
Showing posts from December, 2021

To 2022

  So, I would like to leave this video here as well:   It has already been posted to Reddit but I also want it on my blog, just because…well it’s my blog. Obviously in response to those who insist that I only want to bring views to my blog. Yeah, I am making so much dinero from this blog…not that I need dinero (like that person does) but okay. I like to post on my blog for 2 simple reasons:   1)       That is the purpose of having a blog …or not? I guess common sense is not a strong thing on Reddit 2)       It is my own space and I can write freely whatever I want without fear of being reported by the lefties that go around on Reddit   I realised I might have said very upsetting thing in this video, probably against Americans again. Like I said, I don’t have anything against all Americans but their culture is the one of misogyny, more so than here (sorry, but true), and that is really getting on my skin now. I find it extremely hard to t

I'm tired

This post won’t probably be about the John Titor story. Well, not entirely but everything I post on here always has something to do with it. I want to write this openly and honestly because I am tired. I feel a lot of pressure on me, everywhere, pressure to be good, pressure to work hard and pressure to prove anything I have to say. Every time I write here I have to make sure it is well written (even though ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE. Some people forget that), make sure it has paragraphs, make sure it makes 100% sense (even though sometimes I just simply want to pour my heart out) make sure I specify that I have no proof, that it is something I feel or think, that there is nothing I can do to prove anything. There are some days I just want to lay down and die. There, this is how I feel. The reason why I write this here is because the “anonymity” (I put this in quote because it may not be entirely true) allows me, to some degree, to be honest. I cannot walk to people in my “real