More questions for "John"

My dear "John",

here is a list of more questions; no, don't worry, it's not about me this time. It's more technical as I was recently reading the old posts and I realised I had questions about the "machine", questions the I don't recall people asking at that time.
Since apparently these types of questions are more welcomed than my usual questions, I thought I'd ask some as well.

Just to tell you: the list of questions keeps getting longer and longer, sugar. Like the picture says, I've got a whole lotta questions and not many answers. Let, let me rephrase that: I've got a whole lotta questions and NO answers. But that's okay, I am not holding my breath. I have made a note of these questions on my phone as I kept reading the posts.

I have no technical skills whatsoever so, please, let me apologise in advance of some of these questions sound really stupid.

Also, I have added some considerations as well, mostly my opinion on some things that were said on those original posts.

- Stella

- Does the unit need to “cool down” when arriving in another timeline? How long does it take? 
Do you need to remain inside the car until it's all cooled down?

- What kind of “insulation” does the car use? There must be something or you’d burn alive?!? 

- I don’t understand how the “machine” gets to the right time line. Is that because each timeline has a different gravity value/set? Assuming that, it means that you either 1) already know the value of each of them in advance which would be impossible, right? 2) you know the value of the target time lines, a selection of the ones you use the most (assuming: the few ones similar to yours) 

- How the hell would you even know the gravity value(s) in the first place? How were those originally discovered or calculated? 

- You can’t go back to the exact time lime. Why? 'Cuz you can never get the same gravity value or because the divergence value is never zero?   I’m talking about technical stuff. I don’t know I’m just messing with my head right now, don’t even know what I’m writing or asking for that matter. 

- How and where are the  X-rays vented then? I guess this is a very sticky question that can’t be answered.

- The vehicle must be standing still - I want to go ahead and guess that the normal breaks and service break might not be enough so perhaps there’s something else that gets installed to keep a vehicle still whilst under a magnetic field?

- Once you leave, does time freeze in your original time line? If yes, why and how does that happen? The fact that you leave shouldn’t stop time. 

- If it doesn’t then does it mean that the amount of time you stay here affects how much time will pass on your time line? To me, it should not but just a question. 

- If you’re set to arrive here at let’s say 3:40am and you schedule that in the computers, then does the computer/software take into account the time spent “traveling”? Or does time stop (in your prospective) when you travel? If this is not taken into account then would you end up here after 3:40am? 

- You said once that the people expecting you back would only see that you were “gone” for a few seconds (please forgive me if I remember incorrectly). To me that doesn’t make sense. You are physically leaving a time line and that shouldn’t impact how time continues to flow on that time line. If it takes you a few hours to reach another time line (e.g. this one) and you stay here an x amount of time, how can it be just a few seconds there? Yes, we’re getting into the theory of relativity here but if I’m correct that theory didn’t specifically apply to travel in different time lines so we can’t say for sure it’ll work the same way. Maybe I’m saying a bunch of BS because I’m definitely missing pieces but it just doesn’t make sense to me. 

- Do we know if the theory of relativity can indeed be applied in case of time displacement into physically different time lines? 

"Predictions": I agree with you, yours were not predictions. You were not God. People can really be so fucking stupid - hard to believe but unfortunately true. Intelligence is a gift. 

"John Titor is A real name". To me, you didn’t specifically say "it is my real name". It’s nothing but a bloody alias, just like Stella Corona. Stella = real name Corona = made up (although there are real people named Stella Corona out there). John = real name Titor = acronym. 

Basic training: you said you were not fortunate enough to go through it. My ex husband did it, it’s not a walk in the park. You are actually lucky you didn’t get to do it, trust me on that one. 

Lastly, I wanna leave you with this one:

Quote: "there are people I trust here and I would hate for any harassment or harm to come to them" - Clearly you’re a liar and quite frankly I don’t think you give two fucks about anyone here or you would not have left people here to get death threats or to suffer. I honestly find it harder and harder to believe this is indeed real.

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