Comments on John Titor's posts

It has been a while since my last post or, perhaps, it feels like it to me because – and I will be completely frank here – I have had a very, VERY rough time in the last few weeks and I am only just coming out of the other side. This post will probably create a lot of comments, mainly bad comments, from some of my haters (which is the majority of readers on Reddit) but I have to be honest. Feel free to judge me if you want to but it feels like I am literally breaking. I will also comment on some of the original posts from John Titor because I recently read them again and I found some very interesting things. I wanted to mainly write this because of those posts and comments but I feel like I can no longer hide. People look at me and wonder, why the fuck are you whining so much? Whilst my life might seem appealing to some of you, in reality I am just miserable. I am just so fucking miserable. There is only one part of my life that’s amazing and that is when I travel but, aside from that, I have very few moments of happiness. I will be honest, I spend most of my miserable days at home thinking about death and how and when I am gonna die. I have flashbacks from my past pretty much every day and I hate my JOB. I fucking hate every moment I spend on my job. I hate that corporate bullshit with a passion and this is why I travel and do what I do. When I travel my mind is focused on the present, I think of nothing else but what I am doing in that every moment and that feeling is just the best feeling in the world. When I do crazy stuff and I feel the adrenaline just pumping through my veins, I feel so happy and I think of nothing. My anxiety, my unhappiness, my fears are all suddenly gone and what is left is a broken mind focused on the present moment. Then I MUST go back to my usual, every day, bullshit conventional life and I just crash again. My life during my ordinary days is filled with terror and unhappiness. I struggle so much here and I have no idea what to do. I have tried everything but I just HATE IT. I HATE IT I HATE I HATE IT, I hate everything that I have here in my routine, bullshit life. If I will never get to go, then something will have to give at some point because I certainly do not want to spend the rest of my life like this. If I do want to continue living – big IF – then I must decide WHERE and HOW. I don’t know any of this yet but I do know that it is not in the UK or Sweden or any of those fucked up places in Europe and definitely not the way I am living this bullshit life in this very moment. 


Things have been particularly difficult lately because I feel like something is coming. I am becoming restless. I have no idea what it is but I feel like I am reaching a turning point. Now, I don’t know when but I feel like this turning point is near. I look at people and the way they carry on living their life and wonder why everyone is fucking stupid. WHY? Why can’t you feel that something is coming? Why am I the only one feeling restless? What is wrong with me? Recently I thought I was going to die in a pretty nasty way. I will not tell you what my fears and phobias were – simply because I have a lot of enemies out there and enemies MUST NEVER know your weaknesses. However, what has happened recently has taken a huge toll on me. I want to be honest here: two weeks ago I almost got to see the inside of a psychiatric ward. I was taken to hospital and I had somebody watching me for 8 HOURS, I was escorted everywhere. Luckily, when my friend came around, that person left so I grabbed my bag and ran out otherwise things would have looked very, very different for me now. You may wonder, what is wrong with you? I don’t know. I really don’t know. I think, as I said earlier, that I have reached a turning point and I am just tired and all I want is for me to GO HOME. I want to go home. I gotta go home. How many times do I have to write this? I feel like I have been screaming and yelling and just losing it for years and yet, I am still here. No matter what I say, no matter what I do, my pleads are never heard. This whole John Titor story, believe it not, has been both my own happiness and my own ordeal. I love the story, I love writing this blog and, when I have a very difficult time, the only thing that calms me down is reading those posts or even listening to Trism. It is sort of my faith but even the strongest faith can sometime crash. In order for me (and others I would imagine) to accept all of this, I have to completely shut down the biggest, rational part of my brain and that is hard because then there is another part of my brain that steps in and tries to remind me that I COULD BE just FUCKING CRAZY. Make no mistake, I spend most of my existence (when I am not thinking about death) fighting this. You might see me cocky and aggressive, but I am utterly terrified. I am terrified that I have been wasting my life with this for no reason but then I remember all the things that happened and that cannot just be coincidences, and I think “okay this is real, so I am not wasting my time” and so on. This goes on a circle over and over and over and I just don’t know how to handle it. None of my closest relatives know about this. ZERO. Only people I trust know about this. I have spent the last few years of my life in almost complete isolation. Put yourself in my position for a moment: how can I tell people this? How can I tell everything I am able to see without being locked into a “padded cell”? I am scared of having intimate relationships with strangers, I am scared of people in general and I basically live like one of them in my own timeline. This is how I live NOW and I have no desire to engage with people either, which may seem worrying to some I agree, but what can I do. I feel like people don’t understand me and don’t know what I see. I see everything. I can see everything that may happen and this is the point: I don’t know if what I see is real or not and it is so scary. Am I the only one in this situation? Judging by the people on Reddit, it seems like I am. And please, please, do NOT send those fucking alerts on Reddit about suicide. I understand that you are the way you are because of the country where you from, but do you really think that if someone wants to commit suicide, Reddit will stop them? “That’s it I want to end it. Oh look, a Reddit notification telling me to call this number! Oh, now I don’t want to die anymore! I am happy again!”. Gimme a fucking break and stay the fuck away from me with this shit or I will crack you. I will not end my life but I will end everyone who will try to interfere with me. I do not attack ever, but I do defend myself when I feel like I am being attacked. I don’t need that stupid, technological bullshit that you, in this time, seem to adore so very much. Keep those alerts, Alexa and any of that fucking technology shit the fuck away from me. I don’t like when people fuss over me. What I want, what I really want – I repeat – IS TO GO HOME. 


