
Since I rarely have time but today I do, I want to publish a post about something I truly and deeply care about and that is the Trism song. This song was written by the B-52s and is part of the album “Whammy”, which came out in 1983. For those who don’t know it, this is the lyrics:
She has to leave
She has to go
The fastest way
Is by trism
Steps off the curb
Stella Coronahopes for the best
To be home by sunset
Gotta be home by sunset
She asked me to give her a ride
She said she had to go
Dropped her off by the trism
Through the atmosphere by prism
Go trism
Go trism
Go trism
Go trism
Go trism
Gotta keep, gotta keep movin' on
Gotta keep movin'
Gotta keep movin'
Gotta keep movin'
Gotta, gotta keep on
It was a human race to get away
And then back again
Like the sun bends light through a prism
She bends herself through the trism
In the smokey streets of the night
She pulls the lever and then bright light
I don’t know if some of you are aware, but there is some history between the band (the B-52s) and the John Titor story. This actually started back in 2001, when Larry Haber posted a video on YouTube (link to the video: which he said comes from the “family” of John Titor. In This video, the B-52s are mentioned. The video says: “a friend will corroborate the significance of the musical group, the B-52s”. This happened in November 2009 (it was posted on Nov 19, which is my birthday) which was roughly one year before John Rodriguez contacted me on YouTube. At the time this video was released I was already involved in the story (in March of that year I sent that very first letter to the John Titor Foundation PO Box) but I had no idea about the Trism song. When I came back from Mexico this lady I told you about in my earlier post (I don’t want to nominate anyone without their permission) contacted me through someone else. She was told about me by this person and she wanted to talk to me. I said fine, why not? In one of her first messages to me, she asked me if I had ever heard of the B-52s. I said no and to be honest I even had to go and Google to know what the hell this B52 was. She then said that there was a song that had my name in it and then she sent the lyrics. I was really confused and quite frankly – rather freaked out. That song really had my name! This lady said to me that back in the summer of 2003 she received a copy of the book called “John Titor – a Time Traveler’s Tale” – which is the book published by the “family” of John Titor – in the mail and this book had a small letter on the first page thanking her for the support she gave and to tell her that John Titor was gone. Then, right after the letter there was a part taken by this song Trism. I actually havea picture of this first page she mentioned and I can confirm it is true. Anyway, this part goes: “He asked me to give him a ride, he said he had to go; dropped him off by the Trism through the atmosphere by Prism”. So, basically, that part was meant to tell this lady that John was gone and had travelled back to his time which led me to believe this song Trism talks about time travel. The original song doesn’t talk about John Titor, no; it talks about a woman named “Stella Corona” who travels in time. This song has literally been my nightmare since that year. For the love of me, I am simply not allowed to know who the fuck this Stella Corona is. Now, my real name is Stella. I am not lying here. My last name is not Corona but it is quite similar to Corona as it starts with the letter C and has the same amount of letters and vows. Corona is also my favorite beer ;-) As I said previously, I am obsessed with my privacy and I have never had my real name on Facebook. I wanted to use Stella but I couldn’t find anything that would hide my last name without hiding my identity completely, if it makes any sense. Well, I adopted this nickname “Stella Corona” after this song because it fits me so perfectly it is almost unbelievable. It allows me to use my name on Facebook without giving out my last name but yet, sounding similar to my own real identity. Plus I am involved in the story as you can tell. Believe me, I am dying to know and I have done everything in my power to find out more about this song. I contacted the B-52s many times and they have never signified me with an answer that I have actually come to a point now that I have to say, the hell with them too. I am sorry but this is unreal and utterly disrespectful. Even if the song doesn’t talk about me, I think they should let me know because, at the end of the day, they did put Stella in it and I am involved in a story about time travel. I think they are really mean people and, quite frankly, I do not appreciate that. Kate Pierson has been contacted multiple times by me and a friend of mine and she’s never responded. What I am trying to say is that, I can understand that she may not want to disclose anything but she saw how desperate I was to know…at least say something. Anything for fuck’s sake. I gave her the option to do it anonymously and she never took it. This is just so mean and, again, disrespectful. I have never treated her badly, never said anything bad at all. I actually even went to see the band at a concert 4 years ago so, I had nothing against them whatsoever. As I told her many times, I am not some crazy fan; I am only a woman involved in this whole crap whose name is mentioned in one of their songs and would die to know. That is all. I don’t believe that is something bad, is it? I haven’t harassed her…I have actually begged herto tell me if this Stella Corona is actually me or not.
The most we got out of her, was a half confirmation that Trism is indeed a time machine. Back in November of last year – around Thanksgiving – Kate Pierson posted a picture asking people what they were wishing for and my friend told her: “for you to tell the truth. Come on, tell the John Titor fans” or something like that. Then someone else – a woman called Jennifer – said “a time machine”. My friend replied to her “oh so you want a Trism” and Kate liked my friend’s post then said: “I know!” kind of indicating that Trism is a time machine. Jennifer is the wife of their ex guitarist who sadly passed away last year. I remember him playing at the concert I saw 4 years ago; he was very talented.
The song kind of speaks for itself: the woman gotta go home, and apparently home is in a different time. She asked the guy to give her a ride to the “Trism” which could also be a metaphor to say that she needs him to access this machine. Where the song says “she pulls the lever then bright light” that is actually how these people travel in time, by the way. It is so clear that it just pisses me off that we are now just missing the last piece of information: who is Stella Corona?
What does Trism mean? I would say:
T – time or temporal
R – recon or retrieval perhaps?
I – no idea
S – no idea
M – machine?
So, yeah, there you go. Look at this: it is all SO clear that I don’t understand why the B-52s can’t come forward with me. I really don’t get it. The funny thing is, they have never admitted anything but, they haven’t denied anything either. I am willing to bet that a lot of people from the JT story went to them throughout the years asking about this song. Yet, they have never come out and said “hey we got nothing to do with this crazy story, just leave us alone!” Am I right or am I wrong? My bet is that one or possibly more members of the band or their families were friends with someone from the JT team and they were asked – back in the days – to write this song. Why? Again, no idea. I must say that there must be a purpose for this song and something must happen otherwise this song simply would not exist. If this song was written with a purpose, then why not fulfill this purpose and tell the truth to the person involved? Like I said, this is just fuckin'mean that is all. Again, I don’t expect much else. Even though I didn't know the band,
I grew attached to them and love other songs (Roam, that one is the best and reminds me of their concert) and I really had a great time at their concert 4 years ago. I don't mean any harm at all, I only asked Kate for the truth. I can't even read the lyrics without crying because, to be honest, I fuckin' envy Stella Corona: she gets to go while I get to stay.
This Trism song is also discussed in Report number 2 (previous post) which is only 5 page long if you are interested in taking a look at it.
Below is the screenshot from that Facebook post made by Kate Pierson in November 2016.

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