Fake nuclear warnings

About 3 weeks ago or so I received a weird message on my old TripAdvisor account. I believe I already said this on another earlier post, but I cancelled my old TripAdvisor account back in February after I was censored (of course) by the leftists for questioning an answer as to why Costa Rica was requiring insurance from non-vaccinated people. I basically said that I, myself, got sick one month exactly after the 3 dose and was sick for weeks, questioning this man who said: “without the vaccine you’re more likely to catch the virus”. My post was deleted by TripAdvisor.  Why am I saying this? To give some “context” as to what happened next. I have been pondering the decision to post this for some time because I wasn’t sure, and it felt like it wasn’t a great idea. However, I ever since realised that I don’t believe it so why not posting it? Here it goes. 


Despite the fact that my profile was deactivated by TripAdvisor upon my request, all reviews there are still showing, and the profile can STILL receive private messages. The profile has definitely been deactivated because I can no longer access it, but for some reason everything stayed online. On 25th of October I received a private message on that account that I could not access. Here is the email alerting me of this:




The message came from this profile that goes by the name of “Logan K H”. Perhaps John Williams’ real name in his own world line? I have no idea, I am just taking the piss:



Now, the message is about an old review of mine that I wrote after my trip to Chernobyl, in Ukraine in September 2021. I was one of the lucky people who got to visit the place and also the power plant place before the war and during the pandemic, making it all the way into the control room #4. Yes, that is the control room of the reactor that exploded in 1986. The question, as you can see, was on the review for reactor #4. Totally random. However, it got me intrigued because the profile seemed to be brand new, created in October 2022 (presumably with the scope of getting in contact), and it was raised on this particular review, which was posted a long time ago about a place that is now closed for the most part (I don’t think they bring tourists there anymore). Also, there are over 150 other reviews and just my profile itself had more than 500 reviews in total, so why picking this one? It was one of those “gut feelings” for me because I felt like something didn’t quite add up and I started asking myself lots of questions, as I usually do since I am a “critical thinker”. Since I could not access the message, but I could see who contacted me, I created another account on TripAdvisor and got in contact with this profile, asking what was his questions and what he wanted to know about Chernobyl – and here is the whole “conversation” (well most of it):




The person was only responding to me once per day, usually at lunchtime my time (probably located in the US where it was morning time) and wasn’t saying much. I would probably go as far as saying that these messages didn’t make much sense. Surely, it could have been someone who was genuinely asking a question but, in my personal experience, this doesn’t happen frequently at all, and the questions are usually related to logistics or other information that you cannot find online, for example “how did you get there during Covid” or “what company did you use” or “what is it like in real life”. Basic questions that ask for someone’s personal experience. Why would you randomly message someone to ask for the “history of the place”? Am I missing something? Like I said, it could have easily been some dysfunctional American (like many of them) asking random questions but something just doesn’t add up. Couldn’t they just Google it? I mean, it’s not like the history of the place is a secret matter or anything. It is online, there are many, many sites that speak about the Chernobyl disaster, why the bloody hell are you coming to ME? One other thing that bothers me is this particular phrase he used “I guess if you can’t do that I really don’t know what to do at that point”. This bugs me, I will be honest. It felt like this person wanted to communicate something else, like “if you cannot understand what I am trying to say to you, then I don’t know what else I can do”. This is what it reads to me but, again, I could very well be wrong. I am just giving you my opinion. So why does this bug me? Apart from the reasons I have just given, there is something else which is related to the fact that the question came on this specific review. Since I am constantly being judged by bipolar ‘muricans on Redditt who call ME crazy (ah!), I will give you my chain of thoughts so you can get a glimpse into what it is that has been bothering me about this review ordeal. Follow this:


Ø  What is reactor number 4? To put it simply, it was the reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant that exploded on the night of 26th of April 1986. 

Ø  Why did it explode? I believe, if I remember correctly (if not please excuse me, I ain’t no physicist) it was due to a combination of human error and design flow. 

