A couple of comments on some of the original posts

I had the weirdest dream last night. I always dream of him, either by himself or with his mother (Cindy Wilson. Yes I dream of her too, occasionally) but he never speaks to me. Oh well, he doesn’t speak to me in real life either so we know where those dreams come from, don’t we? When I see him in my dreams he is always shy, always tries to avoid me. I don’t think he does that because he hates me (hmmm…) but because he is shy. I may be wrong, but he seems like the type of person who can stand on a stage and sing in front of thousands of people but doesn’t speak that much when he is off that stage. After this dream, I kind of feel bad about calling him an arsehole but I was very upset by those messages and the fact that he has been trying to cut me off for years and he has succeeded, too. He has been able to cut me off from the people I cared about. Is that what I deserve? Apparently so. He does all of that behind the scenes and doesn’t even dignify me with a direct message. A PRIVATE message to me. He either stops doing that crap OR he comes forward. That’s it, it’s that simple. However, since he won’t come forward then he needs to stop or I will have him. I will not tolerate this from him.

[*NOTE the paragraph since “paragraphs are my friends”*]

Anyhow, when I dream of him I dream of his version here, because that’s all I know. I dream of the 21 year old version of him (well, I don’t blame myself too much for that…Just kidding). Like I said, he is always shy and avoids me while I chase him, but not this time. This time we were some place outside, it was a sunny day and he was there with a girl. I kept staring at them and he pretended not to see me and then he kissed this girl, like to show me he was with someone. I thought: “well at least he likes women…” (yes, I did think of that in the dream, although I am not fully convinced in real life, but okay). Then he left and I left. I was then in what looked like a hotel room, I was lying in bed and he quite literally storms into my room, hands me something (looked like a book of some sort) and then confronts me. He asked me why I kept harassing him and following him and that I was making him uncomfortable. I remember just staring at him surprised (he doesn’t look like the confrontational type of person, like me for example) when I realised he was finally talking to me. I remember I sat up and tried to speak to him carefully, as if I was scared he was going to run away again. I told him I was sorry and I explained why I was doing what I was doing. The rest of the dream is a bit blurred and confusing, but I recall he opened up to me and we actually spent time together before he was gone again (surprise, surprise). The dream ended with him gone and me waiting for him to come back and trying to reach him before my alarm clock rang at 7am. I was so confused when I woke up, and I almost fell back asleep. I didn’t because I kept thinking of the dream but had not had that dream, I would have probably missed my flight to Turkey. That dream was so intense and so weird because, in all of my previous dreams, he always avoided me while I chased him and in this dream he confronts me for that very reason: feeling harassed by me. It almost seems like all these dreams are somehow connected even though they all happened randomly throughout the years. In any case, I am dead tired and it didn't seem to be a very good night's sleep because he dream was intense and I woke up suddenly. 

Obviously, the reason why I wrote this post is not the dream but I wanted to put it out there because it somewhat seems relevant. I don’t know why but it just does. I hope it means something is coming….anyway, it doesn’t matter, I’ve been fully cut out by now. Why bother?

So, to come to the point of this post, I was reading the old John Titor posts again the other day and found what looked like “inconsistencies”. Well I am VERY SURE someone else must have noticed them already but I just wanted to add them here regardless. Everyone is so fixated with this part of the story that I figured I’d speak your own language for once. I mean, why not? Everyone else – or most people – have been trying to exclude me because I wasn’t one of the original people who spoke to him in 2001. Well, how is the fact that I was 16 then and spoke NO ENGLISH whatsoever, my fault? Just because I didn’t speak to him directly doesn’t mean I am an “impostor”, as I was called. Perhaps, as I said previously, people are not happy with the fact that I am not an American. My apologies for not being an American country lady and for being an Italian/British (on the paper) who’s travelled to over 60 countries and territories. Really, my apologies for this.

Besides, he is HERE (I am very sure he is) and doesn’t want to speak to anyone so, go figure. One last point before I go on: I do agree with “Hoax Hunter” when he said that some of the other people posting and asking questions were fake accounts created by this John Titor and the others in order to “ask the right questions” that would ultimately give the answer they wanted to put out there. I completely agree with him. I also agree that there was more than one person posting at the same time, which may explain these inconsistencies/strange things I guess. Well, I was told that too.

So, here it is:

 1) When he (well, THEY but I will write assuming it’s just JT) discussed the role of women in his worldline. Here he says women in his time fight in the military and all of that, but their role at the community level is very conservative. 

