
Showing posts from February, 2022

The emails - as promised

Finally, I have managed to copy and paste the emails I promised a while back. These are the emails I exchanged with this man named “John” back in 2018 and who I think was John Rodriguez. I didn’t have any better way to gather them so I just copied and pasted them into a word file and made a conversion into pdf. That’s the best way I could come up with as I am not really a technical kind of person, although some of you want me to be one. Or – better – expect me to be one. Before I post them, though, I wanted to talk about a couple of other things. First, a recent dream I had last week when I was abroad. It was a bad one. I was abroad and was struggling to fall asleep for hours and, when I finally did, I had this freaky dream. I was back in Rome to my old kindergarten (bear in mind that this was my school until late Oct 1990, so a long time ago) and I was just outside watching the kids and parents coming out and I just crashed. I started crying so hard and I started feeling something