The journal

So...this is the Journal, the one he had when we met in Mexico. I snapped some photographs while he was asleep the next morning (after we met). I was in a hotel room in Mexico City.

The first page has been cut out because there was a name and last name at the bottom which I do not want to reveal (related to him). Like I clearly said - and I'd like to reiterate - I am not disclosing any identity to anyone. That is my personal rule, nothing more. You can see his name "John Rodriguez" and what he said was his "ID". The 1.667 is the divergence value measured according to him.

The page written with red ink is basically some notes he made about time, nature of time etc. Okay this is the only remaining page I shall say. Why? Well, before I landed in Mexico I showed a great interest in his journal, which he had mentioned because he said he had written some stuff for me. When I landed and grabbed his journal I noticed that a lot of pages had been ripped off. Yes, he had ripped me off. He said he got paranoid and just got rid of those pages. Obviously, to this day, I have no idea what was written on those pages. That's all I have left. I got pretty upset with him and he said he'd write everything all over again but he never did. I guess he saw this coming lol.

The last few pages are him talking to himself and the "Paola" he mentions is the psychologist there for the team (yes I did ask him who this Paula was). He said that they were taught to write things down as they were talking to themselves when they struggle to keep their mind straight. It's sort of an exercise for when stress takes over during missions. He his basically talking to himself, discussing whether he should goo and see his father (who died), go back and change things. The dates you see on the last page are the "windows". If you know the JT story you know what these windows are and their purpose is.

His handwriting was really disgraceful. It took me a while to understand what was written there. I had to snap these pictures quickly so didn't have much time to do a better job with my phone. The camera on the iPhone back then (2011) wasn't as great as it is today.
You also won't see all the pages as one page had a name - which again I didn't want to disclose and one other page below has been cut on the top part because of the same name appearing.

Hey, I know as much as you here. This is what he had. Even when I read that stuff as I write it, I feel utterly ridiculous but it's just the way it is I guess. I, much like you out there, have been also searching for answers which I know I'll never find. But I did say I'd post everything I had online - even if it's redacted. I am just tired to keep this stuff for myself. Like I said, I won't be the only keeper of an empty contract.

- Stella

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