The True Meaning of Trism

I know it has been a while but I am planning to publish whatever it is I have left in the weeks to come and then probably stop posting but the blog will, of course, remain online. I feel that, at this point, a lot of the stuff that had to be said, has been said and that there is not much else I can say or do to help this story. As I said before, I am on my own in this and, to be honest, I don’t mind that. I’d much rather being on my own than being surrounded by nutcases who say things that go from one edge of the story, to another without giving it much thought. I feel that, yes, I am “working for them” without any sort of reward or compensation and by this, I do not mean money. I couldn’t give a damn about money. That’s not what I want, but they do know full well what I do want.

I am aware that the song “Trism” has been discussed a lot but, in times like this, I cannot shake the feeling that Trism has a lot more to it than we actually know. Reading the lyrics again the other day, I wondered whether Trism outlines events or, better, a series of events that lead to the ultimate uncovering of “time travel”. In the song, “Stella Corona” does all of that (asks for a ride, etc) to get to the Trism, which is a “time machine”. What if, Stella and Corona, despite also being the nickname of an individual, are also two separate events that lead to the uncovering of this time travel program. The events “Stella” and “Corona” lead to time travel, just like Stella Corona gets to the Trism. It’s a metaphor. Despite what we think, Trism may be full of metaphors and double meanings, some of which we can’t even spot.

Take this example:

“It was a human race to get away, and then back again”

To me, even this very simple phrase could have various meanings, such as:

1)     Get away and then back again – meaning exactly “time travel”
2)     Human race – as someone told me this could be a play on words: “human race” meaning the human race and “race” like getting away in a difficult situation.

The part that I find very intriguing is this “human race”. It was by reading this phrase over and over that I started to see Trism under a different light. Does this song mean that something happens to the human race? I am not sure but it is rather intriguing that this particular part of the song was phrased this way. Obviously on purpose. If “Stella Corona” was getting to the Trism to then – perhaps – leave, why did they get away and then back again? And who got away and then back again? Who are they talking about here? Before this phrase comes on, Stella is dropped off by the Trism and after this phrase she gets inside the Trism and pulls the lever, at night. I find this part also very interesting because, if I recall correctly, “John Rodriguez” did tell me that “they” usually depart at night.

As I go by this nickname “Stella Corona” (again highlighting that Stella is my real first name) on Facebook and other social media, lately I have received a lot of ironic comments as to how my “last name” (which people think is my real last name, but it is not) evokes the now infamous Coronavirus. A lot of people refer to this time as the “Corona pandemic” and a I see a lot of people calling the virus simply “Corona”. Put it into a simple question, could it perhaps be that this “Corona” in the Trism song is this exact pandemic “event”? If that were true, then it would mean that this ongoing event is one of the two main events cited above that may ultimately lead to “Trism” – the uncovering of the program. This could also link to the “human race” phrase cited above. So what’s the other one? That would be “Stella”, right? What event is “Stella” a part of? I am hoping, with all due honesty, that it would be my own disappearance. After all, Stella gets to the Trism and then disappears through a flash of bright light.

Now you can see how this song has so much that we still need to uncover. As I have said many times, I really doubt the B-52s are the ones who wrote it. I am convinced that Cindy Wilson’s son of the “future” time line, the one I believe to be “John Titor”, wrote this song. Why did he write it? I don’t know. Does the band know the actual meaning of this song? Maybe, but then again, they’d keep quiet like they have done all these years. Cindy’s song – No One Can Tell You – offers a glimpse into the band’s philosophy and their involvement in the John Titor story: Stella, do not ask because no one can tell you. There, that’s how it is.

One other thing I do love about this song, is the pure sense of Freedom that you get when you read the lyrics. Stella is free, Stella can finally go, wherever that is. One thing I do not understand is why in the song Stella is trying to get home before sunset but “he” drops her off by the Trism, not at home. By the time she departs, it is no longer sunset – it is night time. To me, Stella never really went home. Why is she trying to get home but ended up inside the Trism then? Perhaps, this Trism (as the song says) is what will ultimately take Stella back home. If Trism is a time machine, like the band confirmed, Stella has to go home to another time line. What happens to the man who gives her a ride? Yes, I do believe it’s a man who gives her a ride. As I said before, this “man” doesn’t control the “Trism”, Stella does. That means Stella knows how to use this Trism; Stella is a “driver”. Yes, a “time traveller”.

I am going to finish this by saying something that I have been meaning to say for years and never found the courage to:  I do believe I am the Stella Corona from the Trism song. There is no one else who can be Stella Corona. I believe we have seen far too many coincidences to totally dismiss this story and the fact that the B-52s stepped up to respond to my blog post last summer, goes a lot way in saying that my involvement is perhaps a lot more real than what people think. I am sorry but, if anything, this forced house arrest and prolonged isolation made me realize that life is too short to please people and to lie. If you know something is real, if deep inside you can feel in your heart that this is the right path to follow, then go for it. Everyone else will just have to stay behind.

-        Stella

Rainbow Mountain Peru - Feb 2020  
One of the last days of freedom

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