Divergence (CERN Paw)

I know it has been a while since I last published.

This is not really an email but it's a screenshot I got from John in 2010. This is a screenshot of his own computer using this program called CERN Paw. Apparently this program has now been discontinued but it was something made at CERN to do calculations (yes, sorry I ain't a physicist so I talk simple). He didn't really want to share this at first and made me promise not to share it (oops! I did it again!).

He basically took the divergence values from the JT Foundation website (www.johntitorfoundation.com) and used them to calculate his own value for the divergence. When I showed this to this physicist I used to date, he told me this is a screenshot showing an "error". Apparently Mr John didn't trust me that much in the end so he shared something with an error in it. Oh well, I guess he made the right call.

There is also something in the background, like an excel file maybe (or something similar as this is Ubuntu I think, or Linux) with numbers and times. The other window is the private chat she set up to talk to me (and he set one up for TR as well, lucky lucky man!).

By the way, the result of the divergence is 2.337. He said it was 1.667 or something like that originally, when he first arrived.

No idea what can be obtained from this but I've decided to share it regardless. I cannot answer questions about this specific screenshot because I honestly have no idea how this program works plus, I just suck at math.

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