Being spied on - Part 2


Part 1 is the video on my YouTube Channel. You have a pair of hands and a pair of eyes. You can look it up if you are dying for some *context*.

Well, Part 2…what I am about to tell you is part 2. Part 1 was about the American “time travellers” spying on me and this is now about the Russians. No, sorry, Belarusians to be exact. This is going to be long probably, since I am going to tell you the whole story from the beginning, two years ago. This is still fresh in my mind as the ending was today so I am bit upset and confused and I have all sorts of feelings I cannot even begin to describe. But I will do my best. Please do know that part of what happened is also my fault.

So, what exactly happened and how did I get here?

You know, I think, that I travel quite a bit. I love it. In April 2022, two months after the beginning of the war, I went to Azerbaijan. It was about 2 weeks before my return to the UK (I was in Sweden then). Before going I booked this tour through this site called “Viator” and it was some random tour in the middle of the mountains, way outside of Baku, the capital city. As I sat down on the bus I noticed a couple of young men, a blonde one (Mikhail) and his friend who is not blonde. They looked really young and they were both wearing face masks. I thought to myself “Losers”. That´s what I thought. The tour was in English but the website did say the guide also spoke Russian. The guide got close to them and started talking in what I immediately knew was Russian. The rest of the people were from either India (a couple I think was from India, very common thing) and a lot of Germans, including an Airbus pilot (Lufthansa). At the beginning those two mostly kept to themselves. I was so confused: why two Russian guys were on this tour? Yes, it was supposed to be in both languages but it was really and mostly targeted at English-speaking people. As we made out first stop and we got off, I looked at them. The blonde guy briefly looked at me and in that moment I saw how they looked completely out of place. Them being there just didn´t make sense. I was obviously the only one noticing this stuff, as it always happens. I guess I think differently than everyone else, I don´t know. We made other stops on the way and I got stuck going down a hill because of my shoes. The blonde guy, Mikhail, stopped and gave me a hand and helped me down while everyone else pretty much fucked off. I thought it was nice of him but now I know it was a fake and all part of the plan. At lunch, later on, he sat in front of me and this is where I noticed that he had this very intense gaze. Every time I spoke, he would look at me with this concentrated face and he would not let go. Like he was totally focused. As the tour continued, I just kept noticing strange things like, for example, how they didn´t seem too interested. Maybe they were but they didn´t seem like it to me. On the bus I even asked them about other places that they had visited in Azerbaijan and he didn´t even know what I was talking about. He didn´t seem interested either. Then what the heck were they doing there?

On the way back, I fell asleep and when I woke up “Mikhail” was staring at me. What the actual fuck. This is when he actually started a long conversation with me. Yes, he spoke English by the way, the only one who did out of the two.  I am not gonna write all the details (only some) on here but we spoke for a long time, the whole way back basically (hours) and he just seemed so nice. We even cracked jokes and laughed. Any suspicion I had was probably mostly gone by then. What did we talk about? Well, he seemed very interested in life in our countries, he asked me quite a bit of questions about rent, cost of living etc. He made fun of his own President as well at some point (he said something about him telling people during Covid to go work with a tractor in the fields and drink vodka. To be honest, it is a much better advice than telling people to hide behind their sofa with a mask on like pussies, basically what BoJo did to the Brits. But hey-ho what the fuck do I know today, right?). He said he was going to leave to go study in Latvia I think he said, or Lithuania, I forget (one of those countries but I am pretty sure he said Latvia) and, when I criticised BoJo (I went in quite heavily since that dickhead piece of shit exiled me to Sweden) he replied: “at least you live in safety”. Safety my sweet botonga. But anyway, this should remain as a summary of what we discussed. Like I said, whatever I suspected didn´t really last too long because he was so friendly and kind and funny and the way he spoke about politics etc, was what we Westerners expect. I mean, this is a fact. We expect those people in places like Russia and Belarus to feel oppressed and unsafe etc etc. we expect that all of them are against their government and this kind of stuff. They know that because they watch our media and this is the way our media describe their countries. I have read a lot of Bellingcat because I like to investigate. This is also known about me. I don´t agree with a lot of the stuff they write on there BUT their investigations are so compelling to me. I wanna know how they do what they do etc. They also describe spies and they did say – at some point – how Russian spies for example (not my case here, but still) go undercover in the West as the typical stereotype we put on them: liberals, against their government, looking to change their country etc. Because, the moment they say something we don´t agree with HERE, we shut them out. I have to say, I don´t expect all Russians, or Belarusians for that matter, to be against their government. As a matter of fact – and this is hard to believe for some – a lot of Russians do support their government. BUT the way he spoke to me sort of derailed me. Also, during this whole time, he barely spoke to anyone else. Even when I was speaking to others, his gaze was always on me. Like he was totally focused on me. Now, I cannot say that all the time because I get accused by Temporal Recon that “it is all about me when I am nobody”. Let me tell you one thing you fucking douche: after what happened to me today I will NOT tolerate any of your fucking shit. As a matter of fact, you try to talk to talk about me and I will crack your ass open in one go. CAPISCE? I am so fucking pissed off today I think I would be able to kill someone. Anyhow, the guys declined an invite to go to dinner (made by someone else) and they asked the driver to be dropped off in the middle of the street, as if they didn´t want to show where they were staying. This kind of made me paranoid a little bit. Mikhail asked for my Instagram and he did follow me later on that night, so I followed back. He only had 15 posts and last post was in July 2020. How odd, I thought. Also, both he and his friend seemed people who liked to party (they were both 23 at that time, by the way), and gambling and you know casinos, high life etc. For the love of me, they did not seem the right audience for that tour.

