What we talked about - 1

I wanted to share some of the things that I’ve recently found written somewhere that “John” told me back when we met in person.

It took me a while to get to this stage because I honestly have not been able to write or concentrate much on this due to very personal reasons and things happening in my life that just suck. Tonight is the first time that I’ve actually been able to sit down and just write, or even think about this. I was scrolling through some pages maybe a month ago and I found a conversation that John and I had the night before I was due to fly to Mexico City. It was actually on Skype but we were typing because he was at the airport and couldn’t speak. I do recall that night clearly because it was one of the happiest nights of my life. The anticipation, that thrill that you get knowing you were running towards the light was just the best feeling in the world. I knew that I would be in Mexico the very next day and I just could not wait for it. As I write this, everything looks so different. Everything is actually different and that feeling of anticipation is something that’s so way behind me I barely even recall what it feels like now. Well, that night John told me to keep this in mind: in 2027 a satellite will crash on the Moon. That’s what he said, offering something that he insisted could be proof that he was…yes, a “time traveller”. Unfortunately I did not take a screenshot of that because I didn’t care, honestly speaking. I wasn’t after that, I only wanted to go to Mexico and be with him. I will therefore leave this here just in case this is in fact true and maybe it will happen. I am leaving it here as I have the feeling I will not be around (more like a hope than a feeling…).

To this day there is something that I so wish I had not done. The day he left me in Mexico, before he went, he wanted to leave his Social Security Number with me. He put it on the table and said: “this is something to remember me by”. Yes, his Social Security card. I don’t know why he did that but I know why I did this: I took that card and threw it at him saying that “I didn’t need his shit”. He obviously took it back. To this day I wonder why he wanted to leave that card with me and perhaps I should have just taken it. Perhaps it had *clues*, I don’t know. I feel such an idiot for doing that but I was angry and hurt and I wanted to prove a point by showing him that I didn’t care about his information. Now I obviously don’t care about him and do care about his info, what do you know.

Finally, there are two more things I would like to share here. The first one is about the way “they” travel. Well, more like the preparation to it. Before they depart they have to go through several checks. They get sent to a building. Inside this place, they have different doctors that check you to make sure you’re okay. Once you’re done with one, you go over to the next one. So they get checked by all these doctors, they get tested for diseases then they have to enter a room that has a shower on one side. They have get inside the shower and basically wash themselves with this soap they give them. It’s on the right side inside a small container. You press the button and it comes out. They have to scrub themselves really good for several minutes. After they’re done with the shower, they have to wear this suit. It looks kind of green. Then they take them over to this place, it’s kind of like a jail. They have stay inside this small room for three days, sort of like a quarantine facility to ensure that they don’t develop any symptoms. Why? Well because a simple virus for us can cause a pandemic somewhere else. Just look at what’s happening now. This makes a lot of sense to me. He also added that the room has a touch screen monitor on the wall and you can use the internet and make video calls while in there. Once they are good to go, they get taken to the car and given what they need to take with them. They are not allowed to take anything of their own, only what they are given, including clothing items. Nothing comes in, nothing goes out. If he was lying, he came out with something that makes a lot of sense to me. Nothing he said here would be incorrect if this were real (and it is). By the way, he told me all of this face to face in Mexico City.

The other thing I wanted to share was something he said on a different night, always in Mexico City. He said that he worked for the United Nations. According to what he said, this whole time travel thing is also part of the UN. They apparently also have another section dedicated to UFOs, according to John. Again, you can argue that this also makes sense. If you have something like time travel – which must be ethically regulated – then you also need some sort of regulation at the UN level.

This is very, very interesting because this is something that the physicist Ronald Mallett also said in one of his interviews. Here’s the screenshot:

Also, if you want to read that whole Bible interview with this very angry lady, you can do so here:


I am pretty sure I have many other things that I was told while in Mexico that I will share. I have unfortunately forgotten a lot of things over the years but luckily everything was written down between 2011 and 2012, just in case this would happen.

As always, this is at your discretion – whether you want to believe what I was told or not. I obviously have my own opinion on this because I was with him right there and then, but this is your pick. My job here is to spread the message, nothing more.


 - Stella



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