Ivan's past

I know I said that I was going to hand this over to kind and American Pamela BUT let’s face it: I am unstoppable and this story is the gift that keeps on giving. After I took over John Rodriguez’s old FAKE Facebook account, I was able to get in touch to the only friend he had in there. He is apparently an old acquittance of his. 

All I am trying to do here, is to investigate all possibilities against John/Ivan, that’s all. I want to get to the truth, whatever that might be.  I will also add that this was a lot for me to take in and I feel kind of drained at the moment and not exactly thinking too clearly. I apologise if I sound a bit dodgy in this post. Perhaps I shouldn’t dig for stuff after all. 


Anyway, as I said I was able to speak directly to this man who supposedly knew John Rodriguez/Ivan during college. I will post the screenshots of the conversation here and I will guide you through the questions, meaning I will be clarifying why I chose to ask something and how I think this connects to my old report.

Let me be clear here: I will black out any personal information from the screenshots and also this guys’ profile photo. I don’t want him to be harassed. Also, if you want to understand this post then you must read my old post called “The Reports” Here is the link:  https://stellacorona.blogspot.com/2018/06/the-reports.html

Otherwise you will not understand and then you will accuse me of not making sense when in reality you are the one who could not be arsed to read. Simple as.

Now, with all of this out of the way, let’s start with the conversation. I contacted this man months ago, right after I took over this fake Facebook profile. He did not respond until days ago. When I first contacted him I pretended to be John Rodriguez/Ivan. He actually bought it but obviously I could only pretend to sound like a murican dude for no longer than 5 minutes before I want to throw up, so I eventually revealed to him who I am. Plus I wasn’t going to get much out of him by pretending to be JR. I mean, what kind of questions could I have possibly asked? However, that turned out to be a good conversation starter that led to some interesting insights. The main scope of this was to investigate JR’s past here as well as gather information that would support my report. This alone was, of course, not going to be enough and I knew that but, I believe it has helped a little bit. As always, please feel free to draw your own conclusions. 


I will not post the initial conversation I had with this person whilst pretending I was Ivan but he did say something very interesting: he told Ivan (or he thought) this: I always imagined you’d end up some international superstar black-hat hacker, like Swordfish or something ðŸ˜Š


So, basically, Ivan is very skilled with computers. We knew that right? Yes but this guy was not your regular IT dude who knows computer shit and fixes your desktop. No. This guy was on a whole different level and I knew that. I don’t recall ever putting this out there but a few weeks after he left me in Mexico something weird happened. At that time I had a Sony Vaio and one morning I turned this laptop on just like any other day, left the room and when I came back there was some odd window that popped up and asked me to do something, cannot recall. Anyway, long story short I ended up with what looked like a regular desktop in the background but instead of being windows, it was Linux. I have never used Linux, I do not know how to use Linux and, sure as hell, my laptop did not have Linux installed. His machine did. I remember it was so creepy because it looked like an image of a desktop but you couldn’t click anywhere. I was stuck with this thing and I didn’t know what to do. Eventually I was forced to remove the battery and re-start the system. When I re-started the laptop, this thing disappeared and it never came back. I had the laptop analysed and nothing came up. Why am I saying this? Because we used to use a chat he created which used the University of Boise severs apparently and I could only access it through an icon that was on my desktop and a code that he had to generate each time. That chat was supposed to be totally private. This is how he had access to my laptop I suppose and he was probably be ale to see everything. Luckily I ever since switched to Mac. I don’t know want this snake to know my fucking business. Anyway, here are the screenshots:



A lot of the stuff said here is pretty self-explanatory and this doesn’t give much insight into anything but it does somehow prove that JR/Ivan did lie to me when he wrote me those emails in 2015. After he was found (by me, of course) he was attempting to escape by diminishing himself. Here is the email, if you haven’t bothered to read the report as I advised above:

So we now know that JR/Ivan actually did go to school and did graduate. It was an associate degree, so an actual degree. He lied to me in this 2015 email, saying he never finished school. BOLLOCKS!!!!!!!  Utter bloody bollocks!! His attempt to escape from the truth that had just found him.

The school was called the High-Tech Institute and was based in Phoenix, AZ but it’s now closed, doesn’t exist any longer. 

In this email he also said how he needed to find that someone who made him a better person. apparently I was the one bringing the worst out of him. Was I the bad person? Of course I am. Of course he needed that someone. He needed a dumb bitch who’s too bloody stupid to question anything. His perfect match. 


This one, though, deserves a shoutout:


Isn’t it lovely when men compliment each other? Bro power!!


Just kidding, of course. Right now it’s quite hard to do it. 

This here is one thing that kind of stands out for me: this guy was told by someone else that Ivan allegedly lost his passport and got stuck in Spain, not sure how long or if indefinitely. You see my comment about this. Ivan was very obviously lying to them. You don’t get stuck in Spain just because you lose your passport. Americans believe this because there is a preconception there that everything that lies outside of American borders is a third world. Now I will not get into this again because I am so drained by this investigation that I don’t even care about criticising Americans, but you get the drill. 