Before I move on to my comments on those posts I want to tell you something else. When searching online I found a thread on Paranormalis that was started by Pamela in 2011. She, as usual, kept going on and on about this dream with a time traveller that she had in 1998 or something, and someone was like “you having that dream – WOW” and then they put a stupid gif thingy. Oh, well, back in January I had a dream about an “exercise” or “training mission” and not just a training mission, no, my OWN fucking training mission.  So yeah, WOW I suppose, and this is what I wanted to tell you about. I had this “dream” (there is a reason for the quotes) in January this year whilst in Serbia. It was just random because I was on a trip and – see above – I am usually in a terrific mood when I am travelling so this dream came out of nowhere. I wrote about this dream here on this post ( Anyway, the school I talk about in that post still exists and it is still, to this day, an active institution. Due to a recent crisis situation (my own), I had to go back to Rome (where I am actually from) and decided to pay this place a visit after many years. I thought I wanted to see how I would feel because that dream has been in my head for months, but in reality I think I wanted to see whether that dream was just a dream or was a real thing. In hindsight I did something really stupid. When I first got there, I was ok but the school was open (just like it was in my dream) which caught me by surprise because it was on a Sunday (this was last week, by the way) but it was election day so that was the reason. I stood outside and, like I said, I was okay. Then I decided to go in since the main gate was open. When I stepped in that was the very first time I stepped in there since 1990. I took maybe three- four steps at the most and then I suddenly felt overwhelmed. It just hit me so badly I started weeping and the feeling was so intense it overtook me quickly and I had to turn around and leave. I literally ran away crying. That feeling was the exact same feeling that I had in my dream. The difference is, in my dream I was a spectator meaning I couldn’t do anything; I couldn’t intervene, I couldn’t move. I could only stand there and watch. So, what is my verdict then? Was it real? Oh yeah, that was fucking real. That was as real as it could get. 

Before I stepped in, I snapped this pic:



Sorry about the weird angle but it is still a school and the last thing I wanted to look like was a pedo. Trust me on that one. The overwhelming pain that I had in the dream, just like the one in real life, stems from the fact that I feel like time has passed and I am now almost 40 and I have failed. I was there, in the dream, looking at all those kids coming out of school, still in the prime of their life and still in time to achieve their dreams. I don’t have that anymore. I feel like I have failed as a person and as a human being. I have failed miserably. I have failed to handle it and to become a better person without fears and without anxieties. Even in this story I have failed everything and I haven’t really delivered the way I was supposed to. All of this weighs heavily on my mind. Who am I? What am I doing and what do I want? When will I go? Questions I cannot answer. Regardless, this dream was interesting because it combines the past (the school), the present (the feelings) and the future (the exercise), kind of the concept of past, present and future all co-exist at the same time. 


I am sorry for being so brutally honest in this post, but I don’t want to make a secret of my mental health. In the end, I am not ashamed. I am upset because of my failures but I am not ashamed of who I am in this timeline. If you feel like you want to judge me, then go ahead but that will never make me feel embarrassed or stop me from talking openly about my struggles. 


