John Williams' fake identity?

Just last week I had yet another crazy, weird dream about Nolan Bennett, Cindy Wilson’s son. This post is not just about this – it’s actually about something else entirely – but I wanted to put this out there because this is just driving me nuts. If you know my story then you may remember that I have always said that I believe Nolan Bennett is John Titor. Also, if you regularly read this blog then you might remember that I had another weird dream about him that came true. This was last year and here are the links:

There it is, there is some “context” for you all amazing people. If you don’t want to bother to read them, then….ehhhhh….why would that be my problem?

Anyway, this dream was freaky and it happened last Sunday. I only remember parts of it but I do recall that, again, we were somewhere which I think was in Italy (not sure) and he was there and was (surprise, surprise) avoiding me because he was pissed off at me. After that I only recall fragments of this dream. I do recall – and this is quite clear in my mind – that he had much shorter hair. I recall thinking in the dream “he cut his hair” and that…yeah he was angry but that he also knew where I live and I remember asking him how he knew this. His shorter hair was what really stood out in the dream. I recall he is getting angry and I am getting angry too, but then eventually we became friends. Then I don’t recall anything else. However, this is NOT the weird part. Please hear me out because THIS freaked the fuck out of me: after I woke up I went on my other account on Instagram (he still has my main one blocked for reasons not yet fully understood) and I saw his story. His story was a selfie with shorter hair that said “done it cut it” or something like that. Now, I know people hate me and think I love to make this up (because that’s what ‘muricans do all the time) BUT this, this my dear “foes”, freaked the FUCK out of me.

As per the above posts from last year, this is not the first time I have a dream of this guy and it comes true the next day. This has now happened twice in less than a year. Surely dreams mean nothing but I honestly cannot explain this. There must be something, you cannot tell me that there is nothing going on here. I am NOT making this up, although I wish I were. I have no interest in making this up because I get nothing out of saying “Oh, you know what, I had this dream then the next day it came true bla bla bla”. How exactly would this change my life or make me more believable? The truth is, this young man (the young version) keeps coming to my dreams and these dreams do reflect reality at times. In the past, before he started touring with Cindy Wilson, I kept having dreams of him with his mother. I honestly don’t know what the bloody fuck is going on but what I do sense is that there is something really odd happening here. Think what you want. What I don’t get is why he treats me like this. Yes, I was quite harsh in my last message to him because I tried to talk to him (this was a couple of months ago) and he, again, refused to answer. So I snapped. I am sorry but I am only human. He thinks everyone is after him or his family, this is my take. What could I possibly want from him or his father or even his mother? I have met his mother TWICE in real life, I spoke to her at length, she even kissed my cheek. If I wanted to do something to her, would you not think that would have been the right time??? I am sorry if this is not fucking dumb then I don’t know what is. He can at least do me a favour and stop thinking that everyone is out there to get him. Again, what could I possibly do to him??? Or his family?? And why the bloody FUCK would I even want to??? Seriously. I ain’t got time for witch-hunting and want nothing material from him. As a matter of fact, it looks like me and this guy are the total opposite. I don’t need money either and he can have a look at my lifestyle on Instagram to see why I don't. Oh wait, he still has my main account blocked. Never mind. I understand where he comes from because of the B52s and all that stuff but I am not even a fan. All I ever wanted was to speak to him open heartedly. It’s not much to ask is it? I have no idea how this guy grew up but I can tell you that when a damsel in distress knocks at you door to have a word with you, you don’t just ignore her. What happened to the Southern Gentleman? Was this even a thing?? Or is it just another bullshit plastered all over American movies?? I recall my mother, she used to watch American movies on TV (not that you have a choice because it’s only American movies out there) and once I told her about my ex-husband and his parents and she said to me: “I don’t understand. Americans are so family-oriented!”. Nothing could be further from the truth. The average number of marriages per person in the US is what? 8? (and Larry Haber is solely responsible for half of them. At some point one must wonder: is this even for me?). The movies might have been dubbed but the fake message Americans wanted to spread around the world came across pretty damn well.  So, yeah, maybe the Southern Gentleman thing is also bollocks.

