
Showing posts from July, 2021

Mahalo, stronzo

As mentioned on Reddit “John Titor”, I am re-opening this blog I want to keep having a more private space that I can control better. I feel Reddit and the people there sometimes just get out of control. I can at least delete comments and block people here, and that is something I cannot do on Reddit as I am not the admin of that group. As said, I don’t do this to gain something or for the “glory”; I do this because I genuinely enjoy it. I like posting or talking about things that come to mind and I just enjoy being a part of the story. That is all. I want to re-open this blog with something on “John Titor” himself. This happened back in November, after I initially closed this blog, and it has been on my mind ever since. Earlier this year I was supposed to leave London after almost 8 years to move to Sweden. I did it (I am in Sweden as we speak) although I had to do it quickly and a lot earlier than anticipated due to, yes of course, the virus and the situation back in December. Howev