Questions for John

Since I have been defined as “crazy” for going to Mexico on my own by an obnoxious ex-girlfriend (not mine!), then mind as well post this last one with questions for “John Titor”. Actually, three years after this ordeal with John, my company also sent me to Mexico City for training, if you really must know and even on that occasion I went on my own. Surely, my boss wasn’t with me the entire time. There corporate trainers in my own company who go to Mexico City all the time for work and another colleague of mine went there 2 months after I went. That was just really wrong to say to me.
Anyway, I have been thinking about this and been wanting to make this post for a while now. If I could face John Titor, what would I ask him? Here is a list of questions:
  • Why did you hire an entertainment lawyer?
  • Do you actually know me?
  • What exactly is my role in this whole story?
  • Do you have anything to do with the Trism song?
  • Who does the Trism song talk about?
  • Do you actually know the B52s?
  • Who exactly is my husband over there? Do you know him? What exactly he do?
  • How is it possible that JR knew about that portrait picture sent to the Foundation?
  • Do you know that picture I’m talking about?
  • How did that PO box in FL work? (Process of collecting and forwarding letters)
  • Who checked that PO box and who collected the email from there?
  • Where did all these letters go form this PO Box?
  • Who exactly are the Data Analysts? Are they here or there?
  • Did you receive my reports? Did you read them?
  • Why did you let Larry Haber go? Was it because of my Report?
  • Why didn’t you answer my reports?
  • Why are you not doing anything about JR?
  • Do you have a “secret online portal” that you guys use to communicate while here?
  • If there is one, then hos it possible that JR was accessing it without anyone realizing?
  • Are there people here you report to while on a mission in this timeline?
  • Are you able to communicate with this people (form there to here and vice versa)? If so, then how?
  • Are you and these people aware of what people are posting and doing about the JT story?
  • Why did you come here and post online in the first place? What was the point of all that?
  • Why doing all of that to then just hide away? I mean, why sending these people hereto post for months just to then disappear and never communicate to any of us? Sorry but what’s the point? If someone comes out with some good theory then what? How can they communicate it to you? You may say, they can do something here with them (sort of like inspiring) but you know that would not really happen? Or well, not in most cases anyway. People do all of that because they want to talk to you. You do something because you want to receive something tangible back. My theory.
  • Is it true that, as part of the training, you have to spend three days inside a black room? I was said it looks like a “labyrinth”
  • Why am I a “famous” person over there? LOL That’s what JR said.
As you can see, I have a lot of questions. This is what I mean when I say “I want my answers” – I mean the answers to these questions specifically. I didn’t put them in order; I just wrote them as they came to mind. Will get I get the answers? Probably not. I’m not holding my breath. But I just wanted to put them here because I do say that I want my answers quite a lot so I wanted to be clear and specified what I meant. These are all the questions (I believe) but the ones I truly care about the most are the ones that involve myself and the PO Box. I would love to receive an answer for those. The other ones…well, they can wait.

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