Ø  What happened then? A nuclear explosion followed by a fallout that affected Europe


So now we go back to the original question, the very first question I asked:


Ø  What is reactor # 4? The site of a NUCLEAR DISASTER


There you have it. This is why it has been bugging me. Not only, but if you see the chain of communication with this individual you can see that my last question was asking whether he was trying to warn me of a nuclear disaster. Guess what happened afterwards? HE BLOCKED ME. Yup. He did. Now, yes I was being condescending (I apologise), simply because I wanted to see whether this would provoke a reaction and whether or not he was a genuine person. However, still none of this makes sense. Had it been a question on any other review I would have honestly thought nothing of it. So why did I post this now if I originally didn’t want to? Well, because I don’t believe it. If what I think is correct, then I just don’t believe it. It kind of pisses me off that someone would go this length to lie to me. If it is one of them again, they found my TripAdvisor profile through a script, the usual bullshit but I don’t think that was even the case here. This TripAdvisor profile had nothing to do with this story and it didn’t have anything like the stuff I usually have as nickname such as “stellita884”. It was a nickname randomly generated by TripAdvisor itself. So how they found me is beyond my understanding however, if I am correct in my thinking, then I have literally ZERO privacy. It means that every single thing I do online (and I truly hope this is where it stops) is found and read. Yes, whatever you post online is public domain BUT everyone, even online, is entitled to SOME privacy. I can post things with a random nickname, it doesn’t mean everyone has to know it is ME. I have no fucking idea how my TripAdvisor profile was detected but it is fucking SCARY as FUCK. Is my phone being tapped then? Are all of my pics being downloaded? Is every single movement I make in real life being checked ?????? WHY?!?!?!?!?


No, I am not fucking schizophrenic. This is real. Look, had this warning been a real deal I would not have gotten upset, assuming my phone isn’t being tapped. What really angers me is the LYING, this whole lying thing that I don’t understand. I don’t get what pleasure these people get in coming to me to tell me things that will never happen or lie to me like this. Like when John Rodriguez was lying about the solar flares. WHY? What pleasure do they get out of this? Out of my own misery? Does that make their DICKS look bigger? And by bigger I mean, MUCH, MUCH bigger? Horse style sort of big? I don’t know. May-BE. I mean, I don’t think their dicks can get any tinier at this point, right?


I posted because I wanted them to see this and tell me what pleasure they get out of these clear lies and WHY THEY KEEP LYING TO ME!!!!!! I would like to know. It is very clear that “nothing, absolutely fucking nothing” is going to happen here so why this? Assuming I am right (and probably am, I have a good gut feeling), then why do you keep lying to me like this???????????????????? Fuck you. I did nothing to deserve this teasing and lying. But, as usual, they will say nothing at all. Do I want a warning? Yes, of course I do, but I want a REAL one not that comes from serious individuals I don’t want one like this one that either comes from the DEALER in Mexico or the fucking PERVO in Wisconsin. It’s one of those two. Since neither of them can be trusted one bit, then this whole thing must be fake… and IT IS fake. It’s just another move to provoke me which isn’t fair on me at all. They all know how much I want to go to Costa Rica, and it hurts me, but do you think these messages are believable enough for me to drop everything and go? Of course not. I bet the WI PERVO (if it’s him) did this as revenge because I rejected him. YUP. I am not rubbing this to his face (believe me, I would love to) but I just didn’t feel anything for him, I didn’t feel that way for him at all. He was too needy to be a man. He was always saying shit like I want to get married, have a baby, have “someone to grow old with”, someone to cuddle…bleeeeeeaahhh!! It’s disgusting and revolting, this neediness. It makes me want to puke. I hate the idea of cuddling with anyone. I HATE BEING TOUCHED WITHOUT A VALID REASON. The thought of spending my whole life with him gave me HIGH LEVEL anxiety and this weird claustrophobic feeling. He is like an American Pussy, there are so many pussy men in the US. He is a very good example of one. They fear travelling, they are scared of going anywhere unless they are accompanied, they are needy and touchy and all of those disgusting things that people do over there. He was even scared of getting on a plane, I mean seriously, what kind of “man” are you? Now this champion thought it would be wise to provoke me with fake news and warnings. Well done, I still don’t want you though. And please, GROW A REAL PAIR, the one you’re clearly lacking as a man. I don’t know why these people are even picked for missions in the first place. I mean seriously look at them. Total embarrassment. This is why I am resigned to the idea of spending the rest of my life alone. I can’t stomach the thought of being with a pussy. I want a REAL MAN, like a tough one who knows what he wants and knows how to fight, one that still has respectable values not this weak banana who is worth absolutely jack shit. 


