
There are a lot of details and things I don’t feel like sharing at this moment in an open blog. The story is quite long and rather complicated that can’t easily be put in writing in a few paragraphs. To come to the point, I did meet this alleged “time traveller” in person in Mexico City on January 18 2011. The first time I saw him was at the airport at the end of seemed like a very long day. We spent about 2 weeks together before he left. He didn’t just left like, I opened my eyes one morning and poof! He was gone. Nothing like that. He was such a gentleman that he actually told me he was leaving. We obviously spoke a lot about this whole story and “time travel” during these two weeks together. This is actually what I find rather compelling and you know why? Because when we were talking online he obviously would have had a lot of time to look things up, but in person things worked slightly different. When I asked him questions face to face he obviously couldn’t go and look up the answers. Yet, he always answered all of my questions…except for one: when I asked him about his boss’s last name (John Titor) he wouldn’t answer. He gave him his first name but he categorically refused to give me his last name, telling me that I needed to “stop talking to Temporal Recon” if I wanted to know this guy’s last name. I was indeed talking to Temporal Recon those days but so was he (I found out later…). How did I get to know TR? It was actually back in December 2010 and it started because I found his book Facebook page online and got curious. I also showed “John” that page. I just got in contact with TR and that’s how it started. I no longer talk to TR.
Anyway, this alleged “time traveller” answered my questions and he didn’t really seem to have a problem with that. His answers were always clear and quite frankly, they always made sense. Also, the stuff he said matched most of the original posts meaning that he knew the story really, really well. Like I said, there is a lot to the story and it’s just impossible to put it all in writing in here. All I’m saying is that, I don’t know what to believe anymore. If he wasn’t who he said he was then fine. But if he was, then this is pretty f*d up and you know why? Of all the possible good people that end up here, I met the worst person you could possibly find your way. That’s just messed up. I know it’s stupid, but I sent that letter in 2009 as a tentative, of course, but also because somehow deep inside I was hoping it would bring someone good and look what’s brought me. It brought me absolute shit.
After he left, of course, I went back home and only heard from him via email a couple of times before he completely and utterly disappeared…until 2015.
The picture here is a view the Avenue of the Dead taken on a sunny day on January 19th2011 on top of the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan.

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