A clue?

It was during a walk around what used to be called "Ground Zero" in New York City that I found this very odd picture. It was back in August 2003 during my high school graduation holiday in NYC. I went back to Ground Zero that afternoon and I was walking along the site - there were so many people there that day - when I somehow noticed this picture on the ground. I picked it up and looked at the back: there was a stamp - now almost faded - that said "August 2000".
I thought, why is this picture here, 3 years later? Here in Ground Zero?

But that wasn't the oddest part in this whole story. This picture looks weird, actually. It is very tiny and it doesn't look anything like a picture printed in 2000. It looks like it was printed in the 70s or 80s and I know that because it instantly reminded me of my parents' pictures and my own pictures from when I was little. I used to have pictures of myself (now lost) printed on that kind of paper, and with the same exact dimensions.
The number "21" written on the back wasn't me - it was already there when I found it.

I wondered where that place was in the US (because I knew it was in the US) and I recall asking someone at the hotel with no success. However, it wasn't until about 6 months later that I found the answer. A British guy I used to chat with online searched for the lighthouses you can see in the photo and was able to actually locate the place: Fort Story, Cape Henry, Virginia. An Army base (at that time at least). The one on the left is the Cape Henry Lighthouse. I initially thought that was a "sign" because about 2 months after this I met who then became my husband, who was in the US Army. Now I am not so sure it was just a "sign".

I tried to look at the cars in the picture but they are too small and very far away to be able to see what kind of cars they are (old or new). I can spot a pickup truck but that's about it.
This picture has been stuck on my mind for so many years and has been bugging me ever since that day. I am unsure why, but it gives me a weird feeling that I can't shake off. Every once in while I think about this picture and can't help it but feel that there is something behind. What it is, I don't know - like pretty much everything else.
Will I ever know? The answer is always the same: nope.

If anyone is able to see the cars and find other "clues" within this picture, then please let me know. I have been looking at this picture since that day in 2003 and still can't find an answer.

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