Last Post 1

I don’t know whether these will be my last posts (I sincerely hope so) or there will be more posts in the future – I will leave the option open – but for the moment I just want to quit this. I just got back to the UK after 16 months and I am struggling at the moment. Plus, I have been incredibly fed up with this story and the people in it for quite a few months now. Perhaps joining that toxic Reddit subgroup full of the usual American misogynists wasn’t a great idea after all. I am very sure I am not liked very much because I dislike the ‘muricans. Sorry (but not really sorry) but this is the truth. Why don’t I like them? The answer is simple: I believe it is a fucked up place full of (as per above) misogynists and racist people. The people there are just full of themselves and they think there is nothing else outside their country. Look at this example: they want Covid tests 24 hours before your flight or you can’t get into the country. They want it because, you know, they don’t have Covid at all!!! Covid you say? what is Covid? Covid is not in our country, Covid is brought to us by the dreaded foreigners, we do not currently have it – the immigrants do. Like everything else: the foreigners brought crime, the foreigners brought diseases, the foreigners brought this and the foreigners brought that – the list continues. It’s never them, the Americans, it’s always us, it’s always the rest of the world that’s to blame. It’s a country that hates women and everything that has to do with them. Women and foreigners are America’s enemies. You can see the way I was treated on Reddit to see how these Americans actually are. I saw that coming, I saw how I was being treated on Reddit and I recognised that pattern from the way I was treated in the US many years ago and I simply did not take it this time. I raised my head and I fought – HARD – against these people. I might have been banned, but I did not go without a fight and for this, I am proud of myself. I am proud that I did not let the sticky murican insects bully me like they do with the rest of the world. I was clearly the target of hate all along because I am not an old fatass American (like other people involved in the story) and because I raised my head up high against them. Yes, some of us do not bow to Americans. Some of us PUSH BACK. I was hated because of accent, my gender and my nationality, like they always do. At the end of the day, I am not being paid to “inspire the ‘muricans”. Why do I need to put myself through this? If you want Stella to deal with the ‘muricans, the Stella has got to be paid WELL.

However, as a gift to the people who used to write me to tell me that they are building their own time machine (yup, you read that right. Apparently, you can build your own time machine, in the US of course. I mean, where else? Duh!) I have created this kit that I would like to share with you all. This is a parting gift from me to you:


Enjoy! And yes, it comes with all the parts. You can order it now from: and enter the code STELLAC204 for a special 10% discount on the original price. Don’t miss it or no time machine for you! 

Just so everyone knows, I am no longer working for free for the John Titor story. I am fucking over it. After my time in that toxic Reddit place surrounded by misogynists, I have had enough. I have so much good stuff in my private life that I don’t need this shit. They can hire someone else, another ‘murican perhaps, who will be liked and put on a pedestal by the racists of Reddit even though she/he is full of shit (read: Pammy) and utterly uncapable of doing anything except moan about a video. Get over it old lady, life goes on without the video and I suggest you move on sooner than later.

 So yeah, just like the ‘muricans on Reddit, I will be popping my champagne bottle:



Oh no, wait a minute! I already did – before leaving Stockholm actually:


Fuck it, I am going down swinging my darlings. Never have I had so much fine as in this very moment. As I said, I no longer work for the story (I have received ZERO gifts, ZERO dinero, ZERO praises to this date) but I wanted to give my two cents before I go on a long pause (which I hope it will be a definite pause forever). Everyone is now going on and in about the story and the war, etc. all the stuff that was in the original posts like the nuclear war. I laugh. Honestly, I do. For years and years there was nothing but bashing from the usual self-appointed smarty partsy Reddit people (and other people online) on how he got everything incorrectly. Number one: his were NOT predictions. He ain’t a wizard for fuck’s sake. I don’t understand why these fucking idiots online don’t get that “time travellers” are not wizards, they don’t make predictions. They tell you stuff. However, now everyone is on their toes wondering whether he might have been right all along. Well, I don’t know. However, the way I have always interpreted “the story” is more like a warning so that when you, down the line, are faced with similar events (note the word, similar) you might potentially recognise them and do something about it. Perhaps make decisions on what to do next. I think that perhaps was the scope all along, the scope was not to make “predictions”. Where they posted wasn’t a tarots website, after all. Jesus, how stupid can you all be….no wonder you got fucked over the way you did. Now you can only *wish* this was just an internet conspiracy theory.