As you will see I insisted quite a lot on this point about him being stuck in Spain and knowing when that happened because to me this is a key point. What it looks like (again, to me) is that he was trying to hide for whatever reason. He told people he knew and were looking to stay in touch with him that he was gone, he was abroad and could not be reached. This is my impression, but more on this later in the conversation. Another thing that didn’t make sense was why he created this fake FB profile in 2010 or around then, added this guy and they never communicated. This person seemed very happy and very eager to speak to John/Ivan. Again, this was my impression as he sounded so happy and excited when he thought I was Ivan plus he did say he was disappointed to learn it wasn’t him.




The ones above are new screenshots from today. I sent him this pic I took of John Rodriguez/Ivan back in Mexico in 2011:




I asked him to confirm this was the person he knew, minus some differences of course. I did try to explain to him a little bit about time travel and parallel universes and all that as you can see, but I honestly had no idea how to put it in a way that would make sense. There is no sense in any of this and I just feel tired and drained. I’m sorry I know I need to stay focused and try to deliver this. 

The Ivan he knew didn’t have the tattoo on his right forearm. The guy sent me this old pic of Ivan that I have to publish here, I am sorry but this is important:




There is no tattoo as you can all see. What do I think about this? I honestly don’t know. Does this prove that he was not a time traveller? Not really, no. Of course the haters will say “he got it later to get in contact with you”. Whilst I’m flattered that someone would do such thing for me (remember, I do have a golden pussy), I have to say no. That tattoo he had, as I said many times, wasn’t a normal tattoo at all and I know because it was very different than all the other ones I have seen. I know other people with similar big tattoos, one being my ex husband. This tattoo cannot even be removed, it was like an encryption more than a tattoo. I don’t know how to define it better than this. I am not trying to defend myself or what I have been through, I am telling you the truth I know. Regardless of what you may or may not believe, it is very interesting to discover all of this.

It is hard to tell much if you compare these two pics of Ivan however, I do have other pics of him. When I confronted this old pic with some of the ones I have, you can tell it is the same person. What gives it away to me is the left side of his nose, which I always noticed and found quite peculiar. 



I asked this person if he recalled Ivan having an accent but I didn’t tell him which accent and, interestingly, he mentioned a Russian accent. JR/Ivan did tell me he had Russian parents but was born in Mexico. He said to me his first language was Russian but he lost it and adopted Spanish before English. He spoke Spanish fluently, yes. The only Russian word he knew was “belly button”. I think I recall it starts with a “P” but I could be wrong. I know nothing in Russian even though I work quite extensively there in 2019. 

I then went on to ask other questions like how tall he was and yes I think he was about 5’ 6’’ or so, around that, I do recall. You can see all of this in the screenshots. 

The guy I knew had a very light accent, almost unnoticeable. Obviously, if he moved back to the US when he was 17 then back in 2000 it would have been something like two-three years while when I met him was over 10 years later. That makes sense, yes. However, if you heard him talking you could pick up words that had a hint of Spanish but definitely NOT Russian. I know the Russian accent in English very well, as I said I worked with Russia a few years back. This is why I sent this guy a recording of John’s voice. He said that the voice was similar but the Ivan I knew spoke much, much faster. You can see in the screenshots I will add below. He said that Ivan would pronounce a “CH” like a ”SH”. That’s not either Russian or Spanish. That’s French. To me this is how French people speak because in French ch is pronounced as sh, from what I recall. This connects to the name he used when he first contacted me – the name of a French painter, Paul De La Roche. Ask TR this if you want confirmation. He is obsessed with this name for reasons not yet fully understood.



What is this all about then? Honestly, I don’t know. Surely, I could have hidden all of this but what for? I want my findings – any findings regardless of how people feel about the story or my story – to be public. For the record: this is also my investigation, not Pamela’s. Let’s be clear here. This is the best work I have done since 2015, when I found him. Yes, that was also ME! 

I want people to know and I want to lead them to the truth, if they allow me. Obviously some readers are just haters and get nothing but pleasure out of thinking they are right, like most ‘muricans of course. I am honestly speechless, and I haven’t felt like this in years. I’m lightheaded and confused I am not even sure I am writing correct English so let me apologise if this not the case. It is totally unintentional. This is the first person I have ever spoken to who knew John/Ivan personally. This is digging into his past life and now that I have done it – successfully even – I feel strange about it. I’m not sure what it is.

Also, I sent this guy the report because he deserves to know after all of these questions. I sent him the redacted report although it doesn't change much since he knows Ivan's last name anyway. I promised him I would and I did. 


So, what conclusions can we get out of this? I will put them all here. Investigating is like this: you make some assumptions based on the fact you have in that moment and then dig to confirm those facts. 

