What we talked about - 2: the "people that have no name"

This post is about a brief conversation “John” and I had back in Mexico City. Unfortunately it was brief because, at some point, I couldn’t keep up with him. I completely blacked out and just can’t remember exactly what he said. However, as the title says, it is about “the people that have no name”. I initially thought these people were the “time travellers” because they have no name. Their record is completely hidden and you can imagine why: if it didn’t, it would have a lot of implications. These people cannot simply exist anywhere. I guess a “time traveller” would fall under the same categories as spies. But no…he was referring to something else entirely.  The whole conversation started when I told him I had posted a few pics of him on my Facebook and TR (Temporal Recon, the guy who wrote that book, can’t recall the name). John got freaked out and said I shouldn’t do something like that ever again. I do recall this because we had a lengthy conversation about TR that night over dinner. Truly, I can’t say for sure that he freaking out was only due to the fact the he was trying to hide because he was a “time traveller”. Since we all know his history, the outstanding warrant in the US could have also been the reason. I simply can’t tell. However, the conversation went on and on because TR invited me to speak on a radio show where he was being interviewed that night and John “ordered” me not to call in. He said he would call in (he never did, by the way) and selectively answer what he decided to answer. He said he wanted to protect me and didn’t want me to become the “media puppet”. Gladly, it never happened. He said to me that what I did (posting these pics of him online) was very dangerous because – and I quote – there are people here in this very moment investing in this project. This project, being of course, “time travel”. He called them “the people that have no name”. He said there was a lot of money involved and he had gone against orders and when there is money involved, people simply don’t care and they are ready to kill. Well, ready to kill him too, apparently, because he had gone against orders.

Bottom line is: there are people who are involved in this “time travel program” and investing heavily on this who probably have some contact with these time travellers. No, I don’t’ know who these people are or where they are (in the US for sure) and no, I have never spoken to them. They don’t give a shit about me, I am not that important. Even TR himself has highlighted this to me, several times as a matter of fact.

So what’s the connection between “the people that have no name” and the essays writer TR? On the surface, probably nada. In John’s head: TR was heavily involved in this story and was publicly speaking about it and also researching quite a lot so – I am assuming from that conversation – that John thought TR would be the one exposing him and getting him into trouble. He did talk to TR quite a lot in the months that followed, probably having some fun. I did read some of those emails they exchanged because they came with his email address I was able to retrieve that night in 2015. I also know that they were chatting using this same kind of chatrooms John and I used to use, the very private ones that John set up on his own. I guess we are all wrapped up around the axle about it, right TR? One fun fact that I noticed when I read those email exchanges (mostly from TR), is that he was speaking to John, “my John”, thinking he was talking to John Titor. But that was DEFINITELY John Rodriguez’s email account. That was the account he used to talk to me all those months and to talk to another girl as well. An IT administrator who sadly passed away in 2017. If you are wondering: no, they never spoke about time travel, not even once. All the emails were there, I’ve read them all. He actually didn’t even tell her his name was John. He gave her his “real name” here, that name I uncovered in 2015. And, no, I am not giving out names either.

Back to the original argument: in the emails TR was talking about “JR” (John Rodriguez, my John) in the third person. He also mentions an IBM email address. I have always wondered what this was all about. But if anything, it proves my above point even more: that JR was taking TR for a long, fun ride. Apparently, though, JR ordered TR not to talk to me. The same thing he ordered me that night in Mexico. In the email I read, TR promised whom he thought was John Titor, that he was not “pumping me for information”. He also always cc’d the other John’s email address, namely: rodrigueztrail@gmail.com. This email address is the one that was deleted in 2013, the one that eventually led me to find “John” in Mexico. I know that TR and JR were communicating up until at least July 2011, when JR was no longer talking to me. I know because I saw the emails. One email is dated July 13, 2011. Yet, in this other email TR tells John Titor that “it had been a little over a year since JR left”. This email is dated March 2012. Clearly, TR was covering for John Rodriguez and he was lying to the person he thought was John Titor by saying John R had left a year earlier. No, he very well knew that wasn’t true. Now, obviously, that email address didn’t belong to John Titor but this goes as far as saying that TR cannot be trusted. Simple as that. Where did JR say he was when he was talking to TR? Did JR tell TR at some point, after July 2011, that he was leaving (when he wasn’t)? I don’t know. Even if JR told TR at some point after July 2011 that he was leaving, why would TR try to imply in that email that JR had left in March 2011? He could have said July, I don’t think it would have made a difference. If I had to make an educated guess, I’d say TR knew John Rodriguez was hiding in Mexico and never left, way before I even found him. Spoiler alert: not trustworthy. Let me put it this way: if I were a high profile employer, I would NOT hire him.

