Mahalo, stronzo

As mentioned on Reddit “John Titor”, I am re-opening this blog I want to keep having a more private space that I can control better. I feel Reddit and the people there sometimes just get out of control. I can at least delete comments and block people here, and that is something I cannot do on Reddit as I am not the admin of that group. As said, I don’t do this to gain something or for the “glory”; I do this because I genuinely enjoy it. I like posting or talking about things that come to mind and I just enjoy being a part of the story. That is all.

I want to re-open this blog with something on “John Titor” himself. This happened back in November, after I initially closed this blog, and it has been on my mind ever since. Earlier this year I was supposed to leave London after almost 8 years to move to Sweden. I did it (I am in Sweden as we speak) although I had to do it quickly and a lot earlier than anticipated due to, yes of course, the virus and the situation back in December. However, in November I was preparing for the move, which was due to occur in mid-January 2021, so I posted an ad on an English news site called “”.  This is a news site in English for people who live in Sweden but do not speak Swedish.  They used to have a free section called the “noticeboard” where you could post personal ads. I posted an ad saying I was looking for a roommate in Stockholm. After maybe a day I got an email saying there was a message on the notice board and, actually, the entire message came through to me with that email.

This one here:


Please do read the content of the screenshot before you continue reading this post.

When I clicked on the link you see on the screenshot, I noticed that the message was gone. It had been deleted. Obviously, since this was sent in the afternoon and I was at work, I didn’t see it right away. The poster added this message and then deleted it. That is typical of “them”, by the way. They write stuff impulsively then freak out and delete it. John Rodriguez used to do this a lot.

What do I believe? I will tell you openly: I believe this is the actual “John Titor”. Yes, I am very sure about this, I don’t care what you may or may not think. I will give you my chain of thoughts and how I got to this conclusion however, if you look at the message, it has nothing to do with my original ad saying I wanted to find someone and share a house/apartment together. What the bloody hell does that have anything to do with Ringo Starr? The “three part location”? Is that it? Because of that song this guy mentions in the response? Gimme a break. Why was he even there in the first place? Now this – and I don’t want to start blabbering – goes back to the video I made in February saying these people are “spying” on me (the video on my YouTube channel, called “Being spied on”). It is the same situation as this other “time traveller” who lives in Wisconsin: what the bloody hell was he doing browsing classifies in London, ENGLAND?? As he recently admitted, he was there because of the script these freaks have on my online identity. This other guy here, the one who posted on the Swedish notice board, is another freak who found my ad through his script. That is why he was there.

This is also very clear if you read this: “I liked your cheerful explanation of Who and Where” Cheerful my ass. Apart from the fact that I was utterly heartbroken to have to leave London and everything behind me and I was in a terrible predicament, I do not find that post cheerful at all. It was a basic ad with nothing more than my info and what I wanted. Very short and simple HOWEVER, and this is where it gets interesting, I did have another ad elsewhere. Well, this one was on a site that’s made specifically for people looking for roommates and it is all in Swedish. There I posted a pic of me and also a much longer description of what I wanted. I guess you could call that one “cheerful” because I made comments such as “I am looking for a guy roommate because I do not get along with women very well, I’m afraid”. I suppose that could pass as, again, “cheerful” but definitely NOT the one on the noticeboard, where he replied. The other site (where I had a longer description of what I was looking for) required signing up and even a subscription to talk to people, so maybe this is why he eventually responded here, on the noticeboard. This, again, proves that what I said in that video was always true: all of them are spying on me. And not, I’m not bloody schizophrenic, thank you very much.

Now, why do I think that this guy is actually John Titor? Well, I tried to put all pieces of the puzzle together. DISCLOSURE: NO, I do NOT have proof!!! This is my opinion and MY opinion, ONLY. If you want to believe it, go for it, if not I will not cry about it. I cry about many things, this ain’t one of them.

Here it goes: I have been saying since 2018 (since my interview with Kevin Moore, where I said it publicly for the first time) that “John Titor” is Cindy Wilson’s (of the B52s) son Nolan Bennett. I also put this on some of my previous posts on this blog. As I also said on the other posts, he is a big fan of the Beatles (the whole family is), he is even friends with John Lennon’s son, according to Instagram and his mother (she said this in a recent interview on YouTube). This post on the notice board actually mentions the Beatles. But this is not it.

If you look at Nolan Bennett’s Instagram stories, you can guess he is quite a fan of Ringo Starr.

Look at two of his most recent stories:

One of these stories actually had a song that sounded like country music, which is similar to this “Rocky Raccoon” song this guy mentions. So yes, bite me, sue me, whatever you want to do BUT this is what I firmly believe. Other reasons include the random nature of the message, the content that had nothing to do with my request, the fact that this was deleted afterwards and, last but not least, the fact that he mentions another one of my ads on another site (the “cheerful” ad) where I had indeed clearly stated What and Who I wanted and Where I wanted it. Yes, he says he is in Vancouver (which, incidentally, happens to be one my favourite places in the world) but he can say whatever he wants to, right? Vancouver is also famous for its music industry, by the way, if you didn’t know that.