So here it is:


-    He is not a time traveller. I have said this before and, much like my 2016 report, this doesn’t prove either. He loved the story, learned by heart, got the strange tattoo etc etc etc. However, this is the same as 2015: it still doesn’t make sense how he knew about the physical letter I sent the Foundation in 2009 addressed in Kissimmee, FL. It doesn’t explain how he knew that John Titor was going out shooting videos when he was here. A fact then confirmed by Pamela herself, since you want her confirmation. It doesn’t certainly explain some of the weird docs he showed me when we were together. There are other things that are failing my memory at the moment since I feel completely numb, but I can tell you: all these things still don’t make sense. I am sorry this is how it is to me. If they do you, please explain clearly, with facts, and point by point.


He is a time traveller. My initial guess was this one (from the report):


-        As per my 2016 report, he took over his father’s identity. 

Now this seems much less likely though. Let's eliminate it.

Then we have two other options and I believe these were also in my first report. One a bit more farfetched than the other but I have to add this here anyway:


1)     The farfetched option: he took over himself. Another one of him from another timeline took over this version here. Again, farfetched.

2)     The better one: some of these “temporal drivers” are actually recruited here. He is from here, a regular guy with some pretty amazing computer skills as everybody said, was recruited here to take part in this ordeal I think I can best define it at this stage. This explains the absence of the tattoo when he was still in school. Perhaps, if he really was one of the original posters, then the story was delivered by both people from here and people from there. if that makes sense? Does it? Christ, I don’t even know anymore I’m sorry. This whole ordeal is, as he put it once, something that’s being invested on as we speak. The so called “people that have no name”. I am literally quoting stuff he said to me in Mexico. 


I am sorry to tell you this, but to me all options (except for the father one) are open until proven otherwise. I guess I will have to continue investigating in order to get to the right one. And yes, that also includes the possibility that he was not a time traveller, either from here or there. 


This last point obviously open the possibility that this “time travel” thing already exists here and has existed for quite some time. Well, I’ll be damned. Some of these people were getting way too much support to be just here on their own, let’s face it. Perhaps he was supposed to come in contact with him, to “inspire” me as they would say, and then he took it too far guided by the strength of his own penis. Yeah I can totally see that. Or, perhaps he was kicked out of the “time travel program” for using drugs and being a trouble maker and then came up with all of this including screwing with me for revenge against the people who fired him. He also used me to run away since the possibility of having a life in the US at that moment were very slim. I’m just brainstorming here. In any case, this wasn’t nice since I had done absolutely nothing at all to deserve that. None whatsoever. This, my darlings, this is getting out of control. I am, however, almost sure his was a revenge thing. Many times I had the feeling he hated me, especially the way he would sometimes come at me while in Mexico and I cannot say anymore, sorry. Maybe one day. if he is one of them here, he was recruited young, way too young. I think it was a mistake, just like it's a big mistake to hire all men. Just saying. 


One thing I have noticed is that everything about him that was online under his real identity is now gone: you obviously cannot search, but if you could you would see that those mugshots are completely gone, his old company info is gone, quite literally everything about him is gone. Like someone removed everything on purpose, perhaps following my report and everything else. Isn’t this strange? 


I don’t know if you, much like myself, have noticed this but there is one common denominator within this conversation: everything takes place between 2000 and 2001, just like in the story. Coincidence? Maybe, I don’t know. He did graduate in 2000, the story within the posts didn’t start until Nov 2000 so that’s around the same time as when he was recruited? Again, I don’t know, just brainstorming here. The most interesting part is how this guy confirmed that the time when allegedly Ivan lost his passport and got stuck abroad was around 2001. As per above: was Ivan trying to hide on purpose?

I pressed some more and this is what I got:


It seems like there is a misery as to what happened to John/Ivan after his graduation or perhaps he only kept in contact with very few people. Perhaps he went to work for the government or NASA.


This is the very last part of the conversation:


This is what this guy told me, he thinks John/Ivan went to work for something governmental or similar. He was very skilled according to this guy, so why didn’t he go for a bachelor? Probably he really was from a poor family and the associates degree was all he could afford. 

Funny enough – and I put this in my report as well – John/Ivan mentioned NASA JPL and how he wrote a letter there when he “resigned”. Is this all a big coincidence? 

Being that good didn’t stop me from taking hold of his fake accounts, did it? And then finding out almost everything. Funny twist of events in this utterly shitty situation.  


Look, regardles of what you think of yet this latest round of investigations conducted by yours truly, the harsh reality is, only he knows the truth. Well, and some others, too. 

I chose to present all of this not to prove something, but to share what I was able to find. This is the first time I have cried about this in what was a long time. No, I am not here because I want people to take pity on me. At the end of the day, I am doing this, I am the one digging deeper and deeper. The only thing I want you all to know is that above the skills, the curiosity and above all of this, I am simply someone who’s been hurt. My quest for the truth will never stop and I know the truth is near. 


What really surprises me at this stage is the fact that I haven’t yet gotten into trouble from doing all of this. How come? Well, as usual we have two possibilities: 1 – this is all fake and 2 – this all of part of the plan.


-        -    Stella C.

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