
Showing posts from February, 2019


I recently found myself in the middle of an awkward situation which has made me wonder whether I should keep this blog going and the interview running. Bottom line is, I keep getting contacted by “fake” “time travellers”, con artists pretending to be what they are not – “time travellers”. They always write me through the “Contact Form” on this blog and, make no mistake, their name is always and without a doubt “John”. Always. “John IS my real name” they then go on to explain. They then come up with a bunch of Latin words, some even say they will meet you in a different world line and some pretend to be here looking for someone before “heading back home”. Obviously when the say “home” they are hinting at a different world line. I am okay with people doing what they want to do as long it doesn’t affect me, which obviously this is not the case here. This unfortunately affects me in a way that makes me waste time (writing emails for days trying to see if they are genuine or not