The Reports

To continue my story, I managed to find this guy in 2015 but I don’t want to get there straight away. I want to add a bit more information on this: this guy actually left me in Mexico and I flew back. I – along with two other people (one of these two individuals is a lady who’s been involved in the JT story since 2001) – tried to contact this guy and he did reply at some point just to say he was leaving. I didn’t hear about this guy for many years and to be honest I thought of two different options: either he really was gone or he was hiding in Mexico. As it turned out, the latter one was the correct option. In October 2015 I managed to discover his identity and where he was hiding; I also managed to talk to him again, although briefly and through emails. How did I do that? That is indeed a very long story. To make it brief, I found his name through a Google search which revealed a criminal record in the States. His mug shot was right there. I almost had a heart attack when I saw it. He was arrested twice: once in February 2010 and the second time in March 2010. Both times he was arrested for possession of cocaine. So yeah, he was using drugs. I don’t want to go as far as saying he had drugs in his suitcase when we were together in Mexico because I don’t know and quite frankly, I don’t wanna know either. It’s one of the few things I don’t even dare thinking about. Anyway, back in 2011 I added a guy on Facebook to help me find John’s family but he obviously couldn’t find anyone because I simply had the incorrect name at that time. So in 2015 I went back to this guy and asked him if he knew this person. As this time I had the real identity, he came back to me right away saying that he knew his cousin. His cousin told him John was now married and was living in some city in Mexico. I then performed a second search on Google to find his wife: I was able to find her almost straight away, thanks to Facebook. That is how I got in contact with him. Do you want to hear something funny? The night I found him after so many years was the night between October 20 and October 21, 2015. That night I cried myself to sleep (and didn’t even sleep that much) was the night of October 21 2015 which was “Back to the Future Day”. How funny, uh? And what a stunning coincidence!
To get back to my story, this is just a brief summary and, if you’re interested in reading more about this, feel free to download these reports I wrote:
Report 1:

Report 2:

These reports were written and then sent to John Titor’s “family” through Larry Haber, their ex lawyer.
The first report was written throughout the summer of 2016 and talks about the story, how I found John (John Rodriguez – not John Titor) and my theories. I gave 6 different theories about this guy starting from nothing is real to, you know, the possibility of him being a….AWOL time traveller.Yeah, you read correctly. I know this sounds crazy – and perhaps it is I am not gonna lie – but there is so much behind all of this that it’s just hard to explain without sounding like a complete nutcase. This Report was sent to Larry Haber on November 5, 2016 which was a Saturday. My friend followed up with him publicly in a Facebook group (called “John Titor – the physics behind time travel”) the next day to ensure that he would actually forward it to the “family”. He confirmed that he did and he was trying to get a reply. That Monday I got his reply: he said to me that the family had told him that his services were no longer needed and he should not expect any further replies. So, basically, they had let him go after go knows how many years. He didn’t say it was because of my report (he never has), however, he was their lawyer until that day and that day followed my report. What shall I think? This happened exactly 2 days after he sent them my report. To be honest, if this really is the case and he was let go because of my report, this is not what that document was meant to cause. I had no intention of getting Larry Haber off this story whatsoever. They did, though…apparently.
The second report was written in March 2017 and, again, it was forwarded to the “family” through Larry Haber. Even though he no longer worked for them, he still forwarded it which was nice of him. I got no response, of course. No one ever responds me.
The reports you see here are both redacted versions of the original ones. Some pictures have been removed along with names locations, etc. Why did I do that? Well, some of the people mentioned in the documents (like his wife or his “family” here) are not really involved in this whole madness and it wouldn’t be right for them to get stalked or harassed just because of my reports and because I want to come forward. I just want the story out there, nothing more than that. It is not up to me or anyone else to go and get this guy, right? Even if I went to Mexico and took him, where the hell would I bring him back to? I honestly have no freaking idea. I am not one of them so I can’t really know everything, unfortunately. The reports are cut so some parts may not make sense but that is normal. They still have all the emails he sent me in October 2015, my comments and my theories as well as a summary of my entire story. If you like reading, feel free to go check them out. You can download them so you can read them when you wish to. They are big but I can guarantees you that you would like them – if you’re into the John Titor story of course. So, who has the original versions? Well, that would be me of course ahah as I wrote them, but also Larry Haber has the full version of both. As I told him, he is not allowed to share them at this stage. No, there is no one else who has read or has these full reports.
As I end this, I want to post this YouTube video John Rodriguez sent me in 2010. This video is taken from a news channel in February 1984 and talks about a “mystery hole” that appeared somewhere in Washington State. This is allegedly from one of their “jumps”. I hope you will enjoy it.

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