One other thing I would like to clarify is something I wrote on my previous post, the one before this one (to add some “context”). I would like to clarify that I don’t go on trips to do criminal stuff, just to make it clear. I said I was almost arrested at the airport security in Russia in 2019 but that’s because I was told by security that I had a knife in my camera bag. I was confused at first then freaked out later thinking maybe someone put it there when my bag was left at the hotel that morning. I left it there whilst I went around Moscow one last time and then picked it up before I went to the airport. No, I don’t put knives in my bags!!! I have travelled to many, many countries you think I don’t know the rules? The camera bag only had a lens, the camera obviously and a filter so not sure where and how the shape of a knife popped up on their screens, but it did. I took everything apart and they still didn’t seem convinced then finally let me go. I went to the lounge and just ate and drank to my own death almost because 2 of my colleagues suffered very bad food poisoning at a planned dinner the day I arrived and I freaked the fuck out so I either avoided eating when I could or ate at McDonald’s (they still had them then). So, this is the recap. I wrote this specifically because I wanted to make it clear as I am sure there are some American “malignant tongues” out there already spreading incorrect rumours about me. 


So, yeah, I wanted to write this because I don’t think it’s fair to me that you tease me without reason. Spying on me, monitoring me and now even teasing me with fake warnings. How low can you get? You can see they all work for Pussy Biden, (PB) the elderly pussy. Sorry, yeah I cannot stand him. He almost bankrupted the US to do what? To then push for negotiations in a move that will fuck all countries over. All of them. Because he is scared of fighting like a man. Not surprised this is now coming from a man who replaced Talibans with Talibans. Just sayin’. Why should we trust any of the deals he wants to push upon countries? I think his dementia is far too advanced to understand and deal with such a complex situation. I mean as long as he hides and pushes countries to negotiate his job is done. He thinks every other country is a pussy, but hasn’t looked at himself in the mirror. He pushes us to hate one another, he is forcing cancel culture against other countries while he, behind our backs, kisses their asses. Those are the Democrats for ya. He is now resuming talks on this nuclear deal they have with Russia. Basically, he is inviting what he says (to us) is his enemy (Russia) during war times to have a look at his entire nuclear arsenal. Have you ever heard of Churchill inviting Hitler over to show him his whole collection of planes that he was going to use in the Battle of Britain? No? Well, because Churchill considered Hitler to be an enemy. True, PB will never fight like Churchill because….well he…is…a…pussy but still, doesn’t this contradict what he always preached? That we should hate the Russians because they are enemies? He wants to push us to believe Russians are the enemies while he kisses their asses behind our backs, as I said. The man cannot be trusted. I am not on any side, I am just pointing out how fucking hypocritical these Democrats can be. His whole administration is full of spineless women, pussy puppets and tiny dicks. 

Let the Democrats cancel me!!!!! I don’t care.


