The B-52s Responded

If you want to understand this post, then you should probably read my previous one (titled: meeting the B-52s) first. It’s quite a long one but it will help you understand this post a bit better.

So…apparently there is an answer from the B-52s (Kate Pierson, really) on my previous post. To me, at least, this seems like an answer.

The article was published on July 16th 2019 on the “Guardian” which is a UK-based newspaper. Kate is actually being interviewed (ah!). Take a look for yourself:

And here are some screenshots of the most interesting parts I'll be discussing below:

Now, let me break this down and add comments as well:

-        The title: “Everyone is welcome to the party!” Is that so? Was this in response to my comment about myself being “persona non grata” at their concert in Newcastle? I am still of the same opinion. That hasn’t changed and I doubt it ever will. I still think Kate and Fred did not want me there for the reasons I stated previously.  

-          Trism: the article mentions all the B-52s albums and some of their songs. Yet, for the album “Whammy!” they picked TRISM. Just like that. Completely out of the blue. They didn’t pick something like “Whammy Kiss” or “Legal Tender” for example, both being quite famous and have been played live quite frequently. What a coincidence, right? They hadn’t spoken about that song in decades, that song hasn’t been played in 30 years I believe and yet, this song was picked for that newspaper. Too bad I don’t believe in coincidences, especially not when this band are involved.

-          “We were too much in the future” Kate’s comment: hmm, is she trying to secretly admit that they do have a connection to time travel? I will leave that for you to decide. I like how "Trism" follows this exact comment. 

-          “Fred thought of the trism: a time machine”: we knew that already, she was the one hinting it to my friend (this is in one of my earlier posts from last year, with also a screenshot). Trism is a time machine and Stella is the one driving it (lucky bastard) in the song. Despite all, this is actually the very first time the B-52s have publicly given the meaning of Trism. Trism is the time machine, but it’s also an acronym for something, as I stated in one of my initial posts. It took a long 8 years but at least we got here.

-          “You gotta go by Trism”: uh…NO.  The lyrics don’t say that. The lyrics go (and trust me, I know that song by heart): “She has to leave, she has to go. The fastest way is by Trism”. She insists that this song was written by them but clearly she doesn’t even know her own lyrics.

-          “I don’t know if anyone knew what the hell we were talking about”: they don’t. I DO. Stop lying or hiding, this whole thing is already public.

-          “I love that song”: BULLSHIT but funny how she says this in the article, after I said that she hated it (again previous post). Again, what a coincidence (FYI this is exactly what I wrote: last night explains so much: the times they were hiding, the questions they have always refused to answer on the “Trism” song, the avoidance, the secrecy. They probably want to keep things secret – yes – but I also believe that they don’t want to talk about it because they hate it)

-          “[…] it’s so quintessentially B-52s”: oh, right. Again, in my previous post I said how I think the song wasn’t written by them, but by “John Titor”, who is obviously affiliated to the band. What I said – and I want to make this clear once and for all – is that the lyrics are not by them, the music probably is. This is my opinion and I’m sticking to it.

-          “It’s one of those songs we really don’t do live. It’s one of the hidden gems to me that I still treasure hearing because I haven’t heard it very much”: well clearly so because she doesn’t even know the lyrics. They don’t do it live because it’s associated with Ricky and the whole “the people from the future are bad people” kind of thing. I clearly stated why they don’t play it live in my previous post. Clearly Kate didn’t like that and wanted to say this. I think, if they liked that song, they’d play it. They avoid it like the plague. That’s all they do. Treasure my sweet ass.

-          “We saw Ricky get thin and asked ‘are you okay?’ and he said, ‘oh, I stopped eating Mexican food’: hmmm, so here we are, we are going back to my previous post again where I said that it was weird that no one asked anything when Ricky was apparently getting thinner and thinner (FYI, this is exactly what I wrote: his symptoms would have been quite obvious very quickly it is hard to believe that no one noticed that much or asked anything at all, considering how close they all were.) Again, what a tremendous coincidence her saying this, am I right? She apparently wanted to make sure everyone knew she did ask, like this blog is so big and famous that everyone’s going to read it and think badly of her.

-          “It seemed as though we, particularly Cindy, would never get over it”: right, because I said that – of all people – Cindy should be the most upset one (FYI this is exactly what I wrote: you would think that, if anyone has the right of being upset about Ricky, that one is Cindy since he was her own brother, but she doesn’t seem like it at all.) Okay, maybe I should have phrased that a bit better. What I meant was that Cindy didn’t seem angry at me that night, she didn’t act like she hated me like the others did even though, if anyone wants to hate me, Cindy is the one who has the right to it because that was her brother. That is what I meant. Of course she is upset for fucks sake, everyone would be. But what I also said is that, it is a catch 22 situation for her in my opinion: her brother and her son (from a different timeline) both of them involved.

I don’t quite frankly have much more to add, I just wanted to add comments to what they said in response to my previous blog post.
Kate can continue to hate me if she wants to, that’s her own personal choice. I wondered, if the rumor is true, what made Ricky leave. They all get pissed off but have they actually ever wondered whether he was happy here? Was he? Do you think that perhaps he was tired of being in this place where there are no values, everyone judges you and you cannot be who you really and truly are? Kate doesn’t want to face the reality that there are a lot of reasons why people choose to leave. I never blame anyone for wanting to leave because I want to leave too. I want to think that he is free now, that his best days are just there with him. He’s home.

We can keep arguing about Trism but the reality is, that song is everything to me. They can hide it, it doesn’t matter. I know what that song talks about it and that’s what’s really important. Everything else can just go to hell. Newcastle was a sad disappointment and something that I was not expecting. Except for Cindy, who was lovely, I really thought they were different and it feels like such  a huge pain finding out who they really are and what they really think about me and the “people from the future”. As someone once said to me: “you know what they say, you should never meet your heroes”. True words.

I will post something else about Trism and Kate pretty soon, there is one more thing I want to show before I close this chapter.


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