The Bullcrap (#1)

I know I haven’t posted in a while but I have been literally sucked into doing a lot of other stuff (not related to the story) in my private life, if you can call it like that, and had other things to do like pictures to sort out and stupid stuff like that. I need time to dig through the email JR and I exchanged years ago (more than 2,000) to see if I can find anything interesting to post. There are things from what I remember. I haven’t actually read these emails in a while.
This time I wanted to speak about something else, something that is more related to me. Like I said before (probably more than once), JR will NOT get to win. I don’t care what anyone says, he crossed the line with me and I do not allow that. To be honest, I had never really thought he’d be the dangerous kind. He looked so innocent and so much like a typical nerd. If he indeed was/is dangerous, then I guess I shall say I was lucky to make it out of Mexico alive, right? Well, I couldn’t see that back then. Now, looking back, I can say that there were some “situations” that were dangerous and got quite insane but I can’t say more than this. Even as I write this, my hands are shaking. There are a lot of thoughts going on in my head right now and I cannot seem to be able to find an order, a chain, anything that would give sense to these thoughts. The question now is: would I go after him knowing he could kill me? The answer is, yes I would. I am not scared of him or what he might do to me. I am a person of principles and I stand by what I believe and I am ready to take this to my death bed if necessary, as long as he does not get to win. I am sorry that this is perhaps something people do not want to hear but this is what I think. I have had it enough. I have been made fun of and I simply won’t take it. You can insult me if you want to, but it won’t change things and it will definitely NOT change how I feel. The whole JT story may be nice but someof the people in it are bullshit. Take the “family’s” ex lawyer as an example. He is another example of bullshit. Even back in 2010 – while talking to JR – I went to him and asked him to check with the family to see if they knew anything about this guy. I also sent him the picture of JR's tattoo. He replied something along the lines of “none of your contacts were real”. Says who? Him? And…who was him exactly? If we go by what he always claimed on radios, he – himself – didn’t even know whether this whole story was real or not. He only “had a client” and nothing more. That’s what he always said right? Then…how could he say that none of my contacts were real? In the email it is pretty clear that he was stating his own opinion. Since he always claimed that he didn’t know anything about the reality of this story, then it looks like he had just contradicted himself. I guess he was being paid to shut us all down. I wouldn't be surprised to find out he never even forwarded this email.
This is one example of some of the bullshit that some of these people involved in the story have said or done throughout the years. I’m pretty sure I have more and I may start a whole “posting saga” just on this topic and I will call it “The Bullshit” just to prove that I don’t like to be taken for rides. Yes, I don’t like rides. Stay tuned.

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