
Showing posts from July, 2019

The B-52s Responded

If you want to understand this post, then you should probably read my previous one (titled: meeting the B-52s) first. It’s quite a long one but it will help you understand this post a bit better. So…apparently there is an answer from the B-52s (Kate Pierson, really) on my previous post. To me, at least, this seems like an answer. The article was published on July 16 th 2019 on the “Guardian” which is a UK-based newspaper. Kate is actually being interviewed (ah!). Take a look for yourself: And here are some screenshots of the most interesting parts I'll be discussing below: Now, let me break this down and add comments as well: -          The title: “Everyone is welcome to the party!” Is that so? Was this in response to my comment about myself being “persona non grata” at their concert in Newcastle? I am still of the same opinion. That hasn’t changed and I doubt it ever