How it started

The first thing that people in this story explain when they get interviewed by radio hosts (WHEN they do, yes) is how they got involved in this infinite ordeal that never seems to rest. In my specific case, I have been involved in this rubbish since the end of 2008. I was 24 at that time. Fast forward to almost 9 years later and we’re still here at the same exact point. Still, nothing has changed.
This involvement was the very last “gift” from my now (thank God) ex-husband. I guess I should thank him for this crap. He came home one afternoon all excited about this time travel documentary called “the world’s first time machine” (the one with Ronald Mallet) and told me that I “really had to watch it” – quoting him. I remember rolling my eyes when it said it was about time travel because at that time – when life was simpler – I did not believe time travel was possible at all. I remember thinking how odd it was that he was pushing so hard to get me to watch it. Surely, he’d done that before with movies and his beloved stand-up comedy shows, but this time it felt different. He seemed really into it which was odd and weird and quite frankly, rather freaky because he wasn’t the type of person who believed in time travel. He wasn’t into science either because he failed chemistry in high school and after that, he started hating everything that was science-related. He was very shallow, had no many interests and he was that kind of person who’d say “why trying to get an A to pass when all you need is a D”. You get the idea. Therefore you can imagine why I thought his behavior that day was not typical of him. Anyway, I refused many times but he kept pushing and then proposed a deal: we’d watch the first 10-15 minutes and if I didn’t like it, we’d switch to something else. The bad thing is: I loved it. We didn’t need to switch to anything else; hell, we didn’t even need to pause it. I just watched the entire thing in one go. That documentary got me thinking of time travel for days and that’s when I realized why my ex-husband was insisting on it so baldy. He’d probably suffered the same effect.

Unlike him, though, I took it to the next level. After a few days, his excitement was gone and, because he was a shallow person, he’d totally forgotten about that documentary. I had not. Even to this very day I still don’t know what pushed me to search what I searched that lonely night. I remember that night very well: my ex-husband was on his laptop, I was on mine. Those were the “quality nights” we used to spend together after almost 5 years of marriage. No kids, no decent sex, nothing else to use to break that boring routine. Ergo, we would both go on our laptops and do our things pretty much every night. It may seem like a synopsis from your standard Hollywood movie but I can assure you that marriage was like this for me. Marriage to him, of course. Anyway, I wondered whether the world had real time travelers at some point and that is how I ended up googling “stories of real time travelers”. John Titor came up first in this search. Just like some of the other people involved, I spent hours that night being fascinated by these posts. I didn’t find the story itself very compelling as some things he wrote truly were out of this world and even I could sense that, rather I was truly and deeply fascinated by the man himself. You can judge me all you want, but he sounded so much like my ideal man.He seemed so different than any other man here, more like a man from the 50’s. You know what I mean, like someone who was a gentleman but was also strong and had no problem stepping up when it was time to do so. He didn’t sound anything like these modern days basement dwellers that play World of Warcraft (or Halo, like my ex-husband did) all day long and can only act as keyboard warriors. No, not at all. He was different and that was enough for me. After that very day, everything started to change. I know it sounds crazy and I agree, but my entire life started to slowly change after that very night. Life as I knew it would eventually come to an end and by the next year (2009) everything was different. Obviously I can’t say it was because of those posts but sometimes I do wonder what would have happened had I not read those postings. Perhaps nothing, perhaps the exact same things. All I can say is, reading those posts open up a whole new life for me. Do I like it? Hell no. I know it sounds stupid – and maybe it is – but sometimes I wish there were new posts I can read that would turn my life for the best. Unfortunately, though, there is nothing like that.
You may say that I was a bored wife and the John Titor story was nothing but my way out of a rather crashing routine. True but, at the end of the day, aren’t we all like that? In a way or another, we all want to break free from the same old, whether is a boring husband, an annoying girlfriend, a petty job or a family that only relies on you. We all want to dream that time travel is possible because we all want out. That is, in the end, what I wanted too. I wanted out of my routine and the John Titor story offered that distraction. Three months later I sent my very first letter to the John Titor Foundation and that’s how it all really started.

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