Now, on to the comments on these posts. Since I don’t really like going to the American Diva’s web site (Oliver Williams) because it is messy and chaotic and old as fuck (it hasn’t been updated since the First World War), I have tried to find them online. I can only hope these are correct but I have found some on a random site and other ones on the misogynist’s blog (the guy who thinks movies are REAL and we all live in a Matrix. I think Sailor Moon is real, I can’t think that? I am actually pretty convinced. Perhaps I took the red pill?? Or not wait was it the blue pill? No? Orange maybe? What about brown, shit-like colour? Sorry I clearly am not very familiar with the Matrix know…it’s just a movie….). 




This one here was in response to some questions from Pamela maybe? I don’t know maybe I am wrong and I am unsure why says “no bright flash of light” because I think I recall Pamela saying Titor told her there was a bright flash of light. In any case, this is Trism. I actually figured this one out when was almost sent to a padded cell weeks ago. For some reason I read this again (and bear in mind I must have seen this countless times before) and it hit me. Think about it: assuming there is a bright flash of light if you recall the song (Trism) it says “she (Stella Corona, not Pamela FYI) pulls the lever and THEN bright light”. Not only this one – and I hope you will follow my logic here – the post says the vehicle appears to accelerate as the light is bent around it. Trism says “just like the sun bends light through a Prism she bends herself through the Trism” the song talks about light getting bent through a Prism. What happens when light passes through a Prism? It splits – a rainbow. Look above in the post “it looks like driving under a rainbow”. If you want my opinion (I realise you probably don’t but still) Trism is obviously a time machine (confirmed by the Bs after the Newcastle concert shambles) and not just a time machine, NO, THIS TIME MACHINE. John Titor’s “time machine”. I wanted to post this one as the first comment because I like it. I like how this post is so closely related to the song Trism and I like Trism. 


I will now move on to some other posts that, after re-reading them, I found very interesting and wanted to provide some of my comments because these posts, seen the current events, seem to be more relevant now. 


This comes from the collection of posts on the misogynist’s site:


Not sure if this was actually part of the original posts but if it was then it’s basically what I said in a previous post (go find it): it is best not to know. When you don’t know no one can get anything out of you, can they? Reason why the B52s won’t openly speak about this. Surely, there wouldn’t be any proof, but do you think that would hold anyone from kidnapping someone and use them as ransom against the US government? Because, trust me, this whole thing comes from the US government itself. If you think they have absolutely nothing to do with those posts, then I would urge you to think again. Any foreign government would be interested in knowing whether this technology actually exists. Something like this as spectacular military value. Reason why all the US citizens involved in this are keeping their mouth shut. I, on the other hand, still here because I am NOT a US citizen. Even if I were to be jailed for some stupid reason in some foreign country for any fake reason, they wouldn’t be able to get anything out of it because the US government would not intervene. Italy and UK probably would but they are not involved in this whole program, I don’t think. Hence why, apologies to those who hate me, I am still here. The people who came up with this whole thing aren’t clearly stupid. Hey, I don’t mind. I love this story even though sometimes it’s just a dead end. And yes, I was almost arrested at the airport in Moscow in 2019, coming out of the country. Luckily, I made it out ðŸ˜Š whilst in the middle of this very weird situation at security my first thought was: “oh my God it’s happening (I had been expecting something strange there). Somebody call my boss”. Irrational thinking, I guess, probably because I thought I wasn’t gonna go back home. Well, to those of you who think this is a conspiracy theory, welcome to my life. 




