What's next?

I’d like to start this by briefly talking about my dream. The night before I went to Turkey, about a month ago now, I had a dream of Cindy Wilson’s son (Cindy from the B52s) that he was talking to me. If you read the post before this one you will understand what I am talking about. Anyway, the night after that dream, as I was in Istanbul, I actually got to talk to him. The dream I had pretty much came true. I was laying on my bed and I saw that he’ posted a story on his Instagram account and I just got angry and frustrated and wrote him a message.

“You’re just a dick” I wrote

 I honestly never thought he would reply, like ever. I tried to write him messages many times before and he never dignified me with an answer. But this time he did. We got to talk and at first he was very angry, just like in the dream, saying I had blackmailed him over “some insignificant bullshit” and that “he was and still is so fucking over it”. Those were his words. I don’t honestly remember ever blackmailing him (what would I use to blackmail him anyway? I don’t know him) and I still don’t understand what exactly he is over. But anyway, he explained to me that he got freaked out by my blog (and I can fully understand that, don’t get me wrong) and that he reacted poorly. He also apologised and I did too. What really got me that night was the fact that, coincidentally, my dream had just come true., almost 100%. The other thing is that he remembered me. He and I only had a very brief encounter (quite literally, 2-3 messages that’s it) on Instagram in December 2018 and he blocked me almost immediately upon reading my blog. Yet, even after all this time, he remembered me. He told me he was “taught not to interact” with people because he had a lot of weird encounters online form B52s fan trying to get something out of him. I assured him I am not a fan of the band (oh boy, no) and that I met them in the UK, where I used to live, but that did not go well at all.

He told me it was interesting to have that connection to the Trism song and that, the B52s can be a bit grouchy sometimes, but that’s part of their charm. Then he apologised again and that was it.

Now, I don’t unfortunately agree with him on his statement about the B52s. I don’t think that what they did to me, after all the money AND effort I’d put to go see them, was charming at all. But anyway, the point I want to make is that he actually remembered me. I told him I was very surprised that he even remembered who I am. Also, I didn’t give him many details about the night in Newcastle at all, my message only said that my meeting with them didn’t go well yet he made that comment saying they can be grouchy sometimes. That led me to believe he actually read my posts. He knew exactly what I was talking about, otherwise why would he say they can be grouchy? Those posts were written some 6-7 months after he blocked me on Instagram. Also, the fact that he engaged with me means that, I am sure, he can also see some truth in all of this. He’s not fully convinced but he is curious about it.

Look, I’m not a stalker and I am not interested in stalking him. I am just curious about him because of whom he represents. To me, he is the “here and now version” of the man I’ve been wanting to meet for some many years. I mean, now I am angry because he cut me out and he shouldn’t have done that, but that’s what he represents to me. Yes, again, I am very very positive he is John Titor. Well, his version here. Obviously not the actual John Titor guy (so please don’t harass him). I only wanted some contact because, when I speak to him, I feel closer to the man. It’s just stupid and I really should give this all thing up but it makes me happy. Well, happier than I usually am, which is very good. Believe me. If you’re wondering…no he has not yet unblocked me on Instagram. My interaction occurred through my other account that he hasn’t blocked. At least. My actual account is still blocked. Hooray!

Anyway, this whole dream and speaking to this guy brings me to something that was posted a long time ago. In 2009, Larry Haber, the lawyer guy who got fired, posted this letter allegedly written by John. I am sure some of you remember this video, but if you don’t know what it is, here is the link:

John Titor Letter 177

As this is not my video, but a video posted by a “validated person” of this story, I think you will trust it. Anyhow, there is a part where this “John” dude says this:

Now, I am not his friend but I think I have done that. Well, I have done it the best way I could do it with the tools I have at my disposal. No, TR, this is not to say “it’s all about me” BUT I am the one who came up with the link between John Titor and the B52s, so just bite my arse. I came up with this theory in 2018 and the first time I actually said it publicly was during my interview with Kevin Moore. To quote an artist I love: oooops, I did it again. Also, go and fuck yourself: it is all about me. So what? What you’re gonna do about it? You can just kiss my arse, really. I am tired of being your victim. Wash my pussy dickhead. That’s the best thing you can do, but you’re gay so….. I am tired, I really am. I am tired of holding my tongue and pretend I have done nothing for this story all these years. Because that’s just not true. And you wanna know something else, too? That letter posted by Larry Haber was added on 19th of Nov, the day of my fucking birthday. So, again, bite me. Pezzo di merda e coglione. There, I have said in my own language. B-I-T-E M-E. It just feels so good.  

