Kate Pierson and her trolling (and other VERY interesting things)

The title of this long-due post is pretty self-explanatory. Yes, correct: I am going to show some of the “trolling” made by Kate Pierson in regards to myself and “Trism”. I have been quite busy recently and this is the first post in almost 3 months; as I am writing this, I am sitting on a beautiful beach in Tel Aviv, enjoying my well-deserved time off and sipping a gin & tonic (one of my favourite drinks).

Let me just start by saying that I don’t hate Kate Pierson (just want to make this clear to any fans of may read this either now, or in the future); I don’t like her attitude. The woman is undoubtedly HOT, she is a good-looking woman especially at her age and has an amazing voice; however, her attitude is off. Perhaps she is not like that with the real fans, but she was definitely like that with me. If you don’t know what the hell I am talking about, just read the posts title “meeting the B52s” and it’ll give you an idea. Anyway, initially when I first learned about the song and The B52s (I had no idea who they were until beginning of 2011) I started messaging Kate to have my “answers”. I don’t know why I didn’t go to Cindy, it just seemed the right thing to do at that time. Obviously Kate never answered and that is fine. You don’t need to answer if you don’t want to (I doubt that she “can’t” answer) however, you do not need to troll. Trolling is unacceptable. How do I know she was trolling me?

Take a look at these pictures (not much the first but the last 2 - also please note the tag she used on the last pic - "blackhole"):

These pictures were published on her page in August 2017, during a total solar eclipse in the US. The pictures mention “Stella Corona” and, when the fans were asked where Stella Corona comes from, they obviously mentioned Trism. If you are a hard core B52s fan you know Trism. I am not sure why she chose that day to post these (Stella Corona could be interpreted as “the sun” since the “Corona” is the ring around the sun that’s visible during total eclipsis) but certainly the woman knows a bit of astronomy.
Now, the question: how do I know this is trolling? For God’s sake, those pictures have the word “trolling” all over them. Look at how she is laughing and how she is covering her face and mouth. It’s like she is trying to tease and make fun of the fact that not knowing hurt me at that time.

Look at these comments:

Look at how hard and pathetically she is denying everything; Stella Corona is a made-up name, according to her. Gimme a break, Pinocchio. Actually no, “Pinocchia”, to be correct. Like I said, if you do not want to give out the truth, that’s fine, but trolling really pisses me off. See, for many years I couldn’t understand these pictures; I thought she was trying to “send a message” but that didn’t make sense. None of this made sense until I finally realised she was trolling! Well, I hope she had her dose of fun at least. I certainly did not. I did not appreciate her coming out like this, giggling at the camera while my “nickname” is mentioned and then she denied everything. Why posting this – well knowing that either myself or someone I know would have seen this - then deny everything unless, of course, you want to troll. She clearly thinks all of this is a bloody joke. Look at her: she thinks this is something to make fun of, because she hates it. She hates John Titor, she hates the story and the song, she hates all of it. My stance has not changed: I really and truly believe she hates me too. Well, let me break it down for you Kate: Trism is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Trism has kept me alive all these years. When I am scared, when I am down and when the world is at its darkest, Trism is my own light. When I am terrified and have no one to turn to, Trism makes me feel better. It’s the only thing that calms my anxiety. That song speaks to me like a mother. This is another reason why I always say it is not written by Kate Pierson; no evil person would be able to make a song like that, a song that has so much power on me. Only a person who loves me and knows me well, can do this for me. Certainly not her, the troll. If this is all a joke for you Kate, then good for you. If you think my life is easy and I can be made fun of then you know jack shit about me. You can hate me as much as you want, that will not give you back what (or whom) you’ve lost and I am sure you know that too. He is not coming back just because you hate us all. You can keep on hiding and hating the story, but that will not solve anything. You had something special happening to you in the 70’s, why can’t you just be happy about it? You know what I’d do to be in your place now? You know what I’d do to see him and thank him for this song? Just to look into his eyes and tell him how much this means to me. How much he means to me. I may never see him, I may never meet him but you did and to me, that makes you the luckiest person on Earth. For years and years all I could think of is speaking to you and asking you about him. How he is, how he smiles, what the sound of his voice feels like. You know all of this and I don’t. I am left here scared, with people coming to me and then disappearing again. People lying, abusing, hiding, all sorts. A while back I read an interview with Cindy and she said something that I also truly believe in: that they – as a band – were not scared to speak up for what they believed in even if people thought they were weird and “off”. This is what I am doing now: I am speaking up for what I believe in and I know – God do I know too well – that people think I am a nutter but I don’t care. I know that you have met him and I know that this is all true. I am sorry you feel that my true beliefs are a joke, I am sorry that you think this is all something so ridiculous that you feel the need to make fun of it. I am sorry that, the only song that means so much to me, is nothing but bloody amusement to you. That I am a joke to you. Thank you for trolling me Kate, but you’re not nearly as lonely as I am. You don’t wake up almost every morning feeling like your chest is exploding; no, you don’t. You only troll people.