The first one: clearly they don’t get tested “deep” enough, do they? Sounds to me like their issues, much like mine, run and deep and long, quoting “John Williams”. The last part is basically me. Not to play the devil’s advocate here, but I have always said I would be the perfect candidate. I am extremely self-sufficient and have travelled the world on my own. I do extremely well completely isolated. I HATE PEOPLE. As I said earlier, I live completely isolated and that’s fine with me. I hate family, I HATE THEM with a passion maybe because I do not really subscribe to the Italian culture, if we can call the culture of aesthetical judgment a real “culture” per se. When I go there (not often, TRUST ME) I am basically surrounded by WHORES who judge you based on the way you dress, the way you look, your age, your size, your job, the size of your house/apartment. It is a shallow culture made of fashion whores with little brains. Unfortunately, some of my relatives are like that and, when they judge me, I wish them. Hey, I don’t feel bad at all, they are judging ME! Oh no…oops I forgot that Miss Pennsylvania is around and will now report me to the Reddit COPS. Oh my God I am so scared. I bet I can make her cry before I even slap her face. I never go to Italy for that reason; I keep to myself and HIDE, HIDE IN SHAME because I don’t want to go there and see these POOR (because it is a poor country) people judging me whilst they struggle to make 5 EUROS out of their shitty lives. But they don’t see that, they only judge other people’s size and dresses like that is the most important thing in the world: how you look. Little wonder that country is laughed upon by the entire world and no one takes any Italian seriously. I am happy I left and I will never go back. One good thing about here: no one judges you. The British don’t really do that in my opinion. Anyway, sorry, my last forced trip there kind of made me upset. Anyway, back to the post: that’s me. I fit that profile 110% percent. 





No I do not agree with this. I think there ARE good and bad people and Ivan is a horrible person. And, no, you clearly do not do jack shit about any of your people who commit crimes here. Reason why the cops in Idaho are refusing to arrest Ivan. Because the US government are involved in protecting this fucking piece of shit drug dealer who has *KILLED people*. But that’s okay according to this John Titor guy because it will be God that will judge him. Sure. Keep believing that. Shit like this is mainly believed by Americans, of course, the country of backward BIGOTS who believe in this divine identity that looks like us but made us all. Not sure how that’s even possible but….oooooookay. Whatever, “dude” I don’t believe in God SO…. tough luck. I am a pantheist apparently (borderline atheist, I always said I was) because I believe and surrender to the absolute power of the Universe. This man, John Titor, seemed (and I agree with Ivan here) like the ultimate bigot and God freak. Like the ones on Reddit, the very same people who see this guy as the ultimate patriot who holds the Constitution in one hand and Pamela in the other. Wake the fuck up, seriously. This is all bullshit; the whole story is some true stuff mixed with bullshit made up by your own government as a public exercise.  Time travel IS real, yes, but these posts were organised by your government with some very specific intent, and YOU STILL believe it is a random someone who decided to go back under his mother’s skirt and post online out of his own will for the good of humanity?? The guy is real, but the reason he gave you is very fucking fake. 

In any case, I hate religious people. They are fake and thy are all a bunch of politically correct, backward hypocrites. I like real people who think FAST. 


Taking a quick break, I searched Trism online and someone (totally unrelated to the story) posted this as their interpretation of the song:



I like this one. Italian is mentioned (not the shallow kind). I don’t see Pamela mentioned in here…do you? I am just asking, maybe there is another interpretation I cannot see. “Celestial Princess”. Thank you, thank you very much. I ain’t no fucking princess though, I can tell you that but it makes me feel good because celestial entities are immortal. Anyway, I find it interesting how even the people who know nothing about the story interpret the song this way. 



Back to the posts. These other ones here were from another random website by someone who, hopefully, isn’t a misogynist:



Again, similar to the one above. I see this as a recurring topic. Obviously the Russians are interested in this story. They, just like me, have long understood that there is US government involvement in these posts. In light of the recent and ongoing events, then the whole thing makes you think. What if this was done on purpose, by the US government back in 2001 for a purpose that may perhaps connect to the current situation? I mean the posts mention Russia and one of them, the one I met, who was part of this ordeal is originally Russian. Now everything is pretty much coming to light and I have also made A LOT OF noise in this story which has attracted a bit of attention. On a side note, I like how now the “sceptical” individuals of Reddit and other channels are keeping quiet these days. “OH, BUT NOTHING HAPPENED IN 2015!!!!” bla bla bla bla bla. You fucking dicks. What have you got to say now, UH??????? Care to tell me? Surely nothing has yet happened, but for the love of me, you can only hope NOW that this was fake. Ahahahahahahha. I hope not. Any war would be my last chance to finally be free. Free from judgment, cancel culture, the status quo and conformism. I dream of that day, the day of utter chaos where things are so bad and grim no one would even notice I am gone. This is my biggest dream, the biggest dream in my life. I think this society is fucked. Think about the 1950s: they were happy years because people still had this sense of community from the war and everything was re-built and people were just happy looking forward to tomorrow. Now we are a bunch of inept Netflix lovers who love to “ZAP” our TVs 1455676689696797969 channels while turning a blind eye on the world around us. We don’t feel anymore. We have lost that ability to TRULY FEEL things. We surrender to technology and the more we have, the better we feel. I think life is made of moments, the moments we do the things we love and we are happy doing them. I don’t care about having a fantastic house or a Ferrari or whatever. I care about the memories I make in my travels, the moment I truly LIVE away from this place and routine. The people I know don’t understand me and don’t understand this and this is why I live isolated. They think all of this stuff is what matters the most. I bet the Ukrainians would tell you differently. This is how spoiled this Western society is. This is why I am a firm believer that war would only be good for this place. This whole society needs to be destroyed to pieces and re-built and the only way to do this is through a war. I almost wanna beg Vladimir Putin to finally set me free and destroy this useless, greedy society. Hey, the time traveller ain’t coming and I don’t know what else to do here. All I know is that being here is no longer an option for me.