1)     However, when asked again, probably much later on, he said women were not expected to stay home and be “barefoot and pregnant”. Obviously, this is just an expression but didn’t he say that people had trouble having kinds in the first place? If it is so hard to have kids there then I would imagine not many would be at home barefoot and pregnant. But this is not the inconsistency I wanted to point out because, as I said, it might have just been an expression. The inconsistency here is the fact that he first said women hold a conservative role in the community so it is not unreasonable that someone then asked if women were supposed to stay home (can’t recall exactly what was asked, but something along those lines). Unless this is not what was meant by “conservative role”. My question is: are women there as equal as men or is it more like a conservative place? Or both? How can it be both? I don’t know, I’m not the one who wrote it.

Screenshot here: 

2) Someone asked whether the streets "there" are safet at night - here it is:

He responded that, while there is still crime, people do not attack each other the way we do it (if only!) but later on, when someone else asked about jails, they respond that they mostly have theft, fraud, rape and murder. Well, yes he did say there is still crime there BUT it sounds like people still attack each other pretty badly. Bloody hell, rape! Thankfully, we attach each other more often…

)      3) When asked whether there are women doing his same type of work, he said he didn’t know but would assume yes, there are (who?). Yet, didn’t seem sure at all: 

How can he not know? WTH? Anyway, when he described “women’s clothing” (which he is not very good at doing, he says) he said that women wear the same type of clothes when “working or training”. Training for what then? Something else? I am asking because above he said he wasn’t sure there were women trained to be “time travelers”. Yet, here he seems very confident about this statement. Am I missing something?

Now, the rest of the stuff here is just my comments on some of the parts I felt were relevant to me.

He states that there are no crimes against time however, if he murdered someone here and he were to go home he would be held accountable for it. Well, they DON’T go home, that is the issue. Duh.

 This I do firmly believe because it happens to me all the time and I cannot explain it. For example, I often dream of random places I have never been to that then I see years later during my travels. As if another version of me somewhere else has already been to all these places.

Another weird thing happened in September 2016. I went on a weekend trip to Stockholm for the first time and I was walking at night when I turned this road and had this massive deja-vu. I had to stop and take a picture. I even posted it on Facebook because it got me really freaked out. It looked so familiar, like more so than anywhere else and it felt like it was a place I had been to, not just a place I had seen in my dreams. Fast-forward to 2021 and I am living in Stockholm…….(but due to go home soon!). I cross streets like that one every single evening and look exactly the same. Like I said, I do believe this is possible and may not be just a theory:

This one reminds me of Trism, when, at the end of the song, Stella pulls the lever of the Trism (aka time machine, now it’s confirmed) and then bright light. The lyrics say exactly that. Here he says “no bright flash of light is seen…then why adding it  here if it’s not seen? It’s not like all of us would expect that. What the heck do we know, right? To me, this means that a bright flash of light IS seen. The only part they try to deny is the same part found in the Trism song. How coincidental, if you ask me:

Did he actually write “Brittany”? I don’t know if it’s a transcription error or if this is also in the original posts. Nothing specific, just curious:

…and finally, I want to end with this:

I almost think this was written with me in mind. Just kidding. I have to specify because otherwise I get accused of thinking that the story “is all about me”. This is only a private joke. You should laugh too, every once in a while.

 I found this post on this website (ammannato.it), this person (Italian apparently) put it all into a power point, which was actually very useful. I think the posts here are the original ones, I recall some of these and I couldn’t see any difference.

 I posted this because I wanted to show (although I am not sure how much of an impact this would have. Probably zero to none) that while some people are obsessed with these posts, and they are good (they are the reason why I am here) they shouldn’t be taken as a dogma because, as you can see, they are full of inconsistencies. I know it is hard for some people to picture this, but I suggest you try a little harder. You can do it!!!!!!

 I know the reason why I re-opened the blog was to post those emails from the alleged John Rodriguez but I have not had the time to sit down and take screenshots. Even these screenshots here were taken from my cell phone and probably the quality is not that good. I would like to take screenshots of those emails using the laptop, because I want them to be of better quality.

I will get around to do that eventually and I will post them because I do want to post them.

To me the story was over (read: to me) last year but, every time I think it’s over, something else comes up. I bet you’ve heard this before. This is the reason why many say they have quit but they’re still around.

Okay, well, I’m done for the moment – will be back fairly soon.

-          Stella (stellita884)




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