The first messages

Since it's been a while since my last post, I figured I'd post again but this time I will add a whole series of conversations between John and I.

These below are (copy and paste) the very first messages we exchanged in 2010, when he first contacted me on my YouTube channel. Back in the days it was possible to exchange private messages on YouTube. AS there was no other way of saving them, I simply did a copy and paste on a word file, which is the one I still keep in my computer. These ones here are the messages from HIM, I no longer have the messages sent by me but it is pretty easy to guess my questions by his answers.



Letters November 25 2010

Re: Hi! 
Yes. there are. I thought you were the same as keys201. But now i know you are not.

To the point, why are you looking for john?.

Maybe i can answer one of your questions
Sent to: autumngirl1105 
Letters November 26 2010

Re: Re: Re: Hi! 
I thank you for your insight, your passion and commitment to attempt to contact him, though you know it is impossible. I thank you for the hope you communicate in your letters, they were the reason I decided to contact you.

You are right, we will never hear from him again, not john, with this said I can identify with you, wanting to move from this day to, where and when life may fit my own sun sets best and feel complete for the accomplishments made quoting my father. Depending on your point of view "When and Where" would be more properly said, where and when life has levels of simplicity we can identify with, a future.

Since you told me about yourself I will tell you about myself. I've never been married, but I did lose someone special, a motivation to move, in June I arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah, made my way south, today I live in Mexico working at a farm, the people, and nature it's beautiful here. My parents sailed to America from Russia, and when my father died, we moved south where I was able to learn Spanish. Soon I will go back to the United States, perhaps Idaho, I like the open country. I also like most sciences but I excelled specifically in computer networking and information technologies (Basically recycling hehe joke).

I'm not sure if I gave you an answer, you can always ask again, I do apologize however, after giving you a negative perception of the possible results of your efforts, going back to your search for john, I would like to encourage you to keep looking, if you really want answers, don't give up, you will know when you find what you are looking for. Again your honesty, commitment and hope communicated in your letters like none I've seen in the past few months is quite refreshing. You did not bore me what so ever. I look forward to your next online letter to john, best of luck to you. Feel free to write back.
Sent to: autumngirl1105 

Re: R: Re: Re: Re: Hi! 
It's good to know you won't give up. Yeah I do understand that you wrote letters as your online videos mentioned, where they ended up at, I don't know.

To be honest I have not read much of the postings from john, but what I have seen on the videos on youtube, among many others I find them interesting, so much content, I love it.

To answer your question about the fax example you mentioned, well, just like this email, an infinite number of emails will be received by you, and also an infinite number will not, some, as an infinite will be different some will have never happened, but the result is always very similar to an almost unnoticeable means. In other words, you have answered your own question, every time line differs by very small percentages, at times immeasurable in a practical numeric values due to the nature of the fact that a dimensional time line or world line event happened, and it has happened an infinite amount of times and places, in which case there's but little concern regarding these differences yet it is important to calculate in the sense of distance or length of time. Going too far is what makes the difference.

My favorite analogy has always been a swim at the beach, remember that its always changing very so little with every wave (wave -- effects on the timeline), if you keep walking (walking -- moving through time) and going too far, well sooner or later the beach will end and you won't be able to go swimming (things are so different if you go too far, they may be unrecognizable when you come back) or end up in a completely different beach, yet, if you only take a few steps (years in time) along the beach you can always swim, it might be a bit further in either direction, but the water (water -- our perception of reality, everything you see) from my perspective always seems very similar. So when I go back up the beach from where I started at I can say I swam back there, and it would be real (even if the timeline is not the same) because you expected to see me wet.

I suppose the point of the mission is to walk just a few steps where the water seems the same, and you will be expected to swim there since it's basically the same water. And when you get back, you will still be wet. And that's what's important, someone expecting you back damped from swimming no matter if the time line is a bit different, they still expected you back wet from a swim. I hope that will make sense, took me a few walks at the beach to get it myself.

I do also hope john made it back and completed his mission. And who knows he might still be here, or perhaps he came back, very intriguing. Perhaps his real mission had other reasons than delivering equipment.

About there being 2 johns on the same timeline, well it's not impossible, we are dealing with an immeasurable amount of possibilities, so if it is or is not it might as well be.

I wonder what the mission is for the rest of john's team? I don't believe anyone ever mentioned this, did they? I will look at the posts.
Sent to: autumngirl1105 

Re: Re: Re: R: Re: Re: Re: Hi! 
I can't begin to tell you how much I agree with you on the facts you mentioned regarding the United States. It's true they seem that they are out to get you. I moved to Mexico very much due to all the reasons you just mentioned and others.

It's quite hard to find a job in the United States, you need all sorts of dumb paperwork. I was even questioned on my citizenship applying at a super market for a job. Perhaps it was my accent.

I am very impressed that you are going for a PHD I'm sure it helps with the fear of not having a future. I'm not very concern with those things, as long as I have what I need, but I would've loved to have that opportunity when I was going to school, they weren't very big on titles however. I suppose it's not too late for that I'm 29 soon to turn 30. But then I don't even know what I would like to specialize in. I have become interested in growing mushrooms here at the farm. But I don't think that's qualifies :)

If you want to look for john, I'm sure you can find him in Omaha, NE. But he wouldn't be the same john that you read off from the forums.

There still a few people that believe in their own ideas, don't lose faith, I like to believe that I am one of them, but then I also believe in time travel and bigfoot. Who knows how sane I am.

You're funny, those things about the airport and wondering if john has a wife and kids, I'm sure he will in this timeline, you best hurry before that happens hehe.

I'm happy I answered one of your questions. You should try another
Sent to: autumngirl1105 

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: R: Re: Re: Re: Hi! 
wow you really got deep there. Well honestly I don't know, but this is what I've been told, staying within the question, it works basically like this...

1.An improbability algorithm is used to identify your start location relevant to where your target destination is.

2.A "guess" is made by a computer based on few billion possibilities related to the position of you occupy in time and space and a timeline target is selected. I'd say you can never be sure %100 percent you made the right target choice. I think I'm being conservative when I say billions too.

3.The biggest step. A combination of particles is injected into an event horizon to gain a "fail safe" understanding of the gravity resistance of the target, this has to do with you not landing in space. If you want to go to a specific time and area you must travel at a specific time and area in your start location within a certain time in your current timeline.

You can't just take off on a time flight and expect the machine to leave you in the same spot and space you started from. Most likely you will end somewhere in space. For example, if you wanted to go March 1st 2000 at 14:00 hours (2pm). Well there just too many possibilities in which most will not land you on earth, and the possibilities that will land you on earth, well earth might not be what you expected, a completely different timeline.

Therefore you must calculate a start time location relevant to the target location you want to arrive at. In other words you want to leave at an specific time to arrive at an specific time and also be within your realm of dimensional reality.

The particles basically bounce back when there's a "positive hit" an electromagnetic / radiation / foreign particle, etc, etc, etc, etc test is ran on the results giving you an idea of the position of the earth relative to space-time as well as some mass and type of matter at the target location.
who needs airplanes huh?

4. Once a destination is locked, you, well you sort of move into it. And all that crazy stuff john explained on him forums happens.

5. You try to accept it

Hope this helps a bit. There is certainly a more detail explanation.

About john in Omaha, that's where he moved is my understanding.
Sent to: autumngirl1105 

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: R: Re: Re: Re: Hi! 
Don't be sorry, I think it's great that you are interested in these things. And I wouldn't call it impressive, now unix based systems!!! Hehe just kidding.

I feel I don't I know enough really, basically just picking up things here and there, mostly from where I used to work at.

That's just funny, well I'm not black. I look white, blue eyes, sort of brownish blond hair???, I'd say more European. I was born in the united states from Russian decent but I don't relate too well with the type of social culture they have.

What about you?
Sent to: autumngirl1105 

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: R: Re: Re: Re: Hi! 

No, the 5100 didn't use what we use today. I meant Berkerly Design systems, try checking up on OpenBSD for example. The 5100 was one of the branches in computing that expanded into what we know now.
Plenty of people knew about it. Just like plenty knew about Y2K. Well enough people i guess. I dont think john's dad is into computer programming, basic electronics mostly if i remember correctly.
But i dont think he had anything to do with that computer. Besides that was a long time ago, i dont think it would be productive narrowing down a list.

Are you saying that John has a different name and its not Titor?
Sent to: autumngirl1105 

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: R: Re: Re: Re: Hi! 
Oh his grandfather... WOW i never realized... well there you go. I would say you are right, that's not his real name. If anything I would say every time traveler needs an identity to fall back on, i wonder how many "john's" there are out there. maybe not exactly in this reality but in similar ones. How long would it take for another time traveler to show up... maybe they are here...

In the case of his grandfather working on the 5100 then that is a great way to narrow it down yes. I haven't finish reading the forums yet, very good detective work on your part.

No i didnt know that there is a documentary being made about him. thinking of this too, and the book being sold, who has the rights to the profits i wonder. i dont know if it is possible to look that up.

whats the website address for that documentary?
Sent to: autumngirl1105 

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: R: Re: Re: Re: Hi! 
My email is ...., feel free to email me, i get bored around here.
I deleted the facebook page, i set it up to get in touch with you. so i dont have one. im not really into that whole facebook thing, but i might give it a try some day.

i came across your videos on youtube just by chance, when i listened to the first letter, i just started listening to all of the ones you have posted on your channel about a week ago.

by the way, i'm not the john, but my name is John nice to meet you.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: R: Re: Re: Re: Hi! 
i was listening to coast to coast on youtube, and your video came up when i typed john titor on the search its one of the results, maybe 6th or 7th i think, its only 8pm here so yeah its not very late for me either.

nice to meet you too stella, if you want to keep talking we can do that until you want to go to sleep
Sent to: autumngirl1105

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