I, on the other hand, got some of my answers and no – TRUST ME – they didn’t come from them. They came from the Universe. When this whole thing in Ukraine started, everything dawned on me:

-    Why did John Rodriguez and that pervert in Wisconsin (John Williams) leave? According to the pervert, the ones who quit (usually over vaginas, it is my understanding, the big V) are “cut out”, meaning they are left here fending for themselves and are left on their own to navigate the system and survive, basically. The pervo got helped from that fucked family (a criminal family nonetheless) and JR did what he did (I believe). In any case, they need identities in order to stay. There is no way around this for sure. Once they are cut out and on their own, they are told they cannot interfere with certain “targets”. I believe my personal correspondence is being monitored (yeah, I do and there is nothing you can say to me because I don’t give a shit) to ensure there is no “interference”. That would explain why JR ordered me to not post anything or talk to anyone about any of this when we were together and why the pervo from WI was using whatsapp and pretending to be a regular guy. That way they wouldn’t know it was him talking to me. When I made that online video called “being spied on” they became aware and he finally confessed to me who he was (there was nothing else he could do at that stage after my 1 hr and 45 min video interrogation),so  he was ordered to quit. He partially told me this and I haven’t spoken to him since end of March last year. Had this bene fake, he wouldn’t have just disappeared like that. Well, both of them would not have. This is real, as real as it gets.

Look, even if JR was ordered to leave in Mexico, I cannot forgive him. He had a choice, since he wasn’t part of them anymore, he didn’t have to follow those orders. But he did.

-    Everything I do is being watched: what I do, where I go, who I interact with- to ensure the “no interference” thing is preserved. It may not be all about me like that TR pezzo di merda says, but it is all about me and all he can do is take it. Up his arse he would probably enjoy but, you know, there are limitations.

-          Yes, the WI pervo (John Colombo, aka John Williams) admitted to me during my last telephone conversation with him in March 2021, that he had a script on me. He did admit to it. I was basically correct. Seems to me I might not be that schizophrenic after all, uh?

-          Why don’t they say anything? Well, now I know because I was able to put it all together. Once you know everything and obviously have proof, this place becomes unviable. You can no longer stay here. I know that a lot of people out there are fascinated by this “time travel” stuff for several reasons: death relatives and friends, movies like Back to the Future, etc however, you have to imagine that this technology has a lot of other consequences that go beyond the “cool stuff”. This technology could, for example, be useful to the miliary of any country to build war strategies. This is an amazing tool for this, actually. What does that mean? Well, it means that once the connection between you as a person and this technology/people operating this technology becomes proof, you become exposed. It’s automatic. By exposed I mean that governments can come after you, kidnap you for ransom (information on the technology, for example) and so on. This is why the B52s do not speak, this is why other people who do know more than I do also do not speak. These people are those around the B52s, for example and even they don’t know everything. No one does. If you don’t know or you cannot prove it, there is nothing anyone can gain by taking you. If anyone got me now they wouldn’t be able to do anything with me because I have no proof and I know very little. This is why it stays like that, this is why I am not allowed to know more than what I do know. Once you know EVERYTHING you probably have to go, you can no longer stay here because it becomes too dangerous. Bingo, uh? Oh, boy. I am just a crazy Italian (British on the paper) who is unkind and a scam. I am not like Pammy who is kind and fantastic and ‘murican by birth ad everything else. HEY the MURICANS WANT OTHER MURICANS!!!!!!!! They don’t want me so, yeah, I will be leaving now. Don’t you worry, let’s see what Pammy and others can come up with. I will pull out, sit back and enjoy my wine days. Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar. I am fed up.

-          I may never know or have proof and trust me, Pammy won’t either if this is what you’re hoping for here. I may just be like this for the rest of my life. But it’s okay.

I have done my best despite the misogynists around me. TR being number one. I have done all that I have done, including taking insults, because I loved the story. However, I no longer think this is worth my grief to be honest. I am persona non grata on Reddit because of my nationality and the cheap American hate towards anyone who is a woman and a foreigner. When I posted a video last year there wasn’t one single nice comment – all hateful. The admin has to step in and remind the people that I was there and could read the comments. So FUCK YOU royally, and you can come to my country (if you know where it is first of all) and eat my shit. 

I have done better than all of you on Reddit. Instead of copying + pasting random mass media bullshit links or links from dubious sources, I actually took the info and processed it. I would like to see you trying and attempt this. Uh? Like I was hated because I dared to comment on a post where they said that Covid made the brain older by 11 years or something. They took that and linked it to the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease even though both things differ etiologically AND pathologically. Covid-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV2 virus, CJD is caused by a “prion” which is a modified protein not a virus, ergo the etiological difference here. The way the issue with the brain happens is completely different in the CJD, it is a completely different mechanism. There have been rare reported cases of COVID-19 associated immune-mediate encephalitis but those had nothing to do with that “research” posted on Reddit. But I was the bad person for pointing this out. I was the bad person!!!!!!!!!!! They were writing one fucking bullshit after another on things they KNOW JACK ABOUT (if they have a rural high school diploma is already a miracle) and I was attacked. Can you imagine what kind of environment there is on Reddit? And that’s just Reddit. Imagine when you actually step on ‘murican soil.  “Could this BE what JT was talking about?” – NO IT CANNOT!! JT was talking about CJD you fucking piece of shit dumb bimbo. It is puzzling how people can take anything and twist it as they please. Perhaps shutting the fuck up may make you look better – my advice to all of you.

Anyway, this was already quite a long post so on to the next one! I am almost done but not quite yet








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