I recently found myself in the middle of an awkward situation which has made me wonder whether I should keep this blog going and the interview running.
Bottom line is, I keep getting contacted by “fake” “time travellers”, con artists pretending to be what they are not – “time travellers”. They always write me through the “Contact Form” on this blog and, make no mistake, their name is always and without a doubt “John”. Always.
“John IS my real name” they then go on to explain. They then come up with a bunch of Latin words, some even say they will meet you in a different world line and some pretend to be here looking for someone before “heading back home”. Obviously when the say “home” they are hinting at a different world line.

I am okay with people doing what they want to do as long it doesn’t affect me, which obviously this is not the case here. This unfortunately affects me in a way that makes me waste time (writing emails for days trying to see if they are genuine or not is hard work and requires time) and creates nothing but disappointment. These people even get upset that I “question” them, that I actually try to understand who they are after I have been contacted. I know that this has happened over and over and over throughout the years (people pretending to be “John Titor”) but my question here is: WHY? I really do not understand. Just like I don’t get how they claim that they wanted to contact me because I have “many questions” and yet they refuse to answer - even just one question. If this is not trolling I don’t know what is. 

I don’t mind talking about the story, I don’t mind talking to genuine people about this – really no need to pretend to be a time traveller to get a good conversation going. Why lying? Is there a reason for it? These people are either bored out of their mind, perhaps stuck in a marriage with a fatass and 3 kids and this is their way to escape reality or they are some crazy people still living in their mamma's basement who need some real-life action as soon as they are done playing World of Warcraft.

Hear this: some DON’T even want to speak about the story making you go like: what the…..?

I am not here to be made fun of – this is usually not my style. Why the hell would you come to me clearly hinting at the fact that you are a time traveller and yet refuse to talk about time travel, the science behind it or to give any answers? I have made pretty damn clear that I want answers so obviously if you come to me hinting that you’re one of them, I am going to ask questions and demand answers. They should be expecting that already. Then why do they get upset when they say “you will get your answers soon” and I demand “you claim to be one of them and you’re here talking to me, why don’t you give out some of the answers?” That’s only logical. They refuse to have a chat with you, they refuse to talk about the story and they even refuse to give any sort of explanation, even a very generic explanation. Then why did you contact me? Clearly they just wanted to troll. Is their life really that bad that they need to feel like they are John Titor? I mean, really? Is that because they think that John Titor “gets all the ladies”?

If they really are “time travellers” then they would not hide or refuse to have a chat. If they refuse to have a chat is because they know that they will get busted. I would, of course, ask very specific and detailed questions and expect logical answers. Why pretending to be a time traveller with me when you are not even prepared to have a chat? Or, worse, when you’re not even able or WILLING to speak about time travel at all? I really DO NOT get that. You are going to get busted in a matter of days, so what’s the point? Worse part is, this is not even all. I get contacted then I get accused of trying to gather information by asking these people what they like to read, what they do during the day and what their favorite movie is. It’s pretty hard to gather someone’s identity just by their favorite book. Anyway, let me get this straight: I cannot demand answers, we clearly cannot speak about the physics behind time travel, we can’t conversate about the story and I can’t even ask those basic questions so what the hell can we actually talk about? What exactly is left to discuss? I am sorry but I fail to see what an email would even look like: hi there how are you doing? So today I worked, went to the store, went home, then went so bed. Ah no right sorry we cannot even talk about what we did during the day.  So, the email would look something like: hi there how are you? Fine good night! – Yes, let me be the one trolling for once.

They all fit the same exact profile: their name is John, they all have quit their job, they are all between 30 and 50 years old, they are all Americans. Why not an employed Finnish man who lives in Lapland for example? Is that too random? Or is that because perhaps the crazy people are not located in Finland?

Let me just give everyone the benefit of the doubt and go ahead and say that some are indeed “time travellers” then perhaps they don’t want to give out any answers because they “feel used”. Oh yeah? For the record, I was the one who was used by perhaps one of them who used my help to get away. I should be acting like that if anything. However, I hardly believe this is the case. Most of these “Johns” show clear lack of sympathy leading me to believe there may be other issues behind that. Like I said, I can accuse some of these people of the same exact thing: I can say they were trying to cheat me by pretending to be “normal guys” when in reality they are time travellers because they do not want to give any answers or closure. Two can play this game.  If it is my help that they want, this is not the way to get it.

I don’t care what you do with your life as long as you don’t come and try to troll me. This is not what I deserve. I even got an attempt from someone to hack my Facebook earlier today. Too bad I have a two step verification on all my accounts - I have to because of this story and apparently it wasn't a bad idea considering what's happened today. 

I feel like the only woman – all alone – surrounded by men who want to eat me alive.

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