The Bullcrap # 2

I’m bored sitting at an airport in Norway waiting for the next flight that will take me up to the North Pole. As I had some time to kill, I decided to go through my mailbox to see if I could perhaps find something interesting...and I did. 

This email below was sent to me in 2011 by Larry Haber. It’s the response to one of my emails. I had simply asked Larry Haber to forward my email to “the family”. I was in a bad place back then and all I wanted was some help. Which of course, was a lot to ask. Apparently he only did occasional legal work - which I’m sure it’s true - but was that r ,lleally too much to just forward one simple email? 

I once heard a host of a radio show saying that we should stop “throwing dirt” on this but you see , all I’m doing is just showing people what happened. Looks like this guy was rather pissed off with this “family” and tire, d of not being paid for forwarding emails. 

If you are a legal representative then you’re the face of this all. If you’re the only “contact” then expect people to come to you to reach out to this “family”. I’m not sure what the deal is here but I didn’t deserve that. 

I kinda feel bad for this “family” now -I’m sure this deal with this man must’ve been a real bitch. 

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