It appears as if there was no further communication between the two men after that March 2012 email from TR. That email was marked as read when I first got into that account, meaning John had actually read it but never replied. Not with that email address at least. For all I know, JR could have used another email address to get in contact with TR. They still could be communicating, we just don’t know this. Like I said, TR is not a trustworthy individual and he went as far as lying to “John Titor” well knowing what he was doing. He also lied to both myself and Pamela. He was talking to John that whole time while I was here crying my eyes out day and night, when I couldn’t even reach out to JR. We were looking for him and TR knew this and yet, continued to LIE. LIE, LIE and LIE through his teeth. This person has no shame and no heart. He doesn’t give a damn about anyone else but himself and his “research”. He is most definitely NOT a team player. He proved that he was ready to go against John Titor and others to “serve” the AWOL time traveller for his own research purposes without thinking of the consequences or what impact this would have on those involved.  “Was ready” isn’t even the correct wording – he actually DID IT.  He covered for JR and lied even though he thought he was talking to John Titor. Do I need to add any more? Isn’t my case very clear indeed? If this blog is being checked by these “people that have no name”, I want to make extremely clear to them what kind of individual this guy is. I want everyone to know because, let me tell you, I don’t give a flying fuck what happens to me. I will let the truth out at all costs. I have intangible proof of everything I am saying about TR.


Going back to my original point: yes, I do believe there are people here that handle this time travel program. This is why I’ve always said that there is no “family”. The people who engaged Larry Haber are probably these people. Well, again, if I had to guess I’d say it wasn’t them directly, it was a middle man dealing with Haber on behalf of these people. Like I said, there is a family and that is Cindy Wilson’s but they are not directly involved with Haber. The “parents” that John Titor mentioned so many times in his posts, are Cindy Wilson and Keith Bennett but they are not the ones who hired Haber I don’t think. “John Titor” is Cindy’s son. The story says that he went back to 1975, that is actually around the year when the Bs started coming out. I think the first concert was February 1976? Something like that. In the posts he talks about music quite a lot and he gave Pamela a secret song. John Titor seemed to be a fan of the 1960’s music and so is Cindy’s son. The whole family loves The Beatles. John Rodriguez also once told me, while in Mexico, that John’s family is from the South of the United States and live there. Cindy Wilson is from Georgia and her and her family also live there. This was said to me before I even knew who the B52s were, by the way. Also, JR told me that John Titor’s mother has blond hair. Cindy has blond hair.  Pamela described John Titor as a white man, tall with brown hair and hazel eyes. This is basically Cindy Wilson’s son’s description. This is what I VERY FIRMLY believe and I am sticking to it.

One last thing I wanted to add is something else that John told me before we met in person. I once asked him to give me the title of a famous song “in the future”. He, of course, refused and said he couldn’t do that because then I would ask for more and would get upset when he couldn’t answer. Anyway, he gave me the title of a 2008 song which, he said, is still famous “over there”. The song is “Kids” by MGMT. He said his boss would put it on every time they had to do something dangerous or every time they went for a long trip. Cindy’s son does like MGMT by the way and it does seem like his style.

I have to be fair and say that John did give me the title of a movie from “over there”. He did it in person, actually, when we were in Mexico and he was drunk, so it was merely accidental. I didn’t get the exact spelling but he said something along the lines of “Johnny Slick or Sleak” (again not sure about the last name spelling) but he said it was about a guy with “big glasses”. Not that it matters, but I reporting it here, just in case. You never know, right? 

One last thing I wanted to share is the screenshot of John’s mug shot. No, this doesn’t have his pic and I have blacked out all the personal info – but this is the record that appeared to me when I found him again years ago. I thought I’d just post it here:

I think that probably my next post will be my last post here and then there will probably be a video. I intend to end this blog on Nov 2
nd, 2020 – the day that will mark the 20th anniversary of the beginning of the John Titor story.


-          Stella

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