Anyhow, this guy and I never really interacted with each other. I noticed that he´d watch every single story I published (I don´t think he ever missed one in almost 2 years) but never really contacted me. Things would have likely stayed the same had I not done what I did. This is why I said this is also my fault. Upon my return from Antarctica and what happened with that guy there (see post below this one) and the whole isolation and “reset”, I just felt upset. I was, and likely still am, in full crisis mode. As you know because I wrote what I felt in my previous post. Well, one night I was really upset and got drunk on wine and I thought I want the fuck out of here. I was angry at the “time travel” people as well and how they left me alone. I had the idea, perhaps because I was drunk, that I wanted to go to Belarus just to piss them off. That is the truth, I wanted to piss them off. So I reached out to him and asked for help. I still was of the idea that he might have been a spy but I wasn´t fully convinced since he never really spoke to me. He didn´t respond until the day after which I think isn´t a matter of “I am so busy” as he wanted it to look like. He probably was consulting someone…his bosses maybe. In that message I also mentioned “time travel” and “them”. He said we should have call, which we did the day after. This was in mid-February. We had a video call and boy, oh boy, I don´t even know how to describe this. He started by saying that there wouldn´t be any discussions about politics or the war (wasn´t going to anyway, but ok) and he was completely different. In fact, he was the total opposite of the guy I spoke to and sat by on that bus in Azerbaijan. He started praising his country and I asked him “I thought you said you were going to leave?” and he cut me out immediately saying “yes, but I have since changed my mind”. He then started talking about Western propaganda and I don´t know if any of you have seen the recent interview of Putin by that American guy Tucker Carlson, he basically said almost exactly the same things. I honestly didn´t care what he said. I was just taken aback and confused by the situation because we are talking about the same person but acting as the total opposite. I didn´t know what the hell that was all about. I wanted his help to visit Belarus but he started talking about moving there and I thought, fuck it, mind as well. I mean, if I were to disappear there who would care? No one. My life is over and I am done so mind as well just get it done once and for all. I guess what pushed me to make the next move was this exact motivation: to go there, get in trouble just because it is me, the person involved in this whole story, and then die. I was hoping that these time travel people would get pissed off but they probably cannot wait to get rid of me. They cannot wait for me to get killed or just die. At the end of the day, I wasn´t even scared. I have done everything I wanted to do, there is no hope left in this story anymore, so just let it rip. I liked the idea of going there and end up like that so I chased it. He said he would help which, in hindsight, didn´t even make sense. He barely knew me, why would he take on a task like this without wanting something in return? He never asked for anything in return which I also found weird. I guess there was a specific reason.

We also spoke about “time travel”, yes. He asked me how I got involved and when I didn´t give him a clear answer he went “yes, but you still haven´t told me how you got involved”. I told him the “time travellers” have been spying on me and he asked: “how do you handle that?”. It was just odd, really odd. His reaction to this wasn´t what I expected. Usually people (and I know because I have told people about this story) are confused, and this is the first reaction. Then they either are amazed or they look at me like I am fucking nuts. This is the usual “pathway”. Here, not so much. His questions were strange and it appeared as if he already knew everything. Like that wasn´t a surprise at all. That threw me off the edge, I will admit. He never really pressed for things, though. I mean, if he knew everything already then he also knew that all I know is already public. So that makes sense, I guess.

