
Showing posts from April, 2020

*Please Read* : rules for getting in contact/UPDATED

Please watch this video about some rules for getting in contact with me through this blog: As stated in the video, these below are the “rules” for getting in contact with me following episodes of “conspiracy drama” I have been subjected to:     You are John Titor     You are “one of them”   You are a member of the B-52s   *Unless you fit into one of these categories, please avoid using the contact form thank you *: My apologies to those who mean well, but I have to filter some of the junk out because some of these individuals involved in the story are way too crazy and harassing for my own taste. UPDATE AUGUST 2020: Apparently this is still a hard concept for Americans to grasp. I still had a couple of attempts from people (perhaps that same crazy bastard who won’t quit until someone shoots him – and someone will one day, trust me on this one. He has messed with many people and he threatened people and harassed people) to contact me.