Also, let me clarify something: I don’t believe in friendship between men and women. Sorry, I just don’t, unless someone is gay. In which case, okay, it could be. These “time travellers” use the word “friends” like it’s candy. Do they even know what a friend is? Someone you want to fuck, ain’t  a friend. Just saying because Pamela also always said that John was just her friend. I hate that. At least have the fucking balls to get up and say: no, I am in love with the man actually. Stop saying he is a friend, we all know it ain’t true. It’s utter bollocks, really. Also, the Stella here has to got to be paid. I am tired of working for free. By “pay” I don’t mean any monetary compensation. I don’t care about money, it’s not money I want. They know what I want and yet, I keep working for free. Tell me: what’s in it for me? Sure as hell, I can’t see it.

Lastly, I want to post something about the man I was talking to who is in Wisconsin, and who is also one of them. Yes, he is. Sorry to burst your bubble on a Sunday night. I don’t get him. I don’t get what he did, I’m sorry, I just don’t. He came here and stayed because of a woman and now he claims he is stuck here. We spoke for almost 2 years and he never admitted who he was until last March. After a 1 hour and 45 minute interrogation, I finally cracked him. He told me who he is and why he is here and he admitted on having a script on me. This I knew all along but, let me tell you, hearing it like that always has quite an effect. Again, I was very sure about this and people kept insulting me saying I was just being nuts and paranoid. Not so much now, uh? Oh, well. Anyway, I asked him this: “if you could go back, would you go?”. He said yes, without any doubt. What I don’t get is, why going through all that trouble, also putting others in trouble as well (with the law, yes) to just being in Wisconsin paying bills? I am sorry I don’t get it. His life just sucks. I am not saying mine is better, but his truly fucking sucks. He said I am doing the same (paying bills). Yes BUT I didn’t go through all of that to do this. I mean, those who have followed me for a while also know what I think about this: you have to do your duties, no matter what. Your duties always come first and your work ethics is one of the most important things in the entire world. I would never do what he did and yes, I am sure of this. However, since he already did what he did, then mind as well doing it right. I mean, if I were to “jump” wordlines and get stuck somewhere, then I would bring with me a lot of numerical combinations and play them all, until one would prove to be the winning numbers. Then I’d be a bloody millionaire and travel the word. Live a fantastic life, seeing remote parts of the planet, trying new things, meet new people from God knows where. I would not certainly go through all of that to be in Wisconsin clocking in and out of the 9-6 job, go home, watch Netflix with a pizza and a Pepsi, go to sleep and then go to the mall on bloody weekends. Fuck that. Life is too fucking short, people. Too short to be living the standard life, sulking and twisting in the same little corner of the world, waiting for a woman to be your partner in boredom.

This is what I think. I think it is stupid to do that but he said that “this is just how life is”. Well, it doesn’t have to be, that is the point. I value my existence too much to be wasting it like that. I don’t want to get to my death bed knowing I have done nothing. I want to die knowing I have done a lot and there was nothing – or very little more that I could do. This is Stella Corona, people, this is exactly who I am. I like to know I am here today, and tomorrow God knows where. I don’t want to be like others, I don’t want to waste my life. I want to do awesome and exciting things, I want to be different than anyone else. I don’t want to be the standard person living the standard life, like he does. Sorry but his was a waste of fucking time and government resources.

I will leave you with this link. This is his voice, something I haven’t heard in eight months thanks to John Titor apparently. We used to exchange a lot of audio messages on WhatsApp when we used to talk, before he cut me out. This is on YouTube but it’s not public. It’s unlisted, so only people with the link can hear it. That’s all I am going to post about him. I hope he will come to his senses one day and realise he’s wasting precious time with his life.

Audio Link

Since a part of the whole “corroborating the B52s” thing is done, what else now?


           Stella C (stellita884)

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