To 2022


So, I would like to leave this video here as well:


It has already been posted to Reddit but I also want it on my blog, just because…well it’s my blog. Obviously in response to those who insist that I only want to bring views to my blog. Yeah, I am making so much dinero from this blog…not that I need dinero (like that person does) but okay. I like to post on my blog for 2 simple reasons:


1)      That is the purpose of having a blog…or not? I guess common sense is not a strong thing on Reddit

2)      It is my own space and I can write freely whatever I want without fear of being reported by the lefties that go around on Reddit


I realised I might have said very upsetting thing in this video, probably against Americans again. Like I said, I don’t have anything against all Americans but their culture is the one of misogyny, more so than here (sorry, but true), and that is really getting on my skin now. I find it extremely hard to tolerate at the moment. For that reason, I may also say things that I may later regret. As I said in my previous post, they are not all like that and some are very nice people and I have met plenty of nice ones. So yeah, just wanted to say that.


Also, I wanted to write about something I saw again on Reddit earlier tonight. Some “people” were saying how the real Stella Corona died in a car crash. There is one Stella Corona who tragically died in a car accident in Hawaii in 2010. That was what you would get if you Googled Stella Corona back then. I find this rather fucked up, simply put. Yet – and this happens in America and again, it’s not me going on against Americans but a lot of them tend to create these conspiracy theories out of nowhere. They find crap online and link it to things that have nothing to do with anything. Sorry this happens a lot in your land, you have the magic to create nonsense conspiracies out of anything. True you can call this a conspiracy theory as well, but at least it doesn’t involve dead people. If you actually used your brain for a moment, and I mean for real, and you looked at the Trism song you’d see that the song is not about death and dying; actually, Stella Corona doesn’t even drive in the song. She gets a ride. That being said, I have no idea where this conspiracy theory linking that lady in Hawaii to Trism is stemming from. It is beyond my best capabilities to understand why some people are so mentally handicapped. So yes, please do us a favour and leave dead people in peace. It is not nice toward the family of this lady to make up this kind of nonsense bollocks. I suggest you stop it here. Actually, VERY STRONGLY suggest you do so. This is absolutely ridiculous and disrespectful. But, again, I get reported for quoting Friends when I say jump up on your ass and die, but it is perfectly acceptable to trash a dead person like this. Stunning. I am nothing but stunned by how the Democrats have turned this world upside down.


That’s it, that is all I wanted to write. Anyway, that video (linked above) was made today in my living room. Although I am physically doing alright, despite Covid (and coughing), mentally I am not quite there. This thing has surprisingly taken a huge toll on me mentally and today, perhaps because it is the end of a year, I am struggling. I know this is not the way I should say goodbye to this year but it’s just the way I feel being stuck here with this disease. I have to, from time to time, remind myself that I should not be welcoming another year in tears but what can I do? I just look at the sky and think that, no matter what, I should be cheering to this because, despite of everything, it was a great year and I have done so much….including getting behind the wheel of a car again after almost 7 years. I had a spectacular summer in Sweden, probably the best summer I have had in decades, and I spent an amazing time driving around the Aland Islands (now my favourite place on Earth) and staying in remote cabins, under the white nights. But, most of all, I am very lucky that I will be able to see 2022. Some of us never made it this far.

I wanted to answer that person who wrote a comment to me on Reddit last year and who I believe is one of them: yes, it was a better year, despite the ending. I only wish I could go home. 


To 2022. To yet, another year on this worldline.


Stella (stellita884)

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