The last emails from John Rodriguez

Finally, the last post. I have never published them before because I always thought they were somehow private but fuck it. These are the emails that John Rodriguez sent to me - the last ones - after I came back from Mexico. One was only for me and the other one was addressed to myself, Pamela and a friend of mine.

- 1rst email dated 18-Feb-2011:

Thank you for the video. You look great. I am sorry for leaving like Idid, but I had to, for the both of us, it wouldn't have worked out,you know this just as I did.Some one once told me how things seem to fall into place, the ones wemade happen so long ago and those thatwill happen in the future, ultimately both will reunite, seems this istrue with all of us reading these words.I do hope you make the right decision, I'll be watching as usual. Thebaby will always have a fatherMost likely if everything goes well, march 3rd is my last day here.But its never a good byeAgain, thank you for everything, I spent a wonderful and unforgeabletime with you, see you in 4 years, I'll let you know before I knock onyour front door.John

Yes I sent him a video, I don't have it anymore, and that was his response. Obviuoulsy there never was a knock on my door in 2015. There was a superb investigation led by yours truly that uncovered all of his shit. I suppose that was also a win. Please note the "all of us reading these words" like they were others in BBC. What I said before in "Last Post 1" - others WERE involved in this utter shit. 

- 2 email dated 22-Feb-2011:

To my 3 favourite ladies,Thank you for all the emails! Some clarification, I do not have astable Internet connection, and no matter how many you send me, I canonly answer as quick as I can connect, also I can't load the videofrom youtube, the bandwidth here is almost non existent, youtube timesout, I will keep trying. I understand how confusing this must be, forthis reason I am including you all in this email.First, a child. This is the hardest time to know I may be losing whatI always wanted. I already regret not being there, if possible I wouldlove to go. I have read the different opinions, options, suggestionsand offers for help, they are plausible but what I want no longermatters and you will never forgive me for what I have to say throughout this email.I know 4 years seems like such a long time, and it is, I can't explainwhy, but everything will work out. For this reason I am not tooworried, still tho, I wish I could be there SOO BAD! If you decide togo through with this Stella, you already have the name. But please doas you see proper, we did have a short conversation regarding thesubject. You know I did not like your answers, contradicting from oneday to the next, perhaps you are still thinking about it. Since Ican't be there, it is your decision. Or as you put it once, you arethe mother and you will decide.I am not running away. In fact this morning I arrived in the city ofConstitution Baja California, I found a group of people who are ontheir way to Southern Baja. They gave me a ride here. I am scheduledto leave on March 3rd and when I left Ensenada, this is something Ican no longer change, I will be expected here in the city ofConstitution West of Hwy 1.  My apologies to you Pam, no video thistime either.XX, thank you so very much for the support you continue to provideStella, and your offers for me to go there, I would have accepted justa few weeks ago. Today its impossible.Stella, I can only add that I do miss you... The temptation to let youknow more is too much, with this email I will leave you to make yourwon decisions.Pam, you want to know more about John, let me know what you want toknow and if there is time, I will let you know what I can. Honestly Idid not know how spread this story about John Titor really was untillate 2010 when I started searching the net. But seems we owe you anapology and of course your John will hear about it, all of this. Sorryfor the last 10 years, time goes by too fast.Stella, this email is not meant to bring you any answers or closure asI cannot provide any, not at the moment. But please try your best tofeel better, and I have never hated you one little bit, I can't hateyou, not you not ever!. I am sorry for all the trouble I caused you.Take good care of him.JR

Please note that I have removed my friend's name and replaced it with a "X" for obvious privacy reasons. They owe Pamela an apology?!!!? Fuck you deep shits!!! You owe ME an apology after all of this you fucking douche bag Americans 

sorry but even reading this is causing me a lot of anxiety and right now I am struggling to type or think straight because I feel extreme anxiety. This reminds me of a very difficult and painful part of my life so I will end this year.

After this I never heard from him again, until 2015 after the investigation


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