (social experiment), yes, but both the people and the technology are pretty fucking real. What? You don´t believe me, still? Fine. So what are we gonna do then? Look, I am perfectly aware that what I am claiming here is fucked up. I know. You may think I´m schizophrenic, but I assure you I am not. I know very well that this is hard to believe but then what? Are we gonna ignore all the evidence just because it is hard to believe it? This is your opinion, though. Not the evidence. I am sorry but there are way too many things that have happened over the years that I cannot simply discard or think they are just “coincidences”. Like I said above, you don´t know what I live through on a daily basis. If you think this whole thing doesn´t exist, then try walking in my shoes. Just once. See what that feels like. It goes without saying that, despite of how I feel about the US government, if I really am involved in this, then it’s my duty to protect this technology.

 I will tell you one thing though: my death or arrest would look very bad on the US government and a lot of people would be wondering what the hell is going on. This is why I am writing this post.

Anyway, not much else to say. If you have a comment about the hacking attack specifically, please feel free to email me directly. I don´t read Reddit. If possible, please, do not send another spyware, thanks. Also, I don´t wanna hear about jesus and the “greatest sin” and how you are a “time traveller” sent by San Giuseppe and La Madonna. I do not give a flying fuck about religion. Get that once and for all. Religion is nothing but the source of all grief in this world.

I am only and genuinely interested in speaking about the attack (only) with people who know this stuff, and nothing else. If you are another spy and want to email me to tell me this ain´t no hacking attack, save it because I will not even bother answering. I know what this fucking thing is. 


-       -  Stella C.

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