Some stories "from the future"

I was going through my book yesterday (it’s a draft by the way, not a published one) and I found some very good stories about “John Titor” that John Rodrigues (a.k.a. “JR”) told me when we were in Mexico. I obviously don’t know if all of them are true or only some of them are, I simply don’t know. I will add them here, perhaps one day someone will tell me.

JR talked about their psychologist, a 46 year old woman called “Paula”. She is the one who handles these “time travellers” and the one who created this whole “write in your journal” kind of game, where these “time travellers” write as if they were speaking to themselves directly. Screenshots of JR’s journal can be found in a much earlier post, by the way. He said Paula is quite a strong lady who doesn’t get crap from anyone and who also has – quoting JR – a “hot daughter”. John told me that once they all had dinner at Paula’s mother’s house and her mother looked at John Titor and said “it’s man like this one who ruined me” (or something along these lines) and he asked “what the fuck did I do?” Well, apparently there is a reason for this – or more than one reason.

John Titor, according to JR, is a cheater. He cheats on his wife with his employees (women I take it) and loves strippers. JR said that they used to go to Vegas together and go to strip clubs there. He said that, on one occasion, after they were back, John Titor pulled out his “pad” and showed them a picture of a stripper’s ass and said “man did you see this stripper last night? She was hot I think I’m in love with her”. Sorry it’s just so very difficult for me to write this because it’s not quite how I’d always imagined him. Anyway, if you are wondering: the “pad” is sort of a phone/tablet that they use over there apparently. It’s foldable and when you open it fully it looks like a tablet and when it’s folded, it looks like a phone. This is what I was described by JR. He said it was made by Cisco. Again, take this as it comes. He also once said the web would be different, there is no www.bla, everything is just open and out there and you can consult it openly with this “pad”. Sort of like a cloud, I am guessing? My apologies I am not an expert on technology, I’m afraid. You also have multiple accounts combined in one, the way Google is now with YouTube, etc. Bear in mind that I was told this back in January 2011, but I can’t recall when Google started doing this exactly. He also said that Burger King will become a steak house. I thought I’d just throw this one in there too.

Anyway, there is also another story about John Titor. He said that once he was firing someone for no reason. The guy being fired hit his fist on the desk and he screamed “You can’t fire me! You can’t do this!” JT didn’t say anything. He just got up and left. If you haven’t figured it out yet, apparently John Titor is an asshole. Or that’s what I have been told. According to Pamela, this is crazy. She said the person I was describing to her sounded like a completely different guy because John Titor was nice and kind when they were speaking. I tend to think that a fraction of this may be true. If you think of JT as Cindy Wilson’s son, you can imagine him being quite the liberal type of guy, someone who likes to have fun. However, John also said that John Titor was a “God freak”, in his own words. I fail to put this all together to be frank. Someone who’s a “God freak” – or a very religious man – wouldn’t act like this. Not openly at least. This would, in fact, be more in line with what Pamela said. Obviously one thing doesn’t exclude the other. JT could very well be Cindy’s son, or someone who did a LOT of drugs in the past and liked to have fun like a liberal and then something happened and he suddenly became a “born again Christian”. This kind of stuff isn’t really unheard of. That’s who the born again Christians are, right? Usually ex addicts, ex criminals, or people who suffered major depressive episodes in their life. If you think about it, John did sound quite religious in his posts, often talking about God and making references to religion. That said, I don’t know where those strippers episodes come from.

Again, in case you’re wondering, this whole time travel program and their job is actually done by a private company contracted by the Government so they are, effectively, Government contractors. This is not unheard of either. I was looking at this company profile a while back, this private company that operates space missions called Blue Origins and they do this kind of things – space missions – and they have a Latin motto as well, like the Tempus Edax Rerum one. Same goes with the guy who own Tesla, he is also involved in space missions and missile launches. I guess this will be the future, if all of us is strong enough to survive the present.

One last thing I wanted to add was the advice given by John Titor before he left in 2001. The more you read them, the more it seems like he was talking about the Coronavirus or “SARS-CoV-2” to be more exact (otherwise they will think it’s me) – see my added comments in red. Just to have some fun:

1. Do not eat or use products from any animal that is fed and eats parts of its own dead. This is what the scientific world claims it all started, by eating a bat– the legend of “The Man and the Bat”

2. Do not kiss or have intimate relations with anyone you do not know. Avoid any social contact with another household

3. Learn basic sanitation and water purification. Wash your hands for 20 seconds several times per day and use hand sanitiser when you don’t have access to soap and water.

4. Be comfortable around firearms. Learn to shoot and clean a gun. Okay maybe we can’t shoot the virus in the face.

5. Get a good first aid kit and learn to use it. In case you faint on the street and hit your head.

6. Find 5 people within 100 miles that you trust with your life and stay in contact with them. Form “support bubbles” as Europeans do.

7. Get a copy of the U.S. Constitution and read it. So you can forget about China for a while.

8. Eat less. Obesity brings a much higher risk of complication from COVID-19.

9. Get a bicycle and two sets of spare tires. Ride it 10 miles a week. Avoid public transport.

10. Consider what you would bring with you if you had to leave your home in 10 minutes and never return. Okay this is me when it’s finally my time to flee this shit. 

Hope you all enjoyed it.


-          Stella C.


This image says it all…..

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