However, this guy was dead wrong: this song, Rocky Raccoon, was actually written by Paul McCartney and John Lennon – in India, nonetheless. WTF LOL he writes me and he can’t even get his facts right. Bloody hell. Yes, I have done my research and, if you reading this, you’re a fucking idiot. However, what he said about the song is true. If you read online, many people describe this song the same way he does, often mentioning the play on words and the use of British English in a “cowboy like song”. If he knew all of this in details, then why did he get the writer wrong? I don’t know. Perhaps, like some of you I am sure are thinking right now, he picked a song, then read online and copied what other said. Well, had he actually done that then he would have found out immediately that Ringo Starr did NOT write that song. DUUUUH.

Anyway, I wanted to say I feel utterly insulted by what he did. I really do not like when people write stuff to me and then, seconds later, delete it. It feels like a big insult. It’s like you’re taking the piss. What these people don’t get is that what seems like a game to them, it’s something very important to me. Something that can make a difference between life and death. I just can’t stop thinking that perhaps they really don’t wanna talk to me and they never will if they type stuff and then delete it. I’m really not a fan of him anymore. Someone who acts like this is just a dick. Now I can see why no one likes him, except for Pamela. In any case, it is clear to me that, regardless of what anyone thinks may or may not have happened, this message was pretty bloody random. He said he wished he could help but “not this time” (next one maybe? How much other fucking times am I gonna have to do this?) and then he said he HOPES he will be in Sweden, but just starting his search. What the hell does this even mean?? If I can tell you the truth, it felt like a hidden message of some sort. What though, I don’t know. I simply don’t know what he was trying to convey.

Finally, and this is probably the biggest point, if this guy was just a normal dude answering my ad, why would he delete what he wrote? Am I right? His post is mostly about that song, so why did he even feel the need to delete that immediately? If you think about it, isn’t it strange? Perhaps that message has a lot more stuff than we can understand. Perhaps he realised that he had exposed himself too much, and that I would find out who it was. This, again, goes back to what I said earlier: why is he scared of me? Why? This is where I start thinking perhaps this means they will never speak to me or perhaps they just wanna play me. I don’t wanna get there tonight, I can’t bear it after what I have been through in the last couple of weeks. I can only say, if this is how he feels and how he acts, then piss off, what else can I say? He even wished me good luck. Yes, 8 months later I can say I did find “my accommodation okay” (this sounds so American) so thank you I guess?

Also thank you for writing messages and then deleting them. That is A-OK!!!! Truly manly.

Last thing I wanted to bring up – although I am less confident about this one – is that I believe (DISCLOSURE: read again – I BELIEVE) the same individual also wrote this message, which was written in response to one of my posts on Reddit:


If it was him, at least he didn’t delete this one. Thank you again, I guess? I believe he posted this because he saw my previous post (always on Reddit) where I insulted him and also because of my “emotional fireworks” at Heathrow, the video I shot the day I was forced to leave the UK in 2 hours. Maybe he felt bad and decided to post and actually leave the message. Again, I am only guessing, I cannot be sure this is the same person. I would like to respond to him though: no, 2021 has not been a good year at all so far. If anything, it’s been probably worse than 2020.

He also said – and put it in bold characters – that things are gonna be very different than what I expect them to be. What the fuck? How exactly do I expect them to be??? He is talking to me like I know. Well, if you wanna talk to me like I know, then SPEAK UP. Bloody tell me things instead of typing like a bloody idiot and then delete the message. Seriously, what the hell do I know??? I am telling ya: they are taking the piss big time. This is also clear where it says “you MIGHT” get your questions answered pretty soon. Oh, I MIGHT! Just, might. You know, if you’re lucky and I take pity on you, then I MIGHT answer your questions. Oh, so kindly of you, it warms my heart when such a deep shit bloody dick takes the piss out of me. Mahalo.

Also, yes I did try to contact this person via Reddit and he never replied and never posted anything ever again either. Seems like that account was created and then “abandoned”. Again, this is typical of “them”. John Rodriguez did the same with his two email addresses (although he eventually deleted one, as we know) and, according to Pamela, John Titor did the same with his email address. She did say that his email address remained active for a long time, before it was eventually deactivated. What if, just like what happened with John Rodriguez, that email address had actually been deleted? Now, this would open up a big can of worms because it would mean that John Titor has never really left (but never got in contact with her again). We don’t wanna get there although, if this guy really was John Titor, then he IS here.

Last comment goes to the “take time to relax for now” and the “you need a short break”. For now implies there is more to do later and the take a short break indicates that, again, this is temporary. I don’t like it because to me, this person is just taking the piss but he won’t quit: he ended the post with “until now, stay safe” implying (if I understand correctly as English isn’t my first language) that there will be further contact at some point in the future. This is the way I read this, I could be wrong. And, yes, I’m always safe; mahalo, stronzo.


-         -  Stella

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