What happened next got us to this point. He started becoming strange like he would not talk to me or talk to me randomly and occasionally. I also noticed that, when he spoke to me, he was always polite, yes, and also he would treat me like a “client”. I don´t know like it was business. This is what it looked like. He was so different than the guy I met that day in Baku. So different. He always said he couldn´t respond to my texts in time because “he was busy at work”. Is there anyone here who still believes this shit in 2024? Just wondering. One day he calls me and he randomly asks me to delete those messages on Instagram. Yes, the ones where I mentioned time travel and “them”. He said it is because “they live in fear” over there in Belarus and they might look at my phone once I cross the border and ask questions. I then asked him, if they were going to do that then I would have to delete the messages on Telegram as well. “Why are you asking me to delete just the ones on Instagram?” He didn´t really give me a straight answer but he insisted that I´d delete them. Well, why? Because those are intercepted by the US secret services, this is why. I am monitored because of this whole story and he knew. I did delete them…but took a screenshot first. Oh, well. Long story short, he became even more weird and was barely communicating so we got into a fight last week when I asked him a question and he never responded. He accused me of stuff and even after accusing me, he was asking me if I still wanted his help. He asked me twice and eventually I said no. It didn´t make sense anyway. If you feel like I am putting my problems on you then why do you want to help me so badly? Maybe because he was being forced to help me. I don´t know. Perhaps this was his chance to advance his career as a spy and he blew it. He clearly didn´t handle this very well at all. He could have probably got things out of me had he handled things right. But you don´t treat people like that. Even as a spy you keep on your target, you don´t randomly disappear and communicate when you feel like it. I don´t know. He did seem upset that I turned down his help. Do you think I am here to let a breastfeeding child treat me like a dumbass? Uh…no.

Finally, last part of the story. Today. Well, last night. I was going through his Instagram and checking out who he followed. Apart from a few naked women (how pathetic but again, this is a child we are talking about here), sportspeople and some western accounts of famous people (to make it look like he is “westernised”) the only two real-life “Westerners” he followed was yours truly, Stella, and another guy who lives in Texas. I did a search on this guy and discovered that he works for Sandia National Labs, the ones that handle nuclear safety AND nuclear weapons for the US. He has a long curriculum: he was involved in the government of Texas previously and now works as a “security expert” for this National Lab. He is a security expert on the Baltic area and he is involved in Ukraine stuff and also in NATO things. He also works to counter “disinformation” from Russia. This is what I understood but he was definitely involved with NATO at some point. This is where I lost it. I was like this Mikhail is a fucking spy for real. Why just me and this guy? This is so fucked up. I got pissed off and I sent him a message which you can see here:


I have removed all identifications for this American dude because I got pissed at him too (and sent him angry messages) thinking he was spying as well (on the US) but then I realised that I don´t think he´s done anything wrong. I am sure he even removed Mikhail from his Instagram after this. I wonder how the hell they even met. I guess I unconsciously acted in the interest of the US. Maybe I am not that angry at them, I don´t know. I don´t know anything anymore. I am so confused and freaked out. 

 This is one of the messages I sent this Sandia Lab dude:


Anyway, things get even stranger. After I sent the spy this message and gave him the chance to come forward and tell me what he wanted he blocked me on Instagram. Weird thing is, it took him 14 hours to finally block me. He is quite active on Instagram so I really doubt he didn´t see that message for 14 hours. I don´t believe it. I don´t understand the blocking though. I mean you are who you are, you did what you did…whether you block me or not, what you have done will forever remain. It is not going to suddenly disappear with the use of an online “blocking” feature, is it? At this point, the best thing would have probably been to deny things. His action clearly tells me that I was right. This is the same shit that “John Williams” used to do. Block me and then think: Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo! Puff, all gone! These people live in a virtual reality so badly that they think real life works like a computer. Well, I will tell you a little secret that may shock you: it doesn´t. What you do and what you are will forever remain in the real world. Everything remains. This is why it is best not do it in the first place. I gave him the fucking chance and I was willing to talk to him but he chose to blow it. I was going to speak to him. He blocked me. I do wonder if his bosses know about this.

