
Showing posts from October, 2022

Comments on John Titor's posts

It has been a while since my last post or, perhaps, it feels like it to me because – and I will be completely frank here – I have had a very, VERY rough time in the last few weeks and I am only just coming out of the other side. This post will probably create a lot of comments, mainly bad comments, from some of my haters (which is the majority of readers on Reddit) but I have to be honest. Feel free to judge me if you want to but it feels like I am literally breaking. I will also comment on some of the original posts from John Titor because I recently read them again and I found some very interesting things. I wanted to mainly write this because of those posts and comments but I feel like I can no longer hide. People look at me and wonder, why the fuck are you whining so much? Whilst my life might seem appealing to some of you, in reality I am just   miserable. I am just so fucking miserable.  There is only one part of my life that’s amazing and that is when I travel but, aside from th