I am not stupid and I do know that what I posted about my ordeal in Newcastle has been read. I don’t know why they are hiding and why “no one can tell me” (fine, I can live with that) but I do know that there is a connection between the band and John Titor, even if Kate likes to troll it. What I don’t get is the link between myself, the band and John Titor. This is where I have a gap. That is why I wanted to speak to the band but hey, I am the enemy right? We all are: by “we” I mean everyone even remotely connected to the story (e.g. the “fans”) is seen and treated as an enemy of the band. Boy, John Titor must have done some pretty bad damage back in the 70’s or 80’s and we all know what it is. Before I get into the last – and quite the interesting part of the story – I’d like to share a recent story from one of my “travels” this year. I was in Bulgaria last September and I was talking to this American man who seemed like the typical “B-52s type of fan” so I asked him if he knew the band. He said of course and he also said that he knew this woman in Athens (GA, not Greece) who – quoting – likes to brag that she dated one of the members of the band (a guy). I asked him if he was sure because, well, that didn’t make sense to me and he said “yes, they’re five people from Athens, one of them died” and I said “yes, that is them” and he said he was sure about this woman dating one of the guys because that is her thing she loves to brag about – that she dated a celebrity. He didn’t know which guy she dated though so I couldn’t confirm that. I take this as a sign: for some reason I felt that I really needed to ask this man about the band and there it was, he came out with this story. What a stunning coincidence! Considering I NEVER speak about this when I travel and yet, that time I felt I needed to, I felt that this man had some sort of connection to this and I was bloody right. Funny part is, when I told him about what happened in Newcastle and how I pissed off I was, he thought I was coo-coo, well, nuts really. Welcome to my life.
What if this guy was Ricky Wilson? (hey, I don’t blame her at all, the man is stunning beyond belief). Obviously that doesn’t prove anything but opens up a whole new set of possibilities that I will not share here.  

Now, the last part which is still about Kate and it is quite interesting. If you’ve read my post “Meeting The B-52s” then you probably know that I pointed out how I (personally) had never seen much awareness-raising from the band regarding HIV/AIDS which is weird because one of the members supposedly died from AIDS-related complications (well, that is how people with HIV/AIDS die). December 1rst is apparently World AIDS Day and look what Kate shared on that day:

You wouldn’t think much of it because this is what you would expect however, I do think much of it because I have never seen this before on her page. Yes, I am sure about it.

Let’s take a look at Dec 1rst 2018:

Now let’s take a look at 2017:

And now 2016 (she didn’t even post on Dec 1rst 2016):

2015 (again, there is not even a post on Dec1rst):

And finally 2014 (again not even a post):

I could have kept going but I don’t think I would have found anything. Just as FYI, World AIDS Day falls on Dec 1rst every year since 1988 so it’s not exactly a new thing. She never said anything on Dec 1rst and this year she suddenly decides to say something about AIDS…how odd, right? To be honest, her post feels “fake”, like forced, not sure how to describe it. It just doesn’t feel right to me and I can’t explain why. But there you go, I don’t know how else I can prove this because – let’s face it – this is not my job but I wanted to put it out there regardless. I think this is all bloody bollocks. All of it. I don’t understand why this level of dishonesty, why all these lies. Who the hell does she need to protect? He is gone and she is clearly being deceiving, very deceiving in fact. I don’t want to say “they” because otherwise I would include Cindy as well and she is not like that. As a matter of fact, she is the only one who treated me as a human that day and the only one who even remotely attempted at saying something. So, when I say “they” I would like to clarify that I am NOT including Cindy Wilson. They are liars, they are deceiving people on purpose, they are hiding the big truth. Their existence is all based on a big fat lie. Like I said to John R., this façade will eventually fall. Every façade eventually falls, it is inevitable and when the world will discover the truth, they will do what they are good at doing: HIDE. Obviously the fans don’t care because they are just there for their music but they will eventually see this too. I have stopped asking for the truth because they never and ever even dignified me with an answer, not even a single word. Nothing. I gave her the chance to come to me completely anonymously (I would have NEVER done anything to put anyone in trouble, I am not an ass like some people) - she even had my address (which is STILL the same by the way so I can tell you for sure I got nothing from her). They think it's dangerous. I think that the most dangerous thing here is their dishonesty towards me and towards their fans. They have lied to everyone and they know that. 
Well, as bad as Newcastle was, it opened my eyes to the only truth I know: they hate us all.

- Update 2020:

Looks like Kate won't quit trying to show how much she cares about this cause. Now there's gonna be a post every year just for.....JUST for the sake of it because of me pointing it out, of course. AND she even apologised for being "1 day late". Don't you worry Kate, we forgive you 😉
Here it is:

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