
Showing posts from November, 2020

Some stories "from the future"

I was going through my book yesterday (it’s a draft by the way, not a published one) and I found some very good stories about “John Titor” that John Rodrigues (a.k.a. “JR”) told me when we were in Mexico. I obviously don’t know if all of them are true or only some of them are, I simply don’t know. I will add them here, perhaps one day someone will tell me. JR talked about their psychologist, a 46 year old woman called “Paula”. She is the one who handles these “time travellers” and the one who created this whole “write in your journal” kind of game, where these “time travellers” write as if they were speaking to themselves directly. Screenshots of JR’s journal can be found in a much earlier post, by the way. He said Paula is quite a strong lady who doesn’t get crap from anyone and who also has – quoting JR – a “hot daughter”. John told me that once they all had dinner at Paula’s mother’s house and her mother looked at John Titor and said “it’s man like this one who ruined me” (or some