
Showing posts from October, 2020

What we talked about - 2: the "people that have no name"

This post is about a brief conversation “John” and I had back in Mexico City. Unfortunately it was brief because, at some point, I couldn’t keep up with him. I completely blacked out and just can’t remember exactly what he said. However, as the title says, it is about “the people that have no name”. I initially thought these people were the “time travellers” because they have no name. Their record is completely hidden and you can imagine why: if it didn’t, it would have a lot of implications. These people cannot simply exist anywhere. I guess a “time traveller” would fall under the same categories as spies. But no…he was referring to something else entirely.   The whole conversation started when I told him I had posted a few pics of him on my Facebook and TR (Temporal Recon, the guy who wrote that book, can’t recall the name). John got freaked out and said I shouldn’t do something like that ever again. I do recall this because we had a lengthy conversation about TR that night over dinn