Just out of curiosity as this seems like a contradiction: didn’t he say that time travellers wouldn’t remember football games results? I mean he went on and on and on about this is earlier posts. Puzzling.



Wait, I am confused: I thought he said that he could NEVER go back to his exact world line? Or have I misunderstood? On a separate note: this Pamela here was writing really silly, she sounded like a 5 year old who likes the little kindergarten boy and doesn’t know how to tell him. Certainly didn’t sound like an almost 40 year old woman (here, in 2001). This is not how you flirt with a man you like, for fucks sake. What is this? It’s like watching Disney+. 

Sorry I am opinionated. I am not going to keep my mouth shut, if you don’t like it then not my problem. I am a free woman.




I don’t understand this “biological implant” thingy here.  Is this something related to the “lizards”? 

Though, they communicate with people here and I am sure they have other ways to communicate. I recall this bloody document Ivan showed me in Mexico (when I was drunk obviously. He always had the perfect timing) with all these codes. It was all codes, that I remember. 




Yes, this one (YouTube link): Mystery Hole Washington

Ivan sent me this by the way. It’s not out of my own arse, in case you are wondering. 




Sailing. That is interesting because it may be nothing but (and I believe I have said this already) but Ricky Wilson’s (the B52s hot guitarist) presumed grave has a quote related to sailing and someone once commented on a post with his pic “Hi Ricky! Let’s go sailing!”. It may be nothing but this connection kind of stood out for me. Like I said, I don’t know. I thought I would highlight it anyway. What the hell.

He likes talking to people from other countries apparently. So that he can invite them over and then dump them. Sounds like a fantastic plan.




Oooops, trouble here. I know the feeling though. Oh boy, do I know? I write and write and write and I scream and no one, absolutely no one, hears me. I want to take this chance to comment on Pamela’s involvement. After finally being able o read ALL of the posts from the beginning (I could not find the very first ones. Like I said, they are probably on the American Diva’s site but I don’t care for that site) I saw that she originally offered to help them. Obviously, since you need a trusted person and their help, they went along with it, nothing special or destined to be in my opinion. She was thanked, I hope, and not sure what series of lies she was told. She must have been told LIES, just like I have, I am sure of it. In any case, I had never heard of the B52s until she came to me and told me about Trism. She is the one who told me about both the band and the song because I had NO idea there was even that song. I supposed, in a way, she passed that message along. If you were a time traveller you would want to leave any important message for someone you love to someone you trust. That is how I see it but I refuse to pain this celestial picture about Pamela that everyone has fantasying about for years on Paranormalis. Sorry, I just don’t buy it. I mighty be wrong, of course what do I know, but this is mostly my opinion. Prove me wrong.

Now, this is crazy. I am not sure why you’re all keeping quiet (perhaps because your arse is burning at the thought that oooopsie… might have been wrong about the story. Time will tell I guess) but every day I find several articles about a nuclear attack and the atomic bomb. 

Someone even made this (YouTube link): Plan A

I honestly thought the story would re-gain a lore mote interest than it actually is. Weird.


