The picture

After discovering the John Titor story, I started considering sending a letter to the Foundation in Florida. At the end of March 2009 I wrote this letter (yes, it was handwritten) decided to try something out. Before sending the letter I took a picture of myself – a portrait picture – using my (then) new camera. The portrait is simply a picture of me that only shows my face, hair and shoulders. The camera took the portrait picture in color. To make it more original, I turned the photo into black and white. I printed the picture off and put it in the envelope with the letter. I told John Titor specifically (and I recall this very clearly) to “come and find me with that picture”. The picture was posted from Rome, Italy (where I am actually from by the way) to Florida. Just to be clear, this is exactly the address I used:
The John Titor Foundation
PMB 237
7862 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy
Kissimmee, FL 34747
For those who don’t know, this is actually an UPS store which is still open and apparently it used to house the JTF mailbox.
I heard nothing at all until November 24th2010. As most of the people reading this will know, November 2010 marked the 10thyear anniversary of the very first post created by John Titor. Back in the days, I used to make video messages to John Titor on YouTube. That day I found 2 messages on 2 of those videos and they were posted by someone that went by the name “Paul Delaroche” (note: Paul Delaroche was a French painter and artist). This person asked me to look them up on Facebook. At first I rolled my eyes thinking “here we go, another one”. I used to get messages from people who loved my accent every now and then and I simply thought this person was one of those. In fact, I did not respond or do anything when I first saw those messages. The next day though, as I was looking at my closed laptop on the table, I felt quite “uneasy”. It felt like I was neglecting something. There was a voice in the back of my head that kept ordering me to do as they asked and look them up on Facebook. I opened up Facebook and performed the search “Paul Delaroche” but nothing really came up. I didn’t add anyone on Facebook and in fact I felt quite annoyed. I thought: why the hell is this person asking me to look him up on Facebook and he’s not even on there?” Again, I thought it was a prank. Also, just to make it clear, ever since joining Facebook I have never had my real full name on Facebook for privacy reasons. I have always been concerned about identity theft and stuff like that so back in the days I went by the nickname “Stellina Roma”. Some people do remember this and may be able to confirm.
After searching on Facebook without any luck, I sent this person a private message on YouTube (back in the days that was a function) and I got a response pretty quickly: “to the point: why are you looking for John?” he said and that’s how we started talking. He didn’t say he was a “time traveller” straight away. Hell, he’s never really said it, he just “guided me to it” as I like to call it. He would give out hints here and there and just smile accomplished every time I’d get something right. I can’t really describe how it was (it’s all in the archived emails) but I can tell you it was sort of like a “process” to slowly taking me there, where he wanted me to be. I realized that the minute he started doing it.  He said to me his rank name was “John Rodriguez” and there were 7 people in the team with (quoting) “similar rank names” (ergo: John and something else). As we started talking, I could not seem to get enough of it. It was literally day and night and that very first night I did not sleep at all. I couldn’t fall asleep even if I wanted to. There was a lot going on in my head and my adrenaline levels were hitting the sky, literally. He sent me some pictures and I sent him a picture of myself the day after just to show him what I looked like. The picture was a different picture than the one mentioned above: it was a picture of me taken in Tokyo wearing a kimono. He responded that I “looked exactly as he expected” which was, again, odd. Then, days later, something happened. We had been talking the entire day and it was now early morning in Rome and I had to get up to go to work the next day. I was literally crashing and couldn’t keep my eyes open so I told him good night. Yeah, it was NOT gonna be a good night. A few minutes later I got an email from him with an attachment. The email said “good night, look what I found”. The attachment was the same exact picture sent to the John Titor Foundation mailbox in March 2009 and guess what? It was in black and white. I almost got a heart attack as I – obviously – recognized the picture straight away. I freaked out and started insulting him asking him ten thousand times “who the f* are you?” He, on the other hand,  kept calm the entire time and kept fooling around saying things like “You’re tired, go to sleep you can’t even spell anymore” just to keep screwing with my head. It took me ages to calm down but eventually he did sort of admitted to it. I have all emails. They’ve all been saved from outlook into my computer. There are about 2,000 emails in total, more or less and they were all exchanged with John between November 2010 and February 2011.
This below is a screenshot of that very email dated December 3rd2010. The screenshot is not the best quality because I had to work around the dimensions or I could not have posted it on here. I have blurred my face on the portrait.
I was basically accused of not telling the truth. Larry Haber – as usual – denied this ever happened. That guy denies he was even born so, I really don’t care what he thinks or says quite frankly. I don’t think I have to prove anything to anyone but I posted this because I wanted to show people that this really happened.
So what was next? There was a lot of stuff that happened after this email including me physically meeting this man. Again, I don’t have to prove anything. This whole posting thing and blog is more for my own sake, as I felt the need to write and put this story out there. It’s not up to me to say it was real; it’s up to you whether to believe it or not.


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