No One Can Tell You

When I first heard this song my very first reaction was:”oh maybe I should not go to the concert”. This is the first released song from Cindy Wilson’s first solo album called “Change”. For those who don’t know, Cindy Wilson is one of the vocalists from the band The B-52s, the same people who sang Trism. 

The album is really nice and has quite a few songs that – in my opinion – are dedicated to important things in Cindy’s life. One of the songs is called “Brother”. Her brother Ricky died from an AIDS-related illness in 1985. I believe that “No One Can Tell You” also has some sort of special meaning. I mean, even the title speaks for itself. 
Why am I saying this? Because there is a history here between some of us involved in the John Titor story and the B52s. Many people – including myself – have contacted the band many times to enquiry about Trism and its meaning. We, of course, never got an answer from them. Both myself and a friend of mine have contacted the other lead singer, Kate Pierson, many times before. For some reason we always went to her, but without success. 
I even wrote her a letter pleading for an answer and this friend of mine also wrote one and put a blank envelope in it, which I thought was funny in all due honesty. She never replied but I assume that she has read those letters. We sent them at her hotel in upstate NY because I know that she lives nearby it and someone would forward them to her.  
My questions were always the same, day in and day out: am I Stella Corona? If not, who is? Is Trism about me? 

In light of all this, I was really freaked out when Cindy released this song as part of her debut solo album. I have put the link to the video with the lyrics below but – if you take a look at it – the lyrics makes no sense at all….to anyone else. To me, it makes a hell of a sense. The way I see it, this song is the answer

The song goes: “what if you are the only answer? Don’t ask because no one can tell you”. That is very clear to me. If this person is the only answer then she shouldn’t ask because they are not allowed to talk. I am sorry but I find it to be somehow a great coincidence that we rote so many letters and messages and then we get a song like this. I personally do not believe in coincidences; yes, I am one of those people who believe that “everything happens for a reason” and when it doesn’t, it just means it’s a sign. I really doubt that this is a coincidence at all. The lyrics are way too clear to me. 

Another part I find rather fascinating in the song is this one: “What is? Who Feels? What’s real? Exist but….don’t ask because no one can tell you”. I got bumps on my skin when I first saw this. They exist but….we are not allowed to ask. Am I right? No one can tell me. 

I’m not gonna lie here, I am at a point in my life when I don’t know what is real and what is not. I’m constantly freaking out because I see things things – or better, I can understand these things – and I don’t know if it’s my mind acting up or this is in fact, real. I simply don’t know, I can’t tell anymore. I can read the message in this song so very clearly and yet, I keep thinking “what if I am seeing things that are not real?” what if and what if…it’s constant wondering that puts so much pressure on myself and my mental health. This is so unreal and yet, so real…all at the same time. The lyric is right: WHAT’S REAL? That is my question here. I don’t know how I have not yet lost it. I can tell you that it is very hard to be me in this moment in time. I wish these games would stop once and for all and a clear message would come forward. 
Maybe they do this because they know only certain people can get the message but it is scary, it is so very scary. I feel like I am all alone with this and I don’t know who to turn to for comfort. I don’t wanna be the only one here who understands these messages, if it is real. 

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but it appears as if also the B-52s are playing along with this. They have probably bene tormented with Trism and yet, they have never denied anything. Worse, more cryptic songs are being made, such as this one. Why? Why is it that the people who know don’t speak? Why the hell would you come online and post and then urge for this level of secrecy? I don’t know. All I know is that I don’t want to be played anymore and I don’t want to be the “toy” in this situation. As much as this is so freakin’ cool, it is tiring and it has drained me over the years. 

Please do take 3 minutes of your life to watch this video and read the lyrics and see what you think. I can’t say it’s real or not because apparently no one can tell me:

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