I understand that I am a bit rough but I’m honestly tired. I just wanna go to Costa Rica. I know I’ve said it a thousand times but I just don’t know what to do. I even asked a tarot reader if I will ever make it there, this is how fucked I am at the moment. You may say why don’t you go then? Well because I can’t DUH. I unfortunately have things here until at least next year and then I would still have other things that will continue. The only real way for me to go is to say fuck, fuck to everything and just take off but even this is not easy at the moment. These are my options, in order of how easy they would be to achieve:

1)     Just take off and go, leave job and everything then start a new life

2)     Get a visa with a job etc etc

3)     Marry someone there (cut me first)

4)     The apocalypse happens and I can just fucking go, alas


The 4th option is pretty much impossible this is why it’s down the list. However, if the apocalypse does come then everything we know would become irrelevant. This is the only reason why the apocalypse would be good, to teach this greedy people in society that you may want MORE but you ain’t getting it no more. At some point, for me, it will be either freedom or death. I don’t want to be in this society anymore, I hate it. People here have fucked values I do not sign up to and are just greedy. The last two weeks I have seen this greediness with my own eyes. Especially in the UK. People are so obsessed with their horrible properties that they just want to rob on your face thinking they have everything. In reality their houses suck ass because houses here aren’t worth the enormous amount of cash you fork out to buy them and their jobs only pay for their miserable existence. They live to pay their debts and they can’t even see it. Loan to buy a kitchen, loan to buy a car, loan to buy a sofa, loans loans loans. Your life is tied to your bank account and will be like that for the rest of your terrible, terrible existence. When I point this out, I am told “this is life”. No darling, this is YOUR life, not mine. We want more and more and more and we have lost all of our humanity in the race for it. I want to go back to a simple life, where I wake up every morning smelling coffee and I go to sleep with the sound of the ocean. I want to know that I can still feel things, that I am still human and not this ball of greediness like people in this country. I just want to be human and be able to speak, say things without ceasing to exist. You cannot do this in the UK.  It is my greatest dream. People say I have it all and are probably thinking I am just a whining bitch. If I have it all and my life is so amazing then tell me why do I crawl into bed every lunch break and cry my eyes out? Why? Because I hate this society and I want out. Am I the only one who feels like this? I struggle deeply because everyone around me just doesn’t get me. Doesn’t get my struggles. When I try to break away using this story people think I am being insane. As a result, I just pulled out. I barely see people because I can’t relate to them, I cannot relate to the greediness of this society. I just can’t. I don’t believe in these stupid values the mass media want to push on me. I don’t sign up to this culture and, as a result of this, I must apparently suffer. I see a war as my only ticket to freedom and the only way to build a better society with solid, rigorous values. I am sorry this is what I think. Didn’t John Titor think the same way? Sometimes I feel like I AM the only one. 


This being said, I wish for a REAL warning every day of my life. Maybe nothing will happen but if it does (as it is my hope) I want a real warning, something that is credible, timely and clear. Otherwise, I cannot use it. I mean, what the hell am I supposed to do with this? I don’t even know if it is real (probably it is a lie) and it was also a very convoluted way to deliver it. As I said to someone (who reads my messages but doesn’t respond), I don’t care if I cannot “go with them”, I don’t care if they want to take Pammy instead. Do it. All I want is a VERY credible warning so that I can just go. Yes, to Costa Rica! Obviously, you will get something in return from me:


1)     Nothing will be published. Whatever you send me as warning will stay with me. It will never come out

2)     You will have my complete withdrawal from the story. If it is what you have been hoping for, then all you have to do is make the call and send the warning. 

3)     You can ignore the warnings saying you cannot contact me through this blog (only if you are the right and genuine person)


I hope you will accept my offers and I hope I will get a real warning with no more lying or teasing. I just wanna go to Costa Rica. It is not much to ask for, is it? I am even ready to give everything up, even after all these years in this story and all the posts. I will continue asking the Universe for this because I know It will grant my wish eventually, It always does. 


Since the original aim of this post was to ask why they are teasing me with fake nuclear disaster warnings, I will leave you with this picture:



This is the control room of reactor # 4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Yes, this is own my picture and no, it hasn’t been edited (but it was formatted to fit this page) so you can criticise my photography (on top of all other things you all hate about me) all you want, feel free. 



-        Stella (stellita884) 

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