Yes, I do regret saying all those things to him but I figured he has NEVER wanted to speak to me anyway so, I got angry. I am not a fan of his father, but his mother is lovely and very maternal. This is why I don’t understand why he grew up like this, ignoring damsels in distress. I AM and HAVE BEEN in distress because of this. I have all these weird dreams about a man I have never met, dreams that become reality, and I don’t understand why. How would you feel? Would you not freak out as well? There is no even a point going to their concerts (read: Newcastle fiasco), even to the ones with just Cindy. Let’s say she came here with her son and I went and did the whole meet & greet, I don’t think it'd make any bloody difference. I am always treated like everybody else. This may sound pretentious, but it is very apparent to me (and it has been for some time) that, in fact, I am NOT like everybody else. Despite of this, I would never get a chance to be truly alone with them. Fuck, he thinks I want to do something to him!!! Why would he want to be alone with me? Yeah, no point in even going, it’d be an utter waste of time again. I’d be there with another 6 B52s fans trying to weigh every single word I say in order not to look like a complete nutcase. Look, I am sorry about what I said to him, but he has treated me badly. He hasn’t treated me well at all, even when I was nice to him. His behaviour toward me has been nothing but appalling. Okay, this doesn’t justify my words, but I honestly just lost it. He is acting like a child instead of acting like a man and sit down and have a word with me, properly. Hiding is not gonna suddenly make this whole thing go away. It should be clear to him now. The weird part is, he is letting me. He has never come to me and told me to stop posting about him or stop looking at him on Instagram. He has just ignored me all this time, except for that one time when he briefly spoke to me only because he thought I was someone else. I don’t know what else to say, really. I only want to speak to him because I want to know how he feels. Sometimes – albeit, not every time – these things tend to go both ways, meaning he may potentially be having the same types of dreams about me or the story. Who knows. This is just freaky and scary and it is something I cannot explain so knowing that this person is on the same boat as me, would make me feel less alone. I guess I am the only nutcase here. Well, there is always one, right? Or maybe he just doesn’t want to face it and thinks the best way is to ignore it and hide. That’s too bad because this could be something important.

It is definitely unusual to be having all of these weird dreams about people you have never met in your life and then seeing these dreams become reality. Like there is a connection somewhere that perhaps it is tied to something bigger and incomprehensible, at least for the moment. I do not have any ties to him here in this world line but perhaps another version of me does somewhere and this person is an important person in her life. I do think that this whole “time travel”, parallel universes thingy (call it as you please) has a lot more implications on real life than the ones described in physics. At least to those involved. I only wanted to reach out to him because I do think there is a connection, and it is quite strong. I am sorry but something tells me I should not ignore it. This is how I truly feel but it is clear he doesn’t feel the same.

Okay, enough about that. I know it will just make me upset. So, the actual point of this post: John Williams. CONTEXT ALERT! John Williams is the 40-year-old child “time traveller” I spoke to for almost two years on videos, whatsapp etc etc. He didn’t tell me he was a TT for 2 years (although I obviously knew) and then finally forced it out of him last year. In any case if you want to understand you can:

1)   1) go to my YouTube channel and watch the video titled “being spied on” to see how this guy got in contact and what he did AND/OR (as you prefer):

2)     2) read this post:

Then I don’t know what else to say. Search my posts on Reddit maybe? Or…Improvise!

His real name is probably not John Williams, little spoiler alert. No, I actually do not know his real name because he never told me. He said all I needed to know was John Williams. Yes, that is exactly what he said to me (also, keep this in mind for later). Anyway, my theory has always been that he took over someone else’s identity to remain here (thanks to this family. See above post for more details). Today I want to post some of my recent findings about this guy. What can I tell you? I am one very bored lady.

