Last Post 2


One last thing I wanted to talk about was censorship. I spoke about it already – along with what happened to me in Russia in 2019 – in these 2 videos:

-          Part 1:

-          Part 2:

They are long so up to you whether you have the time or want to watch them or not. Obviously these videos will be very much hated by the Americans but hey-ho, I don’t give a fuck. Simple as. I was censored on TripAdvisor for telling people that I had Covid one month exactly after my 3rd dose and was on a week long course of penicillin for potential pneumonia (could not get an XRAY to confirm). My post was deleted, for simply saying something that is written on my medical history. Can you actually imagine that? But, you know, censorship is only in Russia. We do not have that, nope, we have “misinformation” because, you know, writing about your medical history is forbidden in the US apparently. But they live in such a FREE country! Oh, my! Why would we, commoners, ever and ever doubt that?? Come on, people!!!!!!! TripAdvisor is an American company in case you forgot. I would urge anyone to boycott them if they can.

I was then censored for quoting something that was in “Friends” and that was, therefore, aired on TV MANY times. This phrase: “jump up on your ass and die”. Can you imagine? The one who reported me is this whore from Pennsylvania, probably a Democrat, who hated me because I am so much better looking than her. She looks like a proper ugly and dirty witch with a stinky, loose vagina. I can call her a whore all I want here, there is nothing REDDIT can do about it.  Uh la la la la. Then they ask me why I prefer to use my own blog. It ain’t no brainer uh?

Finally, I was banned from Reddit for sharing a screenshot of John Rodriguez’s old Facebook profile. Facebook profiles are public, you know that, right? Basically I cannot go on FB, look for a profile and take a screenshot and post it. I cannot post something that’s already public. This is the way America has fucked the world up.

Now, take a look at that and tell me if you STILL believe censorship is only in Russia. Cannot post my medical info, cannot post quotes from TV shows AND, on top of it all, I cannot post a screenshot of public profiles. But Putin is the one censoring the Russians. We are SOOOO much better because we are the West, we are FREE and we just do things better. Come on!!! Americans are our light and guide and they walk us through freedom like they did with their ancient fathers. If you ask me, they can go fuck themselves. All of them. People who voted for that President aren’t smart people. I still don’t get why he is still at the White House instead of being in a hospice. But, you know, some answers are never supposed to be revealed. I don’t think this is about being pro-Russian (as I am sure people see me) or pro-Ukrainian or anti-vax or pro-vax etc, like the government wants us to be divided into. There is always a good and a bad side and if you – God forbidden – pick the wrong side, you are fucked. Cancelled. CANCELLED. That is the new capitol punishment instituted by the United States of American and their fucked up laws. This is about not trusting the narrative. I am sorry but I don’t trust the mass media and their fucking bullshit. After two years of highly manipulated news about Covid and the vaccines (making a very useful medical tool like the vaccine a political weapon) I don’t believe them anymore. Those are the ones who turned vaccines into a political tool, those mass media fucking journalists are the ones who turned us against each other and put us into “specific categories” dictated by the government. The truth is, you have no power over any of this. You are in the hands of your government. You are CLASSIFIED and subsequently cancelled as you pick or move sides. So simply said, I don’t believe everything they are telling me about Ukraine. People can “cancel” me all they want but after being the subject of cheap and pointless censorship, I no longer believe the highly manipulated so-called “news” brought to you by these journos.

As of now, we must cancel everything that’s Russian because the mass media and the government SAY SO. You cannot watch Russian movies, you cannot eat Russian food, nothing. We must be against even the ordinary Russians because the mass media have decided so. BUT – BUT – we live in a free society and yet, we are not allowed to pick the side we want. they say we live in a free society and yet, if we choose to speak good about Russia, we get cancelled and punished. How is this FREEDOM? Please tell me. How can this be called freedom?? We are constantly being bashed and brain washed by the mass media narrative (controlled by the US) and we are being terrorised into picking the side THEY WANT US TO PICK. We are being controlled. If you think this only happens in Russia (as they WANT YOU to believe) then you’re dead wrong. You are all their bitches. You’re with me or you’re against me. Well, I am against you then. FUCK YOU AMERICA!!! I choose for myself. I ate Russian chocolates in Baku – there I have said it. CANCEL ME you fucking demented idiot in the White House. I dare you. So yeah, this is me choosing to go against the narrative simply because I don’t trust the mass media and their manipulated narrative.

Americans and their laws are censoring us, they are ruining every single part of our society and you know what the worst part is? We are letting them do this. As I said before, I don’t care what they want to do there (usually misogyny stuff) but I do not accept when they bring it to MY COUNTRY. This is why they hate me, because I don’t bow to them like the rest of the world does. The thing the Russians and I have in common is the utter dislike for the Americans.

Now, because I am a bitch and I don’t bow to MURICANS, here is the screenshot again:



And guess what? There is nothing you can do about it. Ivan Odidei is not a real name and *ANY* FB profile is public domain. If you don’t want your name to be in it, you don’t go and sign up on FB, right? Or use a fake name, like I do. Eat my shit you fucking arsholes. And if I ever find out that John Rodriguez was behind my Reddit ban, he is done. I will post every single piece of info I have on his lovely wife and fake IVF kids. I have done it before as you know. At the end of the day, I am not the one with the fake life. I don’t have to suck it up to my wife’s family or being forced to pretend by them. I am free, for real though. I feel for him, having kids in a third world country. What are those kids going to do later on in their life? Continue to live in poverty in Mexico (everyone is poor there, even those with a regular job)? Go to the US and end up being prostitutes? Harsh, but reality is always harsh, isn’t it? Inflation in the US is gonna hit the sky and will stay like that for a very long time. Add that cost of living summed with the fact that in the US you pay for everything, including the air you breathe, and then you can see why the only option for those two kids is to be prostitutes to make a decent living. I mean their mom is, so why not? That man is an utter idiot. A pussy scared of being alone.

Finally, the B52s and Nolan Bennett. Again, I firmly believe he is John Titor. If you can come up with a better idea of who JT is please let me know. I haven’t seen any of you coming up with anything though. Almost 20 years of the story before I said this and no one had any idea who he was. They were still looking for “John Titor” on the phone directory. Wow. These online people, they insult others but they don’t even realise they ain’t the brightest lights on the Christmas tree themselves. If you look around social media, you can see how – especially his father – his family treats me. Like he is some special human being who is destined for great things. Maybe he is, who knows, but he is not in my eyes. The real John Titor allowed for everyone to insult me and denigrate me and hurt me. I will never forget that.

This being said, I think I’m finally done. I probably will not be wasting any more of my time on this story. This story has given me nothing good in return, just grief. I was left alone and pregnant in Mexico, I was insulted and diminished by people on Reddit and I was denigrated over my thoughts, statements and ideas like I was worthless because I am not American and I am a woman. What more do I need to quit this?

I so done and so happy. Now they can use Pammy all they want, I am leaving. Looks like the ‘muricans will now have what they want: another ‘murican delivering……what?




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