Emails # 2

These are a couple of other emails sent to me by "John" in December 2010.

In the 2 emails - in which he mentioned California - he was talking about growing "weed" (not a big fan of here but anyway) and how it was legalised over there. I can't comment on this because - as I said - I am not a fan of this kind of drugs so I have no idea if growing weed is legal in California or not and if it is, how long ago I this was introduced. He said that tobacco was so expensive "over there" that it was almost unheard of and weed pretty much replaced it. I guess that isa. good news for many Americans, isn't it? Boy don't they love their "weed". I don't.
He also said that he felt the same way about drugs (same as me, that is) because they kill too many people. He was probably shitting me, right? I mean LOL......him disapproving of drugs. Oh boy, that was a good one. It got me I'll admit as I have no idea at that time.

In the other email he was talking about how money and banks worked "over there" (by over there I mean the other world line where he claimed he was from). He said that the credit cards are like small devices, like pens and not card like we have over here. He called them "tags" in this email and I do recall him telling me this during a conversation we had on the private chat he set up. He did say they look like small tags/pens, however you wanna call them.

Again I am not gonna comment on any of this because it'd be useless. My comments are not gonna prove either way so I will, once again, leave this up to you to make up your mind.

- Stella

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