The Report - Further comments

As I’ve noticed quite a bit of views and downloads for the modified reports – as well as questions or comments sent to me via the contact form on this blog – I would like to clarify a few things:
  • I have been told that I seem “scorn” at John Titor and John Rodriguez. I am not upset at John Titor or whoever the hell he is because I simply don’t even know the man. I have never met him and I think I made that clear on the first report. If I didn’t then perhaps that part might have been deleted in error. In any case, I never said in the reports that I know or have met John Titor himself. John Rodriguez, though, is a whole different story. Yes, I am VERY upset at him and I have my own reasons to be. I just believe that you can’t hurt people to this level and then hope to get away from it and live the happy-ever-after-life. No way. HE DOES NOT GET TO WIN.
  • Some people commented that the reports are good and I appreciate that. The reports published on here are not the full version and I believe the full versions are even better. Pictures just give it a better outlook, that’s all.
  • I am not just angry at John Rodriguez, even though he is the big scam here. I am “bothered” by the fact that Temporal Recon knows more about my involvement than I do. Reason for it being that TR and JR did talk for a few months after my whole Mexico story was over. They talked via email and via very private chats (JR used to set up those with me too. They were hosted by a different server), and like I said in my first report, JR must have said something to TR to convince him he was a time traveller. I was told by someone (I don’t want to mention any name) that JR told TR some stuff about me. I don’t exactly what and that is what has been pissing me off. I don’t care what other stuff JR may have told TR but when it comes to me I do care. That is something I want to know because it involves me directly and it is not fair that TR knows and I don’t. As you can imagine, that does bother me for obvious reasons.
  • I am human and I too get my moments and it took a lot for me to come out the way I’m doing. I kept this story a secret for many years and I had a reason for that. That reason is no longer valid so I decided to come forward. I have been asked why I didn’t come out earlier. Well, this is the best explanation I can give in this very moment but I can tell you that I will no longer be the only keeper of an empty contract.
  • Before I end this, I want to add something about the first report (the full version). It was sent to Larry Haber on Saturday 5thof November 2016. One of my friend followed up with him publicly the next day on a post in a John Titor Facebook group. Larry confirmed that he had received it and had forwarded it to the “family” and was trying to get a reply from them. On Monday afternoon (7thof Nov) my time in Europe (around 11am EST), Larry Haber replied with the following email:
          I received a reply. Basically, I’ve been told that my services will no longer be                     necessary, so I should not expect any further replies.
Sorry. That’s all I got

  • So, basically the “family” let go of Larry Haber after that report. He denies that, but this is what it looks like to me. Up until then he was still working for the family. If you listen to the last interview given by Larry on Fade to Black in January 2017, he said that the family called him about 8 months earlier (around May 2016) to tell him that he was no longer needed. I like how he specified that it was 8 months earlier. Then why didn’t he tell my friend that he was no longer the lawyer when he followed-up with him regarding my report? Why didn’t he tell me that when I actually sent the report to him? In October 2016 he even posted on that JT Facebook group telling the people to “stay tuned” that there was more coming up. I go like: what the fuck? Right? Why lying? Why? The way it looks like is: I sent my report, he forwarded and then the “family” read it and decided to end it. This is what it looks like. If you look at the email where he says that the family no longer needed him, that is the response to my report. This is a fact. The question is: why the hell did they say that they no longer needed him after that report was sent to them? That is the real question. I asked Larry what he meant and he clarified then I asked him if it happened because of my report and he said he didn’t know and that was all he could tell me.
  • These below are the screenshots of the email we exchanged that day. My real last name has been blacked out. Larry gave me permission to publish them, confirming that everything he sends to anyone is public. He is just not allowed to give out my real last name that’s all. And no, my real last name is not Corona but my real first name is Stella. My last name also starts with C. This is to respond to some people’s comments.

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