
Showing posts from August, 2022

John Williams' fake identity?

Just last week I had yet another crazy, weird dream about Nolan Bennett, Cindy Wilson’s son. This post is not just about this – it’s actually about something else entirely – but I wanted to put this out there because this is just driving me nuts. If you know my story then you may remember that I have always said that I believe Nolan Bennett is John Titor. Also, if you regularly read this blog then you might remember that I had another weird dream about him that came true. This was last year and here are the links: There it is, there is some “context” for you all amazing people. If you don’t want to bother to read them, then….ehhhhh….why would that be my problem? Anyway, this dream was freaky and it happened last Sunday. I only remember parts of it but I do recall that, again, we were somewhere which I think was in Italy (not sure) and he was t