So here we are. This is what I sent Larry Haber today but he never responded. He is another fucking weirdo too. I told him he should start taking this whole John Titor story seriously. This is no fucking joke. This shit is real so when your fucking little tiny fucking brains think this story is fake because of preeeeeddictiioooooonnssssss that didn´t come through, put yourself in my FUCKING SHOES. Just ONCE JUST FUCKING ONCE. Look what I have gone through. And what is going to happen now? I don´t know. Will I have to stop travelling? Will some places truly be a “no-go” for me because of this story? I have trips booked and I have no idea what to do. The ones who keep repeating this bullshit about these preeedictioooonnss should just fucking die. Get into a car crash and die all you fucking motherfuckers. I hope the Universe will eject you from your car at 150 miles per hour and you end up run over by 1000000000000 cars and end up getting smashed into a thousand pieces. I am especially wishing this upon those radio “hosts” (the loonies in the desert) and “podcasters” of my fucking ASS. You fucking dicks. You will die because I will summon the Universe until you are done. Oh and he listens, oh he does. I have gone through all of this, I had a target on my back put by a Belarusian spy I actually spent time with and you want to come and tell me that this is fake because of WHAT???????? Because your mothers are WHORES and your fathers are PIMPS and you believe what your teeeeeeeeny tiny stupid fucked up American BIGOT brain is telling you??? FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU ALL!!!! You have never walked in my shoes and you have no idea what this feels like. No idea whatsoever.

I am fucking losing it today. After this happened I got physically ill, like it never happens to me. I spent the rest of my day tucked in bed sleeping and crying, unable to get up for hours thinking I was gonna be sick again. I am now better but I am in a complete state of paranoia. Every time I see a car stopping by I freak out, I jump up at every noise I hear, I am scared to go out. I keep watching over my shoulders. This is not me. I love being outside and I never have been this paranoid. I always have a lot of energy and now I have lost it all. All of the family members of these alleged “time travellers” are very well protected aren´t they? Look at that dickhead of Nolan Bennett and his special mother and snobby, sophisticated Photoshop father…all well protected. I, on the other hand, have been thrown into the fire because they want me dead. These time travellers cannot wait for me to die. Well, I think we are definitely on the right path now. Don´t worry, you will get rid of me soon it seems. I wouldn´t doubt the Russians or Belarusians´ next step is to kill me. I have always known the time travellers want me to die this is why I was gonna go to Belarus.

I don´t know where I am gonna go from here. I am on my own with this and I have no idea what to do. This is totally unchartered territory and I don´t know how to handle any of this. I have no idea what the purpose of Mikhail being on that tour was or how my booking was even intercepted.  I fear they always have a list of all the bookings I have made. It is clear to me, though, that he wasn´t very well trained. The Russian spies that do this kind of stuff are usually highly trained, in fact they can go undetected for years. From what I´ve read, they are usually very social and know how to approach and befriend people (because they are trained). This guy handled me very poorly. I still don´t get why me, other than this time travel stuff. It must be, right? Because I am not a political opponent and my ideas aren´t even that “extreme” to them. I mean, I don´t give a fuck what they do over there. I go by the motto - “no passport, no business”. They can have whomever they want in government, it is not my issue. Not that we are better anyway…who in the UK has ever voted for Dumbo as Prime Minister, for example? I have not. Now they are gonna put another one, it seems. I wonder when the UK will ever have a PM that people have actually *voted for*? Asking for a friend who has spent 1500 pounds on her citizenship to get the right to vote for…wait, what?  

Still, I don´t know why Belarus put a completely untrained guy on my ass. Maybe because they have underestimated me. They thought I am just a crying bitch constantly whining on her blog, you know, someone easy. At least gimme some fucking credit.

This is it, I guess. I just wanted to put this here in case Larry Haber did not forward anything. If you have any questions about this, feel free to contact me via email. Like I said, I do not use the Redditt app and I keep losing my credentials so I have to start a new profile each time. I don´t give many fucks about Redditt, so not really a loss. Please, PLEASE (and I am trying to be nice here) DO NOT FUCKING COME TO ME WITH JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON´T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT JESUS!!!!!!! CAPISCE???????? I do not believe in any of that bullshit, the greatest sins, bla bla bla bla I fucking don´t, ok? I don´t push my beliefs on anyone and I would greatly appreciate for you American bigots out there to exchange the favour. If you do I will fucking snap because no one is allowed to come between me and the Universe, entiende????????????? Now I am fucking tired. I am agitated and freaked out and I give zero fucks about your religion bullshit. PERIOD.

Final thoughts: I suspect the muricans still don´t get it – this is NOT about what you may or may not know (although it is a plus), it is about WHO YOU ARE. Whether I will ever know everything or not, I will continue to remain a target because of my deep involvement in the story and because of John Rodriguez. They clearly still don´t get it. And now I am literally terrified and alone. 

-        -  Stella

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