Yes, you would have the odd nuclear war article once every blue moon but now this is getting a lot more than that. So, this point, either this whole thing was fake (not likely seen my own experience) and nothing will happen OR this is real and shit will hit the fan soon and I will be GONE. I WANNA GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I WANNA FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I’m sorry I am just tired. I have been protesting for YEARS for fucks sake and no one hears me. I want a signal, one fucking signal, so that I can go. If I can’t go with them I wanna at least be able to go to Costa Rica or something. Obviously, Pussy Biden aka the Elderly Pussy will do nothing. All he does is get on podiums (where he can’t even figure out how to get off), preach to other leftists and let hell break loose on this side of the world because he is too much of a pussy to fight Russia and much rather bankrupt his country whilst he shits in his diaper. Yup. I am sorry but I fail to see how this will not results in a direct conflict. Of course I ain’t no expert, but I don’t see a solution here. Unlike Biden who thinks that fighting proxy wars (because this IS a proxy war) will save the world. So what is the solution? PB and PB (Pussy Biden and Pussy Blinken) are refusing to provide one. What is the plan? Continue to give millions to this proxy war because he is too much of a pussy to fight in a real conflict? I would say yes, totally. He is a Democrat, Democrats and leftists are PUSSIES. If Ukraine is about to (notice this) win, do you think Russia will let them? If Russia wins then what will the GREATEST COUNTRY (ahahahahahhahahahah sure) in the world do? If PB is still in power then nothing but still, this may be years down the line. You see where I am going with this? Do you see any other solution that is not a direct conflict at this stage? So were the posts right? PB and PB want to delay the inevitable and would rather bankrupt their own countries than being MEN and face the inevitable. Pussies. They hope Russia will run out of steam and drop out. Surely, they can drop out of a conventional war but Mr Pussy here forgot that this country has a massive nuclear arsenal that will not run out of steam. Clearly the US need a better President. I don’t care what the Democrats say, these 2 are pussies. For the sake of humanity, they should lock Biden into a nursing home (at last), throw the keys down the toilet, flush and walk away. This should be done for the sake of his own country and our own sake. That guy and his puppets are useless. Meanwhile, I am still here. No future or Costa Rica for me because I tell the truth and the truth is always ugly for the Democrats.


No there is no fucking freedom here. You don’t agree with the leftists, you’re “cancelled” like fucking kids at kindergarten. Do you call this freedom? I don’t.

Here we go with “CJD”. NO, IT IS NOT THE SAME AS COVID. For fucks sake!!!!!!! Get the fuck over it, it is NOT. How many fucking times does a human being need to explain this to these puppets???? Then they start posting these scientific publications they don’t even know what they are. There are many, many criteria for publications and the ranking of a medical journal also matters. Not every medical journal is the same. Jesus. My suggestion is to find better schools, where they don’t test you on multiple choice questions like they do in the US. Perhaps you’d be less ignorant by now. But that’s wishful thinking on my side. 

Last one. Actually I had a dream in 2012 about this. Pamela had one the same night too, apparently. Very similar one because, you know, we love to dream essentially. At there end of the dream I was being chased by Ivan and I was running away and he grabbed me and then I woke up. In that dream I saw "John Titor" as well. He had this uniform that looked like I don't know onesies and it was blue. I remember very clearly that it was blue and I think there were some patches but it was quite big, similar to the ones the astronauts wear. 

I think that was it for me. I think – I THINK – I might have gone on for too long here. My apologies for the length of this post. I do not trust the US and definitely I do not trust Pussy Biden. Instead of warning people, getting people ready for what it’s likely coming, he instructs CNN to hide things. I have noticed because the Italian newspapers report everything and CNN is always VEILED by Pussy Biden’s administration. My advice is: RUN, RUN THE FUCK AWAY as soon as you can. Your Democrat government doesn’t give a shit about you or me or anyone else. Then shit happens and the Democrats start accusing others of not (their favourite phrase) “SAVING LIVES”. He knows what’s coming and he is deliberately choosing to lie to you. So…RUN. Am I wrong? Then prove it! I have dedicated years of my life to this story and never before have I been so sure of what is coming. I may still be wrong, yes, but if what I have been seeing for years is correct then shit is gonna hit the fan. When? I don’t know but it will. They know it all because of this “time displacement program”, they even did drills in 2019, and they are hiding it from you. 



Burn your TV with CNN in it and run. That is my advice to you. RUN.



-        Stella C 

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