I search his name occasionally and this time – last week, actually – I tried to search on Bing rather than Google. Google is utterly crappy these days. Surprise, surprise I found this:




I have never heard of this site and surely this looks like a narrative about someone. Everything about him is correct and matches him 100%, for example his parents, his address, his DOB and where he lived previously. Everything has a match except for these things:

-          Ethnicity: Caucasian

-          Relationship: Married

-          Job: president of this Spence CORP, which is no longer active

Yes, he could be married now (Gosh, poor lady ) since it has been almost a year and a half since I last spoke to him but I do know that he works as a pick-up and delivery driver and he definitely ain’t no president of any company. However, the biggest flaw here is the race. He is not Caucasian. He is Latino. He originally comes from Honduras. So, what they fuck is happening then? Well, I asked myself that same question the other day. I searched and searched and searched and came across this profile:


John Williams doesn’t sound like a Latino-type of name at all, to being with. He justified this by saying that he was adopted and this family does have another son who has a name that isn’t very Latino either and this guy was also adopted. His parents are both Caucasians. What is my take then? Well, I think this guy here, this person on LinkedIn is the real John Williams, a much older man, who is Caucasian and is the ex-president of this Spence Corp. So why is this website telling me that these two people are essentially the same person? That IS what the website is basically telling. However, I will give you my two theories. I always have two or more theories to cover for any eventuality.

   1. The website has fucked up. Well, that happens. These websites pull data from different sources and, depending how the data is pulled, they may just go ballistic and do this random stuff. What I don’t understand is why they would pull data from these two random people and think that there are the same person? Isn’t this very odd? Or maybe a little? What exactly is making this website link these two individuals? Well, I obviously don’t know but it is worth asking this question. Perhaps these 2 people are relatives in real life and have the same name because in America you give people your father’s or uncle’s name.  

    2. As I said earlier, this John Williams guy on LinkedIn is the real John Williams and this theory goes back to the beginning of this part of the post: that this guy’s identity is a stolen one. For the sake of everyone I will call “John Williams Sr” the one from the LinkedIn post below (the older white man with the company) and “John Williams Jr” the 40-year-old child who is the alleged time traveller. John Williams Sr is the original John Williams who – I think – may be John Williams Sr’s fake father’s brother. So basically, he is "technically" his uncle - or fake uncle. What they did – and I don’t know how you do it – is duplicated this identity and gave it to him. He is basically living as John Williams Sr but John Williams Sr is still alive somewhere in WI. Now, doing something like would make sense because it is a handy, established identity. On the other hand, you could always argue that his parents adopted John Williams Jr from Honduras and named him after his uncle. Could be but then why is this website linking these two like they are the same person? Again, this may not mean anything, but it is intriguing. Just for the records – and I believe I said this in one of my videos - he once told me that his family knows people and could give me documents to stay in the US if I wanted to be with him.  I am not a fan of either so, no. Anyway, I asked him if he meant marriage and he said we don’t even need to get married, and he refused to tell me more. He said he would explain once I got there. Basically, the way I see it, is that I would have been given a fake SSN and birth certificate. At the end, this is all you need to “pass” as a US citizen.  Now you see this is why I am keen on saying that this isn’t a website error and this may potentially be some of the proof that his identity is, indeed, fake.

Sorry for the very twisted explanation, by the way. I do not, however, think there is a better and more linear way to explain it with my “broken English”. Right?? American morons can do it for me if they wish. Theirs isn’t even real English!!!!


Last comment will be on is email address: tiny giant69. That goes a long way in highlighting the level of perversion this man has. The website has this right at least.

I will leave you with this, as usual feel free to think whatever you want, just avoid plastering it all over Reddit because I do not read the comments. Not interested in being insulted by misogynistic and ignorant people from the US on Reddit. I have a life, you know.


-        -   Stella C (stellita884)

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