The truth about Mexico

 As said a while back, I have decided that Id finally tell the (almost) truth about what happened ion Mexico. I say "almost" not because what I say here isn't true, rather because there is more to this.

I was able to speak to other people from Ivan's past life in the US and also with some people from his current, fake life in Mexico. However, I only chose to publish the conversations I had with people in the US, just in case I will need the other conversation at a later time. 

This is the document that I have created that has most things. It is one hell of a read but I think you should go for it:

Unfortunately everything that you read here is true. He did do all those things to me. No, I'm not here asking for mercy or - worse - PITY. I don't want pity, I don't want people to feel bad for me or think I'm weak. Truth is, I did let him do all of that and I do regret it. I regret everything that happened during that time because I felt like I didn't have much of a choice. Yes, I do hope he dies rather soon, my clock is ticking.  I can write this here without any trouble whatsoever (why would I be banned for HOPING for something????? What kind of fucked place is this?? Seriously. Let's ask the whore in Pennsylvania, maybe she will be able to tell me this). Truth is, I publicly shame my enemies and truth also is, I hate my enemies. As long as I live, I will be on his ass. As long as I live I will be on him like a murder case. I will destroy him, I can guarantee you that. 

If he tries to react to this and do something to me, I will fuck him over. First, though, I will fuck his wife over, then his wife's family, then his own fake family and finally him. I have gathered enough prove of yet more crimes he and his groupies around him have done in Mexico, including his amazing marriage license which says he was born in Ensenada when he was actually born in California. So, basically, he got fake Mexican documents. Ergo, if he steps out his wife will go down in a spiral along with her pretty little family of corrupt criminals. And no, I don't give a shit anymore. I actually don't. 

I want the entire world to know what he did to me. I want the entire world to know what these people do here. How many more crimes does it take before he is gone? How many more people will need to suffer because of him? God help his wife's children. A drug dealer educating someone else's children. I don't think it will ever get more fucked up than this. 

Don't do drugs, kids!!!!!! I mean, seriously? It's like a F1 driver telling his kids not to speed. At least the F1 drivers aren't killing innocent people and ruining people's families. I have no hope for those kids anyway, I'm sure they will end up prostitutes either in Mexico or in the US. That's definitely bound to happen with parents like these two. 

I don't care anymore, I really don't. He lied to me, he manipulated me, he used me and then he ran away. He caused me a huge deal of suffering that I did not deserve. 

One last thing: this is a redacted file.  Larry Haber has the unreacted version. I did ask him to forward to the "faaaaamilyyy" via email but he has never acknowledged my email or replied. Nothing at all. Just so everyone knows that he has it. I will not publish that one here in order to protect people's identities. I am obviously keeping Ivan's identity for myself for now in case it will be needed at some point. Un asso nella manica, as we say. 

I'm not sure when I will post more. To be honest this whole blog thing is starting to feel like some Gossip Girl shit without the adrenaline. 

- Stella. 

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