
Showing posts from October, 2021

A couple of comments on some of the original posts

I had the weirdest dream last night. I always dream of him, either by himself or with his mother (Cindy Wilson. Yes I dream of her too, occasionally) but he never speaks to me. Oh well, he doesn’t speak to me in real life either so we know where those dreams come from, don’t we? When I see him in my dreams he is always shy, always tries to avoid me. I don’t think he does that because he hates me (hmmm…) but because he is shy. I may be wrong, but he seems like the type of person who can stand on a stage and sing in front of thousands of people but doesn’t speak that much when he is off that stage. After this dream, I kind of feel bad about calling him an arsehole but I was very upset by those messages and the fact that he has been trying to cut me off for years and he has succeeded, too. He has been able to cut me off from the people I cared about. Is that what I deserve? Apparently so. He does all of that behind the scenes and doesn’t even dignify me with a direct message. A PRIVATE me