
Showing posts from June, 2019

Meeting the B-52s (you should read this)

First of all, let me start by saying this will probably become quite a long post; well, a longer post, much longer than my usual type. I am not a writer, my first language is Italian, I don’t pretend to be one (unlike some other people out there) and my posts are not meant to be essays or bullshit stories that would bore the crap out of even a Buddhist. My posts are open, straight-forward and real. This post will be about guess whom? They, yes, the B-52s. It’s always like that, isn’t it? Well…no. At least not anymore. In here I will be telling you about my face to face encounter with them last night as well as some of my theories. Please do keep in mind that these are “theories” and based on things that have happened over the years and not just a 5-minute meeting (although I bet it was even less than that). I will also post about what led me to the conclusion I drew last night. This month marks the B-52s European Farewell Tour – although they insist it is not actually a fare

More questions for "John"

My dear "John", here is a list of more questions; no, don't worry, it's not about me this time. It's more technical as I was recently reading the old posts and I realised I had questions about the "machine", questions the I don't recall people asking at that time. Since apparently these types of questions are more welcomed than my usual questions, I thought I'd ask some as well. Just to tell you: the list of questions keeps getting longer and longer, sugar. Like the picture says, I've got a whole lotta questions and not many answers. Let, let me rephrase that: I've got a whole lotta questions and NO answers. But that's okay, I am not holding my breath. I have made a note of these questions on my phone as I kept reading the posts. I have no technical skills whatsoever so, please, let me apologise in advance of some of these questions sound really stupid. Also, I have added